Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

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I wake up before everyone else and I put some bacon in the oven and turned on a little music the kids slowly started to wake up then they started waking each other up because they had to wait for everyone to be awake to open the presents so everyone was up they ran into the living room everyone had a large box with and a medium box a large envelope on top. They are all excited I tell them to open the medium box first and they do just that you can hear all the excitement and confusion at the same time. Ej pulls out a Scuba mask, Asia Pulls out a camera, Aaliyah pulls out a sea turtle, Jammie pulls out a bucket for the beach and then Adrian pulls out a shovel and toy airplane. They are all confused and looking at each other's gifts and I say open the biggest box. Everyone opens it and it's luggage and they are still a little confused but I think Asia has caught on I say open the  envelope they all get excited because there's plane tickets for a trip everyone is happy but Adrian he really doesn't know what's going on but they all calm down and start asking if it was a joke we laugh and say no and that they leave in 3 days and to go pack to stay at momma Autumns and for the trip so they all run off and start packing . I get up and start cleaning up their trash before Sasha bust through the door with MY DOG and says hey thought we should bless y'all with our presence I laugh and say whatever don't get comfortable you've only got 3 weeks left with her. She gives me a nasty look and calls me a hater and says I think ima return your gift you haven't gotten it yet I laugh and say whatever cause I get rid of yours too try me she laughs and goes okay fine you can still have it. We laugh for a bit and I go down stairs and get her gift and Adrians gift. I come back up the stairs and pass her the gift she passes mine and I give Adrian his she opens her gift and I got her a purse she's been wanting and a bath set. What I got Adrian is most definitely not your business. Just kidding I just got him a watch and a men's gift set of weird stuff he likes. So I open my gift from Sasha and it's that new fuzzy car steering wheel cover I wanted and some stuff for Roxie and a gift card to the outlet. I smile say thanks we clean up a little and go help the kids pack the rest of the way. We get them together and then clean up before going to momma Autumns we get there and open gifts there and then leave. Adrians going home and me and Sasha going to the house just to chill tomorrow we start moving stuff around. We have to empty out this place and clean it by the first which is easy since there's not much left other than my room and the small stuff in the kids room then I'll do a deep clean. If you don't know by now we're moving. That's the kids biggest Christmas gift that's why they got sent on the trip to Hawaii James also got a new gift but he doesn't get it till after they come back from Hawaii. He's been working 3 jobs and used his wife's life insurance to pay off all the debt and her funeral we were struggling but we pulled through he saved up so that he could move the kids out of that neighborhood he wanted better for them so he bought a house he's been saving and her life insurance got them out of debt so he was able to provide for his kids the right way. We fall asleep and I wake up the next morning and start moving the rest of the stuff to the storage we start cleaning everything wiping down walls and all then hire a carpet cleaning crew and they clean the carpets it took 3 days to finish cleaning the kids leave today so I'm going over to see them before they go and tell them have fun and bring me back gifts. I leave and call Adrain and ask if he wants to go with me to see the house with Sasha and he says yes. He meets us at mommas and we head over it's in a really nice part of town he had help through the va with buying this house and it's honestly beautiful. We pull up to the house it's a five bedroom house with a finished basement Apartment. I'm really excited to put the kids rooms together. We walk around for a bit and take in the layout and I already have plans I sold most of the kids furniture got some new stuff that would fit into the theme of  their rooms. We close and lock up to prepare for the move tomorrow everyone is going to be helping. We go to rent the truck so we can get up and pack it early we all head to Adrians to stay the night so we're not all over.
