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I just wanted to stay with Barry forever. "Cait we should go back in or at least tell Cisco so we can leave" Barry told Caitlin as she tried not to fall asleep on his shoulder.
Barry could tell Caitlin was falling asleep so he texted Cisco and told him he was gonna take Caitlin home.
Barry carefully picked Caitlin up bridal style and ran her home. She was half asleep when Barry put her down on her bed "Cait I have to go back with Cisco" Barry said but Caitlin grabbed his arm "don't leave me please" she said. He couldn't decide what to do at first but then decided he'd stay with Caitlin until he fell asleep then run back to the movies to get Cisco.
Barry pulled up a chair and sat there until Caitlin fell asleep then he got up and ran back to the theater.

Cisco has been waiting for Barry outside "so what you two left me?" Cisco joked "I dropped her off now come on I'll drop you off and then leave her car at her house" Barry said and they went to the car. When Barry realized "Caitlin doesn't have her phone it's still at Star Labs. I can't leave her alone what of someone or something happens" Barry said worried "ok calm down I'll drive home and I'll just take her car to Star Labs tomorrow and you go to make sure she's ok" Cisco said
"Thanks man you are the best" Barry said and sped off to Caitlin's apartment to find her on the couch watching tv. "Barry what are you doing here again?" Caitlin asked confused "what are you doing up? I left you in your bed" Barry asked "couldn't sleep..." she mumbled. Barry sat next to her "talk to me, what's going on?" Barry asked.
Suddenly the chandelier fell from the ceiling and the lights turned off. "Cait?" Barry asked and all of a sudden he was frozen to the wall he couldn't escape. The lights turned on and a evil version of Caitlin was next to someone in a huge blue and black suit. The blue suit person grabbed Caitlin by the neck and was chocking her "No! Stop! Don't kill her" Barry yelled scared not being able to do anything.
"Killing her does nothing for me" the blue suited person said putting Caitlin down.
"But it does for her" he said pointing at the frosty Caitlin. And she blasted Caitlin with ice Caitlin crashed into a shelf, then she used her powers to keep her against the wall and formed an icicle and centered it in front of her heart.
"NO!" Barry yelled finally breaking through the ice and he sped and kicked frosty Caitlin.
Barry vibrated his hand and was about to kill her! "You would never kill her. Barry Allen doesn't kill, especially Caitlin Snow's doppelgänger" Blue suites person said and Barry didn't hesitate to kill her "no!" The blue suites person said and ran over to Caitlin "you kill mine I'll kill yours" he said stabbing Caitlin with a knife from the kitchen. "Even" he said and grabbed frosty and ran off.
Barry gently grabbed Caitlin and ran her to the hospital. When Barry arrived into her room Cisco was there on a bed "Cisco? What happened to you?" Barry asked "Killer Frost happened. She almost killed me then some blue suites maniac stabbed me" Cisco said.
Holy crap... the same people attack Caitlin and Cisco obviously because of Barry but why then and not Barry himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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