Before Christmas Break

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They have one week of school left then it starts Christmas week they've done really well these past two weeks I've been secretly packing things in the house and moving the boxes around this going to be by far the best Christmas they have ever had. I get ready for school and then head that way. This week is just movies and making sure we show up no teachers are passing out test because they don't want to grade them so basically we just chilling and they are allowing us to go to other classes as long as we're quiet so I leave my third period class and go to Adrians class and I sit with him and watch the movie they have playing the bell rings we go to lunch we eat in the cafe and then back to class the last bell rings and I head home to change and get ready for work I know we're going to be packed Christmas time people need new clothes or just gifts and I know Kennedy is on shift with me tomorrow. But I'm okay with that not so sure about her I feel like I've grown as a person. I should mind my business but I wonder if Jennifer knows Kennedy is blaze ex I feel like she's tryna stalk her cause a girl told me she was going to get him back whatever it took. I head to work and go to the back to put fill out the files and just do my job as manager I don't really have to be out on the floor I finish up and go check and make sure everything is going smooth and see there's a line so I pull out a hand held and call for anyone paying with card. I get them rung up and the store starts to clear out it's near closing and there's maybe 6 more people in so I go to the back and finish up the order forms of what we need and then I go and lock up after the last customer leaves I have them clean up the clothes and put the stuff from the fitting room up and let them leave I send off the request for the stuff and I pack up and leave. I get outside and lock up the door and there's a car at the end of the parking lot running with the lights off I quickly get into my car and lock the doors confused and I start up the car and call Adrian telling him that there's a car in the parking lot with the lights off and running and just want him to stay on the phone with me till I get home and then all of a sudden a girl knocks on my window I start to freak out she's holding what looks like a baby and she goes hey sorry to bother but you have any change I'm trying to get some milk for my baby and she's shaking what I thought was a baby but it's balled up clothes so I panic and say no and see something out the corner of my eye it's a man grabbing on my passenger side door y'all I mashed the gas trying to get out that parking lot fast and Adrian was asking if I was okay and I'm like yes and looking back to make sure they weren't following me and I end up running a red light. Y'all and guess who ran that light right behind me 🤦🏽‍♀️ you guessed it it was a police officer I pull over in the parking lot of the gas station and I tell Adrian I got pulled over and ima speak with the officer to hold on so he has me roll down the window and he ask if I knew I ran the light so I'm like after I went through it I was looking to make sure these people weren't following me. So I started telling him how I got off work and there was a car out there running with no lights on so I ran and got in mine and locked the door and a lady showed up with "a baby" but it was clothes like it was a distraction because there was a man yanking on my passenger side door he ask where they were at last and I tell him my job and that I had just left and gave a description of the girl and the car I didn't really see the guy and he lets me off with a warning and then calls someone over the walkie so I pull off and head to the house talking to Adrian the entire way. The officer said he would get back in contact with me if he needed something else. I get to the house and quickly get out and go in and lock the doors behind me I tell Adrian I mad it home and I'll text him before I get in the bed that I was about to shower and get into bed. I took a shower and got into the bed I laid there then texted Adrian that I was in bed he said good night. I laid there for an hour just couldn't sleep I kept thinking what would have happened if I didn't lock my car doors when I got in was it money were they trying to kidnap me what was it I just don't know and it makes me wonder so I text Adrian to see if he was up.

Adrian😌- I'm always up for you baby girl wassup?

