Lend Me Your Shoulder

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A soft sighed escape his mouth as his eyes flickered at the stars above him. Night time may not be his favorite but it was the only time where he could distinguish the sick feelings inside of him. His hands trembled as he hugged his knees, bring them close to his chest.

Surprisingly, he managed to stand the coldness wind around him despite wearing a non sleeveless shirt. Maybe because he was always blazing with fire inside of him. Still, it didn't take too long until he made a fire with some woods and his power.

Again, he sighed. Insomnia was really a thing. It wasn't because of his energetic self that stopped him from sleeping. A nightmare crept his mind to the point it made him scared to sleep again.


He was startled, snapping his head behind him. He blinked to see someone he didn't expected that would wake up at this kind of hour. Especially considering this person was someone who have a hard time to wake up.

Ais rubbed his sleepy eyes, yawning softly before making his way towards Blaze. "Why are you still up? It's midnight."

"I should be asking you that." Blaze retorted, avoiding eye contact with him. "You always slept like a polar bear and refused to wake up. How are you even up at this hour?"

Ais shrugged, taking a seat besides Blaze. "I got thirsty." As he warmed up himself to the fire, his eyes glanced at Blaze who was focusing on fire in front of them. "What about you? Why are you awake?" He asked softly, concerning laced in his voice.

Blaze kept quiet. He chuckled softly, hiding his face between his knees. He tried to hide the trembling he felt so Ais won't noticed it. He didn't want Ais to know he couldn't sleep because of his nightmare.

Despite the two were polar opposites of each other, the two of them were the closest considering they both manifested at the same time during their first tiers form. Even though they both did have some arguments and disagreements during their first fight together, in the end they made a pretty awesome team.

Because of their close bond, Blaze didn't have a heart to tell Ais. He didn't want to worry Ais about his nightmare, especially when it involved him too. He just stood there, trembling slightly of reminiscing back one of the scene.

Ais gaze at Blaze, unintentionally stretched his hand. He touched Blaze's shoulder which made the latter flinched in surprised. Ais still kept his gaze at him, his eyes flickered with warm in it.

"Blaze...did you have a nightmare?"

Blaze froze. He laughed lightly and still buried his head in his knees. Of course, he could never hide anything from the polar bear. Ais always could read anyone's mind because Ais was open-minded. His personality was calmness, making it easier for him to detect anyone that was in a distress state.

The other part was Ais have knew him. He knew everything about Blaze, to the point Blaze didn't realized about it. There's no point in keeping a secret if Ais would be the first person to catch him.

Reluctantly, Blaze lifted his head and nodded. His hands trembled and he tried to fight back a sob from escaping his mouth. Ah, this was one of the part he hates when he was with Ais.

Blaze would cry easily when Ais found him having problems.

He didn't like it. It was like he was showing a weak side of him to Ais. He was Blaze after all. The energetic and easily fumed elemental. His power was a hindrance, considering he was manifested due to the source of stress in life.

For Ais, he was manifested with force due to his power was the only way to stop the chaos. Fire was weak against water. That thought made Blaze thinking he was weaker than Ais. And that thought made him sometimes shut himself from Ais.

However, Ais never think that. He was always there for Blaze no matter what. He didn't care if Blaze would be angry or burn things (Correction, Ais would be mad since he had to douse the fire), but Blaze was still his brother. He cared for Blaze and would do anything for him.

That's why, in the darkness of the night, Ais smiled softly and wrapped his arms around the fire elemental, giving a soft squeeze. He stroked Blaze's hair which made Blaze froze.

"Let it out...you're not alone, Blaze." Ais muttered, hugging Blaze tightly. "You're not alone."

Blaze's body trembled, he couldn't take it anymore. Ais' managed to push his button and he finally burst. He let out his tears falling through his cheeks as he cried in the soft arms around him. He cried and screamed, sometimes he hiccuped but Ais didn't mind. Ais smiled and kept hugging Blaze.

Blaze didn't have to tell Ais what his nightmares were. Ais just wanted to let Blaze know something.

"I'm always here, Blaze. You're not alone. I will always be with you."

In the midst of the night, Blaze finally smiled gratefully in his brother's hug. He only needs someone's shoulder to cry.

Blice siblings moment, I love these two. You know, when Api started appearing because of Boboiboy's stress, I always wondered the pain he felt during the night times. Blaze's nightmare was about him burning everything in his touch and hurting the people he loves.

Don't worry, Blaze. Ais is always with you. And your other brothers too~
Sorry for not uploading much, I have too many assignments (T_T)

I tried not to use dialogues much haha. And I need more practice.

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