My Wish

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Stargazing was something Tanah didn't think he would do it during midnight, not when he would cherished his sleeping schedule as he needs to get up early and do the house chores.

In fact, it's just that, he really wished that wishing upon a shooting star could really grant people wishes. Then, maybe he could get rid the uncomfortable feelings he was having at the moment.

The stars were really beautiful and Tanah's eyes never gazed away from the silent night he was enjoying. The soft breeze hitting his skin as he curled himself, hugging his knees near his chest and hummed a soft tune.

It was so calming that he really hoped this peaceful time he had would last forever.

"Tanah? Is that you?"

Not turning around, he nodded. Then he realized that with the darkness around, there was no way his nodding would be seen so he spoke, "Yeah, it's me."

"What's up, Ochobot?"

Ochobot flew towards him, gently placing himself on the green grass as he looked at his owner in question. "I should be asking you that. Why aren't you asleep yet?" He asked, curious.

Tanah shrugged, hugging his knees tightly as his eyes still kept on the stars above. He hummed, closing his eyes.

"Do you think shooting stars exists, Ochobot?" He asked, it was a mumble but Ochobot could grasp Tanah's question clearly.

Ochobot gave a perplexed look to him. "Well, it's just a comet so it doesn't exist."

Tanah smiled, opening his eyes back. He already knew the answer but hearing it from Ochobot on proving it just ache his heart. Shooting starts don't exist. But I really want to make a wish, he thought, fighting the melancholy feelings inside his mind.

Ochobot sensed the mood change around Tanah and flew up, his hand gently touching his shoulder.

"Why do you ask? Do you want to make a wish?"

Tanah kept quiet until he nodded, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "I know wishing for something sounds childish but...I just really hope it'll come true."

Ochobot hummed, following Tanah's gaze towards the dark sky being surrounded by billions of stars.

"What is your wish?" He asked, curious.

Tanah picked up a pebble besides him with his left hand and threw the pebble up, catching it his hand again. He repeated the same action many times, being lost in his thoughts before sighing and crushing the pebble in one hand.

"I be stronger." He whispered, his hair softly swaying with the breeze of the cold wind hitting him. He didn't mind the coldness he was feeling.

As long his heart could be calm again, he didn't mind. It was peaceful.

However, Ochobot managed to hear his words and grew concern towards his wish. "Tanah, you're already strong. You're the second strongest in team and also the leader!" He exclaimed, feeling proud for his owner.

Tanah just smiled and shook his head. "It's still not enough, Ochobot. It's not enough..." He muttered, gripping another pebble and doing the same action he did a moment ago.

"There'll be a time where we will face an enemy again. And that time...maybe victory won't side with us." He stated, crunching the pebble in his left, watching the dust being swiped away by the wind. "I might lose them, Ochobot. I don't want that..."

Ochobot became silent until he voiced out his question. "Who are them?"

"My brothers." He replied, trembling as he swallowed the big lump in his throat, his heart aching. "I don't want that, Ochobot. I don't-"

"Tanah." Ochobot sighed, patting his shoulder. "They're not weak. I didn't give you guys powers if you think everyone won't survive."

"Your brothers will always have their ways to make sure we win and they also have your back too, Tanah!" He exclaimed, smiling reassuringly towards Tanah.

Ochobot knew no one would be left behind. No matter what, as long they were together, they could win.

"Have some faith, Tanah! Besides, don't underestimate your brothers. They might kill you if they heard your words." He joked, which was true.

The other day, Petir and Angin did their best to not strangle Tanah for worrying too much of their wellbeing. Api and Air had to calm Tanah down when Tanah felt he was a fail leader. Daun and Cahaya took Tanah to the garden in hoping Tanah would be happy again after he told them he didn't want anyone to be left behind.

Tanah just continued gazing at the sky, letting Ochobot's words sunk in. He still wasn't confident with himself yet.

"Let's go to sleep. You'll get cranky if you don't sleep soon."

"I'm alright...I just need more time to calm my mind. Good night, Ochobot."

Ochobot sighed. Tanah had a really thick mind where he wouldn't budge until his thoughts would calm for once. With that, Ochobot bid Tanah a goodnight before flying away and leaving the earth elemental alone.

Once Ochobot was gone, Tanah's eyes gazed at the palm of his hands before clenching them tightly. He smiled softly.

"I'll make sure to protect everyone no matter what. I'll support them, helping them do their best to succeed their targets." He stated, standing up and his eyes directed towards the sky again.

He hoped he wouldn't fail.

He would protect his brothers at any cost and make sure, his brothers will continue moving forward towards their future.

And he'll be behind them, supporting them no matter what.

That was his promise.


Long time no see ^^ How have you guys been? Hope your 2021 starts out good and really positive hehe.

Anyone miss me? Definitely no uwu

Sorry for being inactive. I had write blocks but after writing a few fanfics in Twitter, I managed to get back into writing. And this book will be on hiatus for a while until I can complete my other book. I need some siblings content and that book is my ticket haha.

As for the requests, sorry for taking too long. I'll try to get it done soon once I can find a way to improve my writing.

I need to write other characters too that's not Tanah/Gempa. After being in Twitter, I really miss the Kokotiam Gang huhu. Ori BBB needs more screen time here haha.

Thanks for reading~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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