Soon as I saw the text I FaceTimed him and he was laying in the bed I think he was sleeping but he talked to me for a little before falling back asleep so I just watched him sleep and I eventually fell asleep right before the alarm went off I got an hour of sleep and I feel like SHIT. I get up and get ready so school I'm not feeling it so I just throw on a T-shirt and some leggings and my crocs. I get head towards the school and as I pull into the parking lot I'm getting a call from a number but my phone picked up that it was the police station and they want to go by and review the footage on the camera. So I tell them I could come at noon on my lunch I have the key and I didn't send anyone in to work today. I finish up the call and look up to see Adrian waiting he opens my door and gives me a kiss and says my poor baby didn't get any sleep and offers for me to take a nap at his place on lunch but I tell him yes but after I show the officers the footage from last night and I asked him to go with me and he said yes. I'm just zoned out through all my classes I can't even focus I'm glad we're just having free time because I'm not fine we'll on the outside I am but on the inside I've died a thousand times. I ask to go outside to get some fresh air because my head is spinning and I leave out and I'm standing outside trying to bring my self back and I hear a familiar voice asking me if I'm okay I shake my head saying yes but he pauses and says we better than that you don't have to lie but if it's not something you're comfortable talking about it that's fine. I say it's not that it's just I don't want to think about it. I sit and he sits and I end up telling him what happened and he's like sorry that happened to you and I'm just like thanks I've got to get back to class. I get back inside and I make it to the door just as the bell rings I grab my bag and head to the car I text Adrian and tell him I'mat the car I stand there and he comes out and says he'll drive so I get in the passenger seat and we ride in silence while I look out the window. He says it's going to be okay and he takes my hand and just holds it we get to the job police are already there waiting. I get out let them in and take them to the back to review the footage we're watching the footage and they show up a few minutes after the last girl left they backed into the spot and cut the lights and the girl got out and walked around the other side of the building with the "baby" then you see me come out and get in and she walks around a few seconds after I got in and I wait to see when the guy walked up and she does a little movement look around and that's when he approached the car they take the footage and leave and I just sit and make the schedule for tomorrow and send out a mass text that there won't be any work today and that there will be a mandatory meeting this afternoon at five. I grab my stuff and lock up the store and we head back to the school I didn't even get to take my nap we grabbed sonic on the way back and I ate it in class the rest of the day went by quickly I head home for about thirty minutes and grab a snack and head to the store there's a few people here already and I unlock the door and let them in and just say go to the break room we wait for everyone else to show up and I explain the situation with them about what happened and that they need to always have someone walk them to their car as a buddy system so they need a clock out buddy. I let them go and closed up the store and me and Sasha talked for a little bit and she was talking about girl you should have called me I would have come with the gun and shot they ass. I swear this right here is exactly why she's my friend. I tell her but and go to Adrians place he's not there but I grab the spare and go in I change into a pair of his shorts and a T-shirt and climb into his bed. I guess I fell asleep and didn't even realize I must have been really tired I woke up to Adrian hugging me his eyes were closed but I guess he felt me moving around and just said good morning sleepy head nice pjs you got there I smile a little and say when did you get here. He says like two hours ago after I was looking for you I called and text with no responses so I went by the house and you weren't there so I text to see if you were with Sasha and she said no so I came home to wait and saw your car. Came in to you knocked out so I just changed and got into bed too cause you were tired. I look at my phone I was sleep for about four hours it's nine now and I need to go get some food because I'm hungry and then I need to go home and pack up some more of the kids stuff my entire room is packed up but my clothes I need to move the boxes to storage tomorrow. I lay there for a little while longer then look at him and say hey you want some empanadas or steak and cheese quesadillas with Spanish rice? He smiles and says Empanadas but we have to go get that good salsa first i laugh and say well let me get dressed we run to the Walmart market and I place the order for the empanadas from the restaurant before they close. We get the salsa and drive down to the restaurant and waited five minutes and the food came out he moved to the end of the parking lot and we ate while watching a movie on his phone. We finish eating and head back to the house so I can go home. I head home listening to music jamming out and pull up to the house go in and I'm greeted by Roxie with Eva not far behind chasing her. I laugh and ask why she's not in bed she's the only one that's up someone must have left the door open intake her back up to her room and close the door check in on the other kids and looks like everybody is in bed. I turn back around and Eva is running towards me I might be crazy but I could have sworn I put her in there and closed the door I get the baby monitor turn it on and put her back in there I watch he get out the play pin and open the door it's a simple handle but I didn't know she could climb out so I just take her