For Me?

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I pull the collar and a blank tag out of the bag confused like I don't have a pet and then I put two and two together and look at him and ask if he got me a dog and he goes around the corner and comes back with the cutest little puppy. I smile and say you lied this is why I couldn't come to the house last night I knew the cake story was weird but I went with it. I don't even know how to act he said this is our puppy and I'm honestly excited. Sasha comes over and tried to take her from me talking about take her back you already stole my friend i don't need this dog taking what little space I have left. I look at her and say stop being jealous if I was to say she could come over and stay with you the days I have class after school I bet there won't be a problem then. She gives me side eye and says fine and sits back down we talk and watch a movie with Adrian. This dummy said she had to use the bathroom and never came back turns out she went and got in the bed and went to sleep. So we left her in there watched some more movies till bout ten went and picked up food came back to her up standing in the living room holding Roxie  talking about y'all just left me here. We both laugh at her and I say well no one was going to kidnap you I left Roxie here to watch you and clearly you saw her you were not alone you big cry baby now come eat so we can go home. She puts the dog down and comes to get her food we eat in a comfortable silence we finish eating and head home I grabbed all the stuff he got for Roxie  and we take the short drive to the house. We get there it's dark the kids must already be in bed I take my gifts while Sasha graves Roxie and we go in I let her shower first then I go take mine and I'm trying to sleep but can't because someone thinks I should be up with them since they took a nap I text Adrain and let him know we made it. I talk to Sasha for thirty minutes before closing my eyes going to sleep on her. Something in my head clicks on and I jump up and startled Sasha but I remembered where I knew that girl from and she's like dang who scared you I was like no at the party Blaze introduced me to a girl and she looked familiar and I know where I know her from she came into the store the day before the party and was just looking at me with a blank stare but it wasn't like a bad vibe kinda stare she just gave me weird vibes. She didn't really speak to me at the party she just stood there while Blaze and I talked she was quiet it was his girlfriend. Maybe she was just nervous. She bought like 2 things from the store but was in there for about 20 looking at me every few seconds and I thought she needed help or a friend. I guess I'll have to just text Blaze and see wassup unless I see her again. We go back to sleep because we both open tomorrow morning. The alarm goes off and we get up and get ready have a quick breakfast and stop by the coffee shop to grab a energy drink to prepare us for the morning we make it to the shop and open up the store and start putting things in order it was pretty slow today around noon I was doing inventory and Sasha came to the back to say someone asked if I was working today. So I asked if she knew who it was and she said no so I figured it was one of Adrians relatives so I'm like tell them I'll be there in one second. I finish up the stack I was doing and walked out to the front and Sasha pointed at the bench and it was the girl with Blaze I walk up to her and say Brianna right and she turns around and says yes um do you have like a minute to talk. I'm confused like why is this girl here so I'm like yes let me tell my co worker I'm taking a 15min break and she says okay and sits down she looks kind of nervous. I walk back to Sasha and say that's the girl that came in here she wants to talk to me so I wanna see wassup. & she's like coo coo let me know cause I can take a 15 min and close the store to pass out ass whoppings loud as hell and I'm like shut up she look nervous I tell her we can talk out front at the picnic tables so we go out and sit and she's quiet and I'm like what happened? So she starts out I know you remember me from the day before your party I came into the store and I was just watching you & I'm sure I stood out and you noticed me. I knew who you were before the party Me and Blaze have been dating for 6 months now and we had a talk and he told me all about y'all relationship and how y'all were still friends we talked about everything that went down and he told me y'all were just friends and not to worry about you. But the thing is I've heard that all before and the one they said not to worry about is always the one they leave you for. I continue to listen before I speak and she's like I looked you up and realized you worked here and I just wanted to see you for who you were in person if you know what I mean? I shake my head letting her continue and she relaxes a little and says I was intimidated by you before I even met you he spoke so highly of you had me thinking I was wasting my time. He invited me to your party to show me it was nothing to worry about but I had to see for myself without him around and I came to the store and saw you and really thought it was over for me I was like she's just so pretty and she's down to earth the way you talked to your co worker and the other customers. I thought you were gonna be a stuck up kind of person that always got what that wanted but seeing you at your party showed me you were nothing like I thought. I didn't want it to be weird between us seeing that you and Blaze are kind of close. I also know that he's very uncomfortable around your boyfriend because at the party when he walked up to you he froze and was ready to go. He also talked about a date night thing you guys do. So I figured he was planning on taking me to join. I'm hoping it goes okay since he doesn't like real lying being around your boyfriend. She finished talking and we talked some more then she ranked me for lisp and being understanding and we go our separate ways I go back in to Sasha running back behind the counter and I'm like girl I saw you and she laughs saying I was just making sure she didn't try nothing what she want anyway. I was like get this you're about to laugh... she's looking and waiting I go girl she said she was intimidated by me 😂😂😂 we laughing all hard and this lady looks at us thinking we're talking about her. We finish the shift and wait for the next people and then clock out and I call Adrian so I can come over and talk to him about Blaze. I get to his house and walk in pick up Roxie give her some love then go find Adrian in the back room. He finishes up a phone call and gives me his attention I tell him about the girl and about Blaze being uncomfortable around him but wanting to join our group dates. So I end up asking if he could like reach out to him and let him know that the past is in the past and you wasn't even thinking about it he thinks you're still mad and dislike him. He smiles and says yes he will call him and invite him over y'all my face I was like what this man not coming to your house he scared of you as it is 😂 he laughs and says it'll be fine I promise. I grab Roxie and go back to the car with Sasha take her home then I go home to clean and prepare myself for another week of school there's only 3 months left in the school year I believe they will fly by rather quickly the school year went smooth and my first year with one college class went smooth this years been a good one getting my life back on track.

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