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„So what did Beth want yesterday?" I sat on the steps outside next to Rio.

„She though we took her kid." he shook his head.

„Ain't no money in that" I said in a duh tone and age my cereal.

„That's what I said." he chuckled.

„Why do you still have contact with her anyway?" I saw the Santos staring to come around.

„Morning Prima, Morning Rio" Oscar came outside and I nod at him than look at Rio.

„They are good work." he shrugged and I shook my head. I knew Beth had something for him and I didn't like it.

„I gotta go, tennis practice ... I'll be back in an hour okay?" he wiped the milk that was on the corner of my milk and gave me a kiss before going to his car.

„Okay" I smiled at him.

After I think 20 minutes I saw the moms come. Fuck my life.

„Sit down dogs!" I yelled at the Santos. They stand up every fucking time.

"What do you want Elizabeth?" I asked already annoyed.

"Hey Ann! Hey Rubs!" I waved at them who were sitting in the car.

"I nearly got arrested!" Beth spat at me and rolled my eyes.

"Okay? How?"

"Rio gave us a job! The truck was clear but he didn't even leave a license there!"

"I'm sorry what?" I was so fucking ashamed now. She was yelling at me in front of everyone and I didn't know what she was talking about.

"You gave us another Job! I nearly got fucking arrested!" She spat at me

"Lower your voice Elizabeth!" I yelled at her.
"You can't get arrested if there is nothing in the truck dumb bitch!" I bit my lip. Rio lied again? How could he?

"Just give her the keys Beth and lets go!" Smart Annie and Ruby said but she cane closer to me and I walked back.

"Give me the keys." I looked at her.

"I have children!" She yelled

"You must love telling us that. Give me the keys Elizabeth!" I rubbed my temple.

I looked up and felt something hit my right cheek. She didn't really just threw the keys at my face-
I heard the santos gasp and I checked if there was any blood. Nah. But I'm sure there is going to be a mark later. I kneeled down and took the keys. I put them in my pocket and walked closer to her.
I pulled out my gun and grabbed her by the neck.

"That Family you always talk about? Go to em' . Take Rio with you yeah?" I looked at the car. Poor Annie and ruby.

"You wonder why you aren't dead still? It's because of that ducking family, Annie and Ruby. Now- Go home Elizabeth. What we had is done I don't know about Rio but I know for my self!" I let her go and they speed off. Soon I got a message from Annie.

Secret BFF😗✌🏻

Secret BFF😗✌🏻
Hey B! I'm sorry :(

It's okay Ann. Dw about it.

Secret BFF😗✌🏻
You sure? You seemed upset when Beth mentioned Gang-friend.

Yeah. Idk it's nvm i guess. Ttyl❤️ if you need anything text me.

I stood in place not knowing what to do. I mean put yourself in my place. Your new boyfriend promised you that he won't lie to you ever again but yet he did it. Who knows about what he is lying and what not.

„You okay?" Julio snapped me out of my thoughts.

„Mhm. What time is it?" I asked.

„8:56 pm" he looked at his watch and I nodded.
If you though it was morning because I ate cereal you were wrong... the Santos did a run that's why they came lol....

„Where are you going?" The crew asked me as I stood up.

„Kitchen." I said bluntly and walked into the kitchen.
I might have drunk a little... but not much.
I saw Rio come inside but I looked at him motionless.

„Hey love" he tried to kiss me but I moved.

„To how many girls have to said that hm?" I mean I didn't know if he was cheating I just asked it. Idk why goddammit.

„What?" he frowned.

„Oh, Beth Brough the keys baby. Here you can have them." I handed the keys to Rio.

„Baby..whats wrong?" he really is playing dumb with me.

„Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just confused why you lied again? I mean If I remember good.. you promised you won't do it again. Did you keep your promise? Nah. Why did you do a job without telling me Huh?" I shook my head and he sighed.

„Mami, It's not even something important-„ I cut him off

„Oh, but it is! It is man! I tell you every shit I'm about to do and I did but you keep lying to me! How do I know your not screwing that bit-„ this time he cut me off by yelling at me

„I'm okay with everything you yell at me for. And you are right I lied and I shouldn't! I'm okay with you telling me that but assuming me as a cheater? Come on sweetheart! Do I look like someone who would cheat?"

"Yes! What do you expect me do think huh? Rio I'm tired of you lying to me!"

"Where did you get that bruise?" He touched my cheek and I looked at his arm.

"Beth threw the keys at me." I chuckled at how dumb that sounded.

"Sorry about That. But listen I'm not a cheater okay? Baby I would do anything but never cheat!" He raised his voice and I sat up.

"Rio-"I started laughing and walking away but he cut me off.

"My name is Christopher if you forgot." This time he was mad.

"Bye." I walked out of the kitchen and he just stood there. I wanted him to run after me but he didn't. I told Oscar I will be away for the night and drove to Annie's.

I knocked on the door and as soon as she opened it I saw Beth and Ruby there too. Great.

"What's wrong?" Annie let me come inside and Ruby gave me a make-up tissue. I thanked her and wiped my make up off.

"Just rio. I just don't understand why he lied to me like. I'm stupid too-" Ruby cut me off.

"Honey..what did you tell him?"

"I though he screwed Beth again..." I looked down and they sighed.

"Oh honey..." ruby put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry for throwing the keys at you." Beth sat next to me and I cried silently.

"Didn't know gangsters have feelings." Annie whispered and I looked at her and shook my head.

"Let's get drunk!" Me and Beth said at the same time.

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