Moving Foward

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Today is the day I finally move in with Adrian. I'm at my dads house packing up my clothes and whatever else I have. I plan on coming back to help Ej move into my old room and set it up how he will like it.  But besides the point I've got a whole fiancé and I'm loving it. This entire year I'll be finishing up my core college classes. I get to Adrian's and open the door to drag my clothes in he's emptied half the closet for my clothes and shoes and got me my own dresser. I start putting my stuff away took me about two hours to empty the car and put my clothes away and hang our pictures around the house now I'm sitting on the couch picking out my classes so I can sign up for them while waiting on him to get home. I save my classes and pour me a glass of wine and turn on 911 lone star. I get up and grab a snack and just wait for Adrian. I've watched three episodes and he comes in with Chinese food and I pause the show and he comes around and sits the food on the table looks at the tv and goes you're watching it without me. I laugh and say you missed the entire first episode you went to sleep. He smiles and says i may have missed the show but got a better one after I smile and say oh really now. He grins and leans down and starts giving me kisses and I push back and say ah no Chinese first. He says fine let me go change into some basket ball shorts. He comes back and says you were busy did you move everything today I say yes I didn't have much really just my clothes you've got all the furniture we need so I left that stuff for EJ I'm going to help him redo his room once I get my classes situated. He says bet I will too we start to eat and watch two more episodes as I fill him in on what's going on.  Once that's over we head to bed because it's late and I have to go pick up my text books from the school tomorrow.

I wake up at six want to be there by seven I get dressed in some comfy clothes and throw on some crocs I kiss Adrian bye while he's still sleeping and head out I stop by the seven eleven and grab me a coffee and a doughnut and head to the school it's a ten minute drive with traffic I get there and there's a small line waiting at the bookstore. I get out and get in that line they open at seven and it's two minutes till and I see more and more cars pull up. Once the doors open I go straight to the isle I need and grab all of my books and the last book I couldn't find I'm looking up and down every isle and I spot it and it's the last one as I go to grab it someone else reaches for it to both our hands land on the book and I look up like come on in need it the class for this book starts tomorrow but I'm like go ahead you can take it. She smiles and says thank you I'm on my last year of college and this was my only class left who is your professor maybe we have the same class and we could just share. I pull my phone out and say uh professor Thompson the two o'clock class and she say yep that's the class I'm in as well. I smile and say we'll I will see you tomorrow it'll be nice to know someone already she smiles and extends her hand kloe I shake her hand and say Jazmyne. We're talking for awhile while waiting in line and I'm telling her about how I'm going to look at the campus and she ask how long I have and I say all day I took my core freshman classes already I just want to see the rest of the campus. She grins ear to ear and says we'll I'll go ahead and show you around today. You must be very smart to have taken the early college classes. I smile and say just a little bit not to much. We both check out and I take my books to the car and she says she'll meet me by the stop sign I wait a few minutes then I see her pull up on a golf cart and she says hop in I laugh and say how did you manage to get a golf cart and she says it belongs to the school they let you rent them. I live like two minutes from campus so I just rent them a week at a time and tuition pays for it basically. You just have to be on your second year or later. I climb into the cart and she says you have a place you want to see first or do you want the full "freshman tour" I say I've got all day give me the full tour. She smiles and say we'll start at the back.  With the athletic department we go to the swim department first and look at the Olympic sized pool or at least it looks that way. We go through the track field baseball and soccer the we look at the track field and they are out there running but we keep going and make it to the basket ball court and she says come on I want you to see the inside it's nice. She parks and takes the key out and we walk to this side door and go in you can hear people playing basketball and we found the corner and watch them it's a huge court the ball rolls towards us and a guy runs over and says baby girl came to watch me school these boys she laughs and says no love just showing Jazmyne around. Out of no where a guy runs up and says we'll hello Jazmyne my names Kd but you can call me yours if you want Kloe push's him back and says eh too bad she's spoken for if you peep the other hand sure her fiancé wouldn't appreciate you pushing up on her and just last week weren't you talking to mani? He steps back and says man Fuck her she was acting too good for me and I wasn't tryna chase and you said fiancé it's not official yet I might have a chance I laugh and roll my eyes and say umm you don't and you can hear the boys in the back go oooooooooo she told you and he goes man whatever we'll see. Kloe kisses her boyfriend and we leave and head to the fitness center there's a girl in there and she yells out Megan and she looks up and she says this is Megan she's a personal fitness trainer. We talk with her for a little while and then leave to look at that dorms she ask if I'm staying on campus I say no I live about ten minutes from here and she say okay if you ever decide to move into the dorms let me know and I can get you into a single we ride and turn like three times when I see in the distance a set of buildings that look like apartments I say wow they look really nice and she takes me into one and shows me around it's really spacious it's cute. She says you want to see what the shard space looks like and I say sure and she drives about five minutes out and she pulls up to a bigger building and she says I stay here and walks me in and shows me around and says it takes a while to get into here unless you know someone and she says you know me so if you decide to do a split rent then you can come here when we have an open room if you want we have dinner together and outings and small get togethers. Then she says let's go to the dining hall final place on the college tour We get to a really large building and go in it's lined with tables bars and benches and a full salad bar and fruit bar and chefs cooking she explains that I'll get a meal card that they reload every two weeks with money and it adds up and I can also use it to buy extra stuff from the campus grocery store that's right outside that door.  My phone rings and I look down it's Adrian. I tell kloe hold on a sec and answer the phone and he's just asking where I am and I let him know I'm still at the school and will be back in a little he says to meet him at him at an address he sent me. I google it and it's about two hours away. I say okay and hang up I finish talking with her and tell her I've got to go meet Adrian somewhere so she takes me back to my car and I say I'll see her tomorrow. I get in and out the address in and start the drive I call him when I'm almost there to let him know I'm about ten minutes out he says okay he'll be there waiting. I pull up and park behind his car and he's sitting on the hood of the car. He jumps down as I unbuckle my seatbelt and and opens the door for me and he leads me out into and open field that has a blanket and a picnic basket on it and tells me sit.  I sit down and ask what's this all about and he gets a big smile and say this land is the spot of our future home. It's close to the hospital you want work at.i gasp and say but we don't know if I'll get the job and he says we've got an entire year for you to get it but we've got a month to figure out how the house is going to look built from the bottom up. The way that you want it. We sit in silence for a moment just leaned on him and tell him thank you and I appreciate all everything that he does. He say anything for you baby girl and we just sit in silence for a little while longer then I say let's get home this house isn't going to build itself and I have to tell you about my day on campus today it was actually really nice. He opens my car door and says he'll see me at the house and closes the door. I wait for him to get in and he drives off first then I follow. We finally make it back to the house we get in there I switch into some shorts and a big T-shirt and grab my laptop ready to talk about how this house will look. Let's start with the outside and then go form there. He grabs a wine glass and offers me one and I nod and he sits beside me and hands me a glass. I say how about a in ground  pool? He agrees and we start picking out more designs we ended up going with a black outside large glass windows and doors a two story house where the second floor leads down to the pool. Master bedroom facing the backyard with large windows with a deck on the second floor. (Pictured below)

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