Being Together is More Fun

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Dang, I forgot about your request LaraKat13
I tried making it fluff and sweet~ I had fun writing this.
P/S: it's quite long because I wrote this while thinking of my essay test that I had no idea what to expect-
Also the roller coaster part is inspired by Boboiboy's Official instagram as well the haunted house from arieeya senpie's twitter or instagram!

Also I didn't recheck the grammars so- have fun.

Blaze sighed. He was in a big pinched moment right now.

It was choice of a lifetime. If he failed, it would destroy his lovely youth session. This decision was the fate of his future and universe. He had to make it quick but only one problem.

It was hard for him to choose.

Dang, he should have gone through it carefully. Maybe if he had taken some mental notes from his trusting brother (Taufan), he wouldn't be in this crisis state. He should have taken Thorn with him too for emergency moments like this.

His eyes gaze at his watch. Freak, he only have a few minutes spare. He bit his bottom lip, seemingly confused on his decision.

Giving in, he turned to his only hope.

"Hey Ais, should I go for the Chicken Slice Extra Cheese Sandwich or the Super Double Chicken Cheeseburger?"

Ais gave a 'what-the-heck' look. He was tempted to stuck a bow at his idiotic twin's head.

Yes, Blaze was in a crisis on choosing his lunch menu for the day. Usually he would have his lunch box but Gempa had some errands he needed to take care of before school started so he didn't have time making lunch for them. Hence, the reason Blaze for standing in front of the cafeteria counter with dragging a sleepy Ais with him.

Ais already ordered his food. He just ordered a tuna sandwich and orange juice. In fact, Ais already almost finished having his lunch from the long wait of Blaze's idiocy.

In the end, Blaze ordered the Chicken Slice Extra Cheese Sandwich after almost getting strangled by the polar bear. Mind you, Ais was tempted to freeze him and leaving so he could continue back in his dreamland.

The two finally walked away, making the students behind them cheered in euphoric. They could finally have their lunches after waiting for Blaze standing in front of the counter for minutes. If Blaze didn't have powers and wasn't the type that get mad easily, they probably would pummeled him to the ground.

In a corner of the cafeteria, a certain pair of grey eyes glanced up from his book and rolled his eyes the moment his two brothers finally caught up to them. He put his book away as his lips formed a tight frown.

"What took you two so long?" He asked, pushing up his orange visor. "Everyone has almost finished their food, especially Gopal."

Blaze grinned guiltily while Ice sighed in frustration. He rolled his eyes before he took a seat besides the youngest septuplet. "Blame this idiot. He took minutes to choose between two food."

"Hey! It was a lifetime choice!" Blaze pouted, taking a seat besides Taufan who was eating his pasta. Taufan glanced at the sandwich in Blaze's hand.

He whistled. "Ooh~ nice, dude! That looks so good!"

"Thanks, dude! See! I'm glad I made the right choice."

Ice facepalmed. He didn't want to believe that these two were his big brothers (only for a few minutes). He questioned the sanity their mother had while pregnant with seven fetus.

Poor Mr. Amato and his wife. The mother never wanted to get pregnant again after the birth of their septuplets.

Back to the story.

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