We wake up around seven and head to the storage and pack mostly the big stuff we drop all that off to each room where everything goes then back to storage and back to the house it took about five trips before we were completely done with everything laid out in each room. We left to pick up pizza and came back and momma Autumn and John was there waiting on us so they could help out the rooms together me and momma Autumn put Asia and Aaliyah's room together Antonio and John puts Jammie and Adrians room together while Adrian puts together Ejs room and Sasha puts Eva room together there's already decorations on the wall I put them up prior to moving the stuff in and I had someone paint Evas room with Sunflowers and red roses.  It was soo pretty we finish setting up the rooms for the day and tomorrow we will move on to my apartment downstairs and then James room and the living room. Have to install all the TVs and I think that's it other than unpacking all their stuff. The days are starting to run together we have completely finished the house everything is where it's supposed to be the kids got new toys for Christmas just have to wrap them and sit them in their rooms and that was it they get here tomorrow but they will get in around four and we're going to pick them up with blind folds because we're just that extra. Y'all everyone left but Sasha we go down and check out my apartment I have a whole apartment and not just a basement I'm really excited it's not full there's no kitchen but there's a bathroom living room and my room I've got my own space that's more comfortable. I grab an outfit and turn off all the lights and go to stay the night at Sashas. I get up the next morning eat breakfast and prepare for the day we're going to try and keep the kids out till eleven fifty and then walk them into the house on New year. New beginnings in a new home type of thing. So we're going to pick them up at four then go grab food then go to the Aquarium then the park and then just drive around for thirty then to the house after putting blind folds on them. To make them think we are going far. I get up get dressed and head to momma Autumns Sasha will meet us over there later tonight it's about three now so we head to the airport and get ready to pick them up. We get there and go inside and wait for everyone and I see Jammie first running at me full speed and I put my arms out to toss him in the air and he laughs the rest follow and being to tell me about their time and how much fun they had and what all they did we talk through dinner and then take them to the aquarium then the park then get ice cream they start getting tired which is good because I'll wake them up and they will have that short boost of energy. Everyone gets blind folds even James we drive for about forty five minutes and then pull up to the house Sasha comes to the car and grabs Eva I wake all the kids and tell them keep the blind folds on and walk them into the house and stand them in the living room I have everyone take their shoes off it's about two minutes till twelve I grab some poppers off the counter and then hand them to Sasha Momma Autumns and John and then we start the count down and as soon as it hits twelve we yell Happy new year and pop them and tell them take off their blind folds the kids eyes adjust to the light and they look around and James says welcome to your new home. Their faces light up and I says your names are on the door go find your rooms they take off towards their rooms I tell James to put his back on and come outside. Once out there he takes it off and his gift is a suv so that he can take the kids places and not have to depend on someone else to come help with the kids he cries a little and says thank you for everything we did from putting the house together to getting him a family vehicle. I walk through and check on the kids. I have them all take baths and get ready for bed after opening the rest of their gifts. I go get Eva and give her a bath and put her in pjs and put her in her bed she's still knocked out. The house is silent and for a moment it feels like everything in life is perfect. I go shower and change into pjs and walk to my walk in closet to throw them into the dirty clothes basket y'all I just might loose my mind. I go upstairs to make sure all the kids are in bed and everyone is sleep I cut off all the lights and go back down stairs and get into bed I feel like this year is about to be less Drama. When the kids wake up in the morning I'll give them the rest of the house tour they only saw their rooms I want them to see the yard it's huge and has a swing set and a game room tree house. James really did that he wanted better for his kids and made it happen with the help of his community. I call Adrian and drift off into sleep on the phone with him it's been a long day. I wake up to him moving around in his room and I just get out of bed and brush my teeth and put on my robe it's seven and I'm going to check on Eva she's still sleeping so I go back to my room and Adrians sitting at his desk just looking at the phone and goes Good morning we talk for a little while before I start hearing the kids wake up he gets ready and leaves for work and I go change into some shorts and a T-shirt to take the kids out back. I get all the kids to put shoes on and then open the back door and set them free and they loose their minds running around back there I smile and just leave them be.  They've got school starting back next week I go back to work tomorrow I've had a really good time off from work but now it's time to keep my life in motion. I make a quick breakfast and sit it out on the table and call the kids in to eat they all shower and go through the house looking around to explore where everything is. I'm sitting with Eva and Brittany comes in and I smile and say hey she walks around and says you did nice with the place. I smile and say thank you I just wanted everything to be nice we went through a lot last year and I wanted things to be different. The end of winter break came fast before we knew it we were back at school with graduation nearing.

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