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I was walking home all fucked up. My head was hurting like hell. My eyes were red and pffufy.
Mascara all over my cheeks and I looked like I was about to die.

I saw the santos already waiting for someone probably me if Oscar told them.

"There she is!" Joker ran to me but stoped once he saw my face

"What happened to you Princesa?" They asked and I just took a make up wipe that Huerita handed to me.

"Thanks" I told her and wiped my face off looking at an angry Rio.

"Where the hell were you? I looked for you everywhere!" He raised his voice.

"Not like you actually cared. I was at Annie's getting drunk and told them how I feel. Something that was laying on my chest. I was all fucked up while you were meeting with Ms.Boland. You left your fucking kid for her!" I teared up. Don't cry don't cry don't cry. Fuck.

"What? Why would you be 'fucked up'? You always say you are fine"

"Yes and I lied every fucking time! It's not like everyone is going to be there for me everytime I'm feeling bad! Whenever I tried to talk to you BETH was there! You would leave right away for her!" I sobbed.
"Damn it! I see the way you look at her! Why don't you just tell me right in the face 'I don't love you! You are not good enaugh! Beth is better.' Break up with me! I don't get it what does she have that I don't huh? Am I bad at sex? Kissing? Is it the fact that I'm not that much of a badass? Haven't killed anyone. Never talked back to you. Is it that I always shows you love and it's never enaugh? Am I that ugly that you can't even look me in the face anymore. you let her talk back to you...But not me? You let her call you by your name and only I call you that because I'm your girlfriend. Is it because I'm not pregnant with kids? Or a cheater? Are you into blonds? Is it my skin colour? WHAT IS IT MAN?" I cried and hit his chest.

"I don't know" he whispered softly.

"You never looked at me the way you looked at her." I said and you could hear the pain in my voice and he stood quite.

"So this is it? We are breaking up? " I asked and he stood quite.

"Okay... well, it was nice trying to be with you at least. I hope you know you.. I never.. fell in love until I met you. And uh-" My voice shook.
"You were the best man in my life. Even though i never had a boyfriend before" I laughed at my own words.
"Why am I even telling you this? I'm sorry. You can go.. do whatever you want.. I'll go inside." I walked away.
"I'll be In my room" I told everyone and they nodded.

I layed on the bed when I heard someone come in.

"Babygirl.." Huerita said and I looked at her.

"It's okay luv. Let it all out. Everyone has their first heart breaks. You are aloud to have it too" she hugged me and I cried.

She rubbed my back and after minutes of me crying I pulled back and looked at her.

"I'm gonna visit my dads grave" I sniffled and she nodded.

"Be safe"she hugged me and we walked out.

"I'll be back in an hour" I said as I walked to my Uber.

At the graveyard I told my dad about my feelings and everything that's bothering me.

An hour later I went home.

"You said an hour! You are 30 minutes late!" Julio came to me

"Sorry"I said and walked inside than in my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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