Reverberating Voices

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As I walk through the valley,
all I see is a path drenched in darkness.
Corruption, rape cases, terrorism are on tv,
people killing people, where's humanity?

A man abuses a woman to get what he wants,
he craves for pleasure so he'd forget mercy for awhile.
A powerful person was involved in a crime,
yet the innocent is the one living behind bars.

Wars are waged, battles are on,
all because they think others' beliefs are wrong.
Some people are blinded by the shimmer of diamonds,
so they would elect someone who knew nothing but corruption.

Money couldn't buy love, it couldn't buy happiness,
but money could buy your dignity, make you feel less.
It could buy loyalty, justice and even sex,
just name your price if you want to get out of your mess.

I want to cry for others' tragedy
hoping that every teardrop would lessen their agony.
I want to reach out and make a change,
but i'm just a girl, voiceless and trapped in my own cage.

Should I just sit here and wait,
ignore the urge to stand, fight, and say a word?
they say I'm delusional, they say I'm conceited,
but tell me, is it a bad thing if you still have trust in this world?

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