Happy Birthday To Me

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I wake up to my phone going off it's eight in the morning but I can't really see right I go pee and come back to breakfast in bed the kids made with James help.. they sing happy birthday and I eat my breakfast and check my phone to see who all have texted me knowing ima see them tonight and they will end up saying it again. I got a few basic messages and I sent out thank you s and then I got to Sasha message and I know I needed to prepare myself to read a book they get better and better every  year.

Bestfriend💚🤞🏽🥰- Dear Bestfriend Today is your day, but I also have a reason to celebrate. Today is the day my soul sister, my biggest strength, my shoulder to cry on, and my missing piece of the puzzle was brought into this world. Today is your birthday. Even though I don't need a special occasion like this to realize that I couldn't imagine my life without you in it, this is the day that I simply have to tell you how much you mean to me. I want to wish you all the best and remind you that I love you, even though I don't say it as often as I should. Today is the day I think about all of our memories, all the milestones and obstacles we defeated together, and all the happy and sad moments we have gone through side by side. I remember our late-night phone calls, all of our drunk parties don't tell Auntie & all of our serious talks, and all the fun we've had through the years. I remember the day I met you and the day my life changed for the better. They say that everyone enters our lives for a reason. And since I met you, I've realized that this is nothing but the truth. Because fate had to have a reason to send you to me when I needed you the most. From day one, you've acted like my big sister and I had no choice but to let you in. You took care of me and you pushed me forward. Before I knew it, you became my biggest source of inspiration and the only person who believed in me, even in the situations when everyone else was ready to give up. The person who saw the good in me when I was at rock bottom and the one who had faith that I was destined for great things. At the same time, you were the only one who was always honest with me and the only one who made sure I faced the truth, no matter how harsh it was. The only one who pointed out my mistakes to me and the one who never hesitated to give me positive criticism. Nevertheless, you never allowed anyone to talk trash me or to diminish me in any way. So I thank you for that and just wanted to say how much you meant to me more than just a Happy Birthday.  Y'all it's too early to be crying but I think my allergies just kicked in because stuff is pouring out my eyes my Bestfriend always makes sure my birthday is special no matter what and we always bounce back after anything. I pull myself together and text her back then get up and get ready. While jamming out making videos Adrian text me.

Adrian😌- Good morning baby girl Every day with you is one great celebration and filled only with beautiful moments. Happy Birthday!
I smile and text him back and now all I can think about is what he was hiding from me yesterday. I get dressed and go make sure the kids are dressed before we head out.  I flat ironed my hair put on a little make up and throw my outfit on prepared for nothing but love today.

  I flat ironed my hair put on a little make up and throw my outfit on prepared for nothing but love today

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I throw my stuff in my purse and load everyone into the cars. The kids are going straight there and I'm going to pick up Sasha and everyone should be there when we get there. I go to pick her up and she's all dressed up and I lock the doors and roll down the window and ask where she's going cause uh we all don't need to be dressed up nicely she giggles and says girl hush you look better than me I didn't even put make up on now let me in. I unlock the door and let her in and we start the drive to the arcade. We're jamming out on the way there and talking about the year and time flies we're pulling up to the arcade and the parking lot is packed I didn't think that many people would show up. There's a parking spot up front that's for me I pull in and get out start fixing my outfit and hair before going in. We walk in and everyone yells happy birthday I'm looking around they decorated all around the place there's a big ass 6 tower birthday cake on the table for me it's really pretty I look around at everyone who is here say hello and speak for a little making my way around till I get ready to go play games I see Andrea and I talk to her for a bit and she starts introducing me to other people from the family and I start looking around & she giggles he's in the back he's going to come find you he's setting up the food I let out a nervous laugh and say you don't even know who I'm looking for. She gives me a look and says yeah right cause when I said he's in the back you stopped looking around. I laugh and say yea ok I'll catch up with you later. I walk around for a bit more until I see Mia and I go talk to her then I see Blaze with two girls coming towards me one is older about our age and there's a younger girl they come over and he introduced the younger one first as his little sister Brianna and then he introduced the older one as his girlfriend and her names Jennifer and she kind of looks familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I brush it off say hello and chat with them for a bit and feel someone come up behind me and realize it's Adrian because Blaze got a little uncomfortable but he spoke then said they were going to go play some games. I took a sigh of relief and turned around like whew no drama soo far I hug Adrian and ask if the cake was the reason I got told no he laughs and says yes they brought it to my house in pieces to store and then they put it together here but I couldn't let you see it. We go play some games and ride down go karts before coming back in to eat and sit momma autumn comes up to me and talks for a while said that John couldn't make it wasn't feeling to well and she wasn't staying long she just wanted to drop my gift off before the day was over she has some food and small conversation with some people and then takes a plate home. The party is slowing down so we start cleaning up and I'll just take the gifts home and send thank you cards out tomorrow morning to the people who brought gifts. Everyone starts to leave it's around four and we start cleaning up for them to open back up at 5:30 I pack all the gifts in Adrians car because I'm going to his house to open them because he said there's a gift at his house for me. We got people taking cake and food home with them because theirs so  much left and the business said they will just pass some cake out to customers and we say thank you and get ready to head out Adrian walks me to the car and we talk for a little and I ask him if Sasha can come with me to his house and he's like yes she's always welcome I laugh and say don't say that too loud she's gonna want to come over all the time we get in and take off towards his house but we stop at Sasha house and get some clothes so she can stay the night. I'm really excited to see what I received tonight it's mostly cards but someone thought of me so that's all that matters. We pull up to the gate I put the code in and pull up next to his car he's taking the last of the gifts in and I tell Sasha not to go in here touching stuff and we head in behind him as soon as we walk through the door she goes ooo this is nice really nice and goes straight to his kitchen looks around then too the bed rooms and goes for a guy you're really clean I half expected a messy house with clothes everywhere. Y'all when I say I gave her the look I gave her the shut the fuck up look and he laughed and said well I mean even if I was I would have cleaned up because I had people coming over. I sit and start opening all the cards and gifts most people didn't know what to get me so most of the cards where cash and gift cards so I'll most definitely be doing a shopping spree next weekend I get down to the last couple of gifts I got some shoes a couple of outfits a new purse and new perfume after I finish he comes around the corner with a small bag and says last gift. I open the bag and look confused what am I supposed to do with  this?

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