Fire Noodles Challenge

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First, thanks for the rank 3 in #Boboiboy! It will dropped soon from the rank so I'mma be happy for now uwu

I've been binging watching "mukbang" videos on youtube and I feel like writing a Boboiboy version XD.
It'll be in dialogues.

Troublemaker Trio VS Cool Trio
Quake is the cameraman.

Settings: At the dining table with the Troublemaker Trio on the right while the Cool Trio on the left.

Thorn: Have you start the recording?

Quake: Wait, almost. *adjusting the camera* Alright! In the count of three and we will start!

Blaze: I'm excited!

Cyclone: Me too! I can't wait to beat Thunder.

Thunderstorm: *Glares at Cyclone* I bet you wouldn't even finish it.

Ice: Well, I'm scared...I can hear my stomach crying...

Solar: Hm~ I can't wait to read the comments. I'm having a hard time believing Thorn would invite us all for his video this time.

Thorn: Hehe~ I wanted to do a challenge and many of my subscribers recommend the fire noodle challenge!

Quake: Okay! In 3, 2, 1, ACTION!

*Recording starts*

Thorn: *Wave his hands* Hi everyone! Thorn reporting for duty here! Welcome back to my channel and like I promised before, I brought my brothers with me today!! Say hello, guys!

Cyclone: HELLO~!! *Waves hands frantically*

Blaze: WASSUP BRO!! *Strives a fist upwards*

Ice: *Waves hand*

Thunderstorm: Hm.

Solar: Hello my wonderful fans~

Thunderstorm: *nudges Solar's ribs* They're Thorn's fans idiot.

Thorn: On my right, this is Cyclone and Blaze! And on the left side, that is Ice, Thunderstorm and Solar! *Points his finger as he spoke their names*

Thorn: *points at the camera* And~ the one who's filming this is my brother too, Quake! Quakey! Say hello~!

Quake: *Shows a peace sign at the camera* Hi!

Thorn: Aww! Show your face too!

Quake: Nah, I'm good! Don't mind me~

Thorn: OwO

Thorn: Okay~ *clap his hands* So, in my last video, I asked everyone to comment on what challenge I should do today and many of you recommended me the fire noodle challenge!

Cyclone: *puts six packets of fire noodle on the table*

Thorn: *Takes one packet* Okay, I have never tried this food before and I see many youtubers out there have done this challenge! For today, my brothers will eat and see which team will be the fastest to finish their noodles!

TMT: Team Troublemaker Trio!

Solar: Versus Team Cool Trio!! *Glares at Thunderstorm and Ice* Why am I the only enthusiastic here?!

Thunderstorm: The only reason I'm here is because Quake will burry me alive if I make Thorn cry.

Ice: I'm just here for food.

Solar: Listen you two, we will win this!!

Blaze: *snort* I like to see you try, suckers!


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