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Cisco's pov: I was in the pipeline sitting there staring at my phone screen. It was a picture of me and Caitlin, god how could I have been so stupid to let her take the fall for everything. 
I look up to see Barry standing at the entrance "we'll get her back" he says and walks over and sits down next to me. "what if we don't? this is all my fault!" I say frustrated and accidentally drop my phone. "it's no ones fault" Felicity says walking by Barry laughs and I take a deep breath. "I was there the night Reverse Flash showed up at Star Labs..." I say "what?" he says getting angry
"let me explain, the reason we came here that night was because I needed to pick something up from my workshop and Caitlin was looking for her jacket she had left here. She went up to the roof to look for it and found the picture you were holding earlier that day. She put it in her pocket and we were going to leave but the picture flew off so she went to get it back but she slipped and almost fell off the roof. That's why I called you although she didn't want me to call you... i'm not sure why, anyway she almost fell but all of a sudden we were back inside. Reverse Flash "rescued"  her and he hung up on you then left right before  you showed up. I told Caitlin not to tell you because we knew how you'd react, I should have come clean earlier and not let her take the fall so she maybe wouldn't have gotten taken. I know we should have told you but-" I rambled on but he cut me off "I get it I honestly do, as much as I hate admitting it Thawne did me a favor that night he killed my mom. If he hadn't I wouldn't have went to live with Joe and Iris or met you and Caitlin so it worked out" he said "worked out in a messed up evil kinda way" I said he just laughed. 

"hate to break up this hard core bromance moment but it's almost 8 pm" Felicity said speaking through the speakers. Me and Barry bro hug it out and head to The Cortex "so you two need to let me in on the plan" I said and they started explaining it to me.

Meanwhile in the accelerator
Ronnie's pov: I heard someone on the speaker saying it was almost time so I set the timer on the accelerator for exactly 25 minutes. I figured in case Barry doesn't save Caitlin in time i'd turn on the accelerator and save her myself. I check my watch and its 7:58 pm, two minutes until Barry reveals himself. I heard Barry saying he was about to leave "Barry wait!" I yell running towards him "what is it Ronnie? and where were you?" he asks "take me with you, I can help" I say "no its to dangerous" Barry replies "you are wasting time arguing with me it's 7:59 he said be there at eight a'clock sharp so just take-" I continued but we were already there "happy?" he asks sarcastically.

At Keystone City
"oh you brought a friend, how sweet. You can witness your wife die" Reverse Flash said "what do you want me to do?" Barry asks "no! Barry don't-" Caitlin says but Reverse Flash slaps her so she doesn't talk "hey! hey! keep your hands off her or else our deal is off!" Barry says raising his voice. It was at this exact moment I realized Barry had feelings for her.
I guess I spaced out because the next thing I know I was on the ground "Ronnie!" Caitlin yells and tries to come towards me but Thawne keeps her still by yanking her arm. "are you ok?" Barry asks I nod "enough of this! I will film you in your Flash costume taking off your mask and revealing yourself to the world, k?" he says "do I have a choice?" Barry asks mad "she can die if you want" he vibrates his hand to kill her "NO!" I yell and blast him with a gun I had Cisco make me. I get up and run towards Caitlin and untie her hands Barry runs toward Thawne and approaches him with meta human dampening cuffs. but he runs back with a knife ready to kill Caitlin I push her out of the way...

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