down stairs with me. I'm no where near sleepy so I just play with her and watch tv that nap got me up. I'm thinking about not going to school tomorrow I have class but it's just an exam so hopefully I can finish that quickly.i sit for a little and Eva falls asleep and I take her back to her room and think about how much I'm going to move out tomorrow while they are at school I lay down and fall asleep for a couple of hours and get up and the kids are up eating and when they finish I send them off to the bus stop and tell him I'll drop Eva off on my way to the place (Storage) he nods and leaves for work momma Autumn and John are coming over to help me pack up some more stuff just mostly the stuff they won't notice being missing this will be the bulk of it and ill move their clothes and stuff and just say they are getting new clothes. They come over an hour after I started packing up Evas room she won't notice. They come in and start on other rooms and then we put it all in the moving truck their rooms are small so I'll finish it all when they leave for Hawaii I'll have two weeks to get it all together before they come back. Momma Autumn take Eva with her and me and John go empty the truck. We go get lunch and go by the house Eva ended up not going to Daycare momma Autumn wanted to keep her for the day I eat lunch and tell them bye and I head to school. Someone is in my parking spot so I park to the back. I go inside and the bell rings for the next class so I just mingle in and go to class Adrians there and he smiles instantly and I say hello I missed you a little bit this morning and he laughs and say just a little with a sad face I laugh and say fine a whole lot. The bell rings and we just keep talking and I tell him I'm going into work tonight and I want him to take me and pick me up I get off at 9 and he says okay and I tell him it's just until we get security and they can't come till next week. So everyone will be with someone when they leave. He says it's fine and that he will be there every night until we can get security to come out. I get home and prepare for work and wait for Adrian to come get me. He pulls up and I put Roxie in first and then I get in it was pointless putting her in the back because she jumped in the front by the time I got up there and got in so I just let her in my lap. We pull up to the store and I go in and he leaves stores packed as usual but they are moving smoothly I go straight to the back to start on the paperwork I come back out check on the store make sure everything's good and go back to the back then there's a knock on the door and one of the employees says the police are here so I tell her bring them back and close the door and I speak with them they are telling me they basically want to do a set up that the people are coming back they are somewhere watching and we would like to do a set up for Saturday because thats the busiest day and we have reason to believe they just want to rob the store without breaking in and causing a scene with the alarm so we would like for you to come to work normally and you can still send your employees out two at a time but you have to be the last one in here. They finish explaining and show me a picture of a girl and ask if I remember her and I'm like yes she was rude and demanded the manger for a basic return so they say well she was just figuring out who the manager was for them and wanted to point them out she got picked up on another charge and told on her friends about what they were going to do that night. She said they are going to try again this Friday but we want to catch them in the act we're going to sit in the back of your car and in the store to wait for them. I sit there for a moment and agree to doing it and I text Adrian to come over there. He comes and sits with me and we talk about what's going to happen and he's like ok cool I'll still be here. We finish up and I show the officers out and we finish off the night and head home. I get to the house the kids are all in the kitchen eating dinner they are having baked chicken and rice I sit Roxie down and go wash my hands to fix a plate I sit and start to eat and ask everyone about their day and everyone is telling me how school went they tell me tomorrow they are having a pajama party and have to bring one thing and I think to myself these kids waited till the last minute Brittany laughs and says she'll go to the store so I say I'll ride too. We clean up the kitchen a little before leaving so James didn't have a big mess and we go to the store we grabbed juice and crackers for every class. I grab some stuff to make goodie bags to be all cute and put it together for every student. I lay out all the kids pjs and then I get into bed myself to prepare for tomorrow. 

My alarm goes off I get up have the kids wash their face and come eat then brush their teeth and put on the pjs and I take them to school and drop them off I take Eva to day care and drop off the presents for her classroom teacher. I then head back to the house and get dressed for my last day we're only there for half the day then I needed to go pick up some keys and then go to the store and do this shit with the police. I forgot about it with everything else going on I've been soo focused on the kids big Christmas present I no longer worried about me. I get to the school Adrians waiting outside with a bag which I'm assuming is doughnut holes and coffee I smile and he says because I know today is going to be hard I brought you something sweet I Lean into him as we walk in and ask if he wants to come with me to pick up the keys and then get some stuff before going to the store and he says yes and we go our separate ways to class the broke us up into a few classes just to be checked in and I'm pretty sure I'm only staying an hour then leaving so that I can set the store up. About an hour and a half passes I text Adrian I was ready to leave and meet me out front.

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