Thanksgiving Continued

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We get there they aren't there yet so we take the kids inside and get them out their coats and sit them in the living room and let them know their aunt is coming to see them. They get excited and sit down and watch tv till they show up and I put some cookies out and some hot chocolate on. Twenty minutes pass and the door bell goes off I look outside and it's two cars I roll my eyes and go open the door I greet my aunt and then just let them in. Yea whoever text him a liar cause they brought her other sister that was most definitely not welcome. She just bust in and walks past me like this bitch but I'm not gonna start her and the "Grandmother" showed they ass at the funeral they said the kids would be better off with them they were in bad living conditions and so on we ended up having cps come out and check and six months later we were in court they couldn't make me go but I spoke on the kids behalf and they got to stay in the home he had help so why move them and she wasn't stable at all. So they lost but I still feel like they are trying to take them and the two older kids keep their distance away from them because kids aren't stupid they know. I walk back into the living room and sit next to Adrian and they are sitting down just looking around so I offer hot chocolate and cookies the kids take the offer and my Aunt starts talking about how big the kids got within the year they hadn't seen them and then she was just talking about how much she missed them coming over on spring break and part of the summer. I smile because I know she's good she told me stories about how she watched me before my momma gave me up and she wanted me but she made it so family couldn't adopt me. She had a few baby pictures from the times I was with her. So the other sister speaks and says don't you guys think it would be a good idea for y'all to move in with me and we could see you all the time the kids don't answer and Elijah gets up and walks off I look to Adrian and he says it's fine he's going he follows behind him and she continues to talk and James cuts her off and says no I'm their other parent I'm still in their life so why would I pack them up and move them mid school year and the grandma chimes in and goes well because they are my grandkids and I deserve to have them. I tell the kids go to their rooms and I take Eva to her room and turn on the monitor I go back out and have a seat. James is getting mad and he's like you're right they are your grandkids you can see them on holidays but I laid in that bed with your daughter hell even that couch and made them kids not you so you can not come in here and tell me how I need to raise my kids. This year was hard you're making it seem like I'm keeping the kids from you I'm not they just lost their mother and they needed time to adjust to a life without their mother. You showed your ass at the funeral but you will not be showing your ass in my home so this with be the last of this conversation. She's quiet for a moment and then says I will not be disrespected and she gets up to leave and the other sister leaves too. I look at the good aunt she apologizes and asks if it would be okay for her to get them during spring break because it was too late to be asking for Christmas with them. We agree on some terms she calls her kids to come and leave and then she tells the kids bye and then says wait I also have some gifts for you I know I missed the parties but I remembered gifts and she brings them in and says you guys can call any time. To see your cousins and just to talk don't mind them. We smile and say our goodbyes. I have the kids shower before opening their gifts and I talk with Adrian telling him thank you for talking to Ej he said it was no problem. Then goes but Ej said he doesn't want to go anywhere near his grandma. I say I feel him and that conversation is for another day. Sasha comes out of the kitchen eating pie I'm like where did you get a pie and she's like of I made me a Togo plate before I left and she been in the kitchen the whole time eating and I never paid her any attention. I giggle and say yea so much for you smacking her if she got outta line. The kids get dressed in pjs and then I give them the gifts their aunt brought. Ej pulls out a phone with a card to activate it and a note that says if you keep up the good grades I'll make sure to send the money to keep your phone on call me sometime. It was signed be Maria and her husband. Then Asia &Aaliyah got some little slime kit thing and the boys got race car sets and little Eva got a couple of learning toys. I tell them they need to get ready for bed and they could play with their toys in the morning I get them tucked in and ask Adrian if he just wants to stay or he want to go home he said he wanted to stay for a little while and we just watched some Christmas movies Sasha and Antonio had already left she took Roxie with her and we just watched movies I ended up falling asleep. I wake up go cover on me and it's the next day it's seven I have a text from Adrain and it's saying went to pick up food I'll be back. I look around and Ej is sitting at the end of the couch just looking at me I sit up confused and I'm like uh is everything ok and he's like yes I was just waiting on you to wake up I had a question I sit up and pull myself together and he says if Dad decides to send us to Grandmas house can I decide not to go? I say I'm pretty sure he wouldn't make you go if you didn't but would you want to go to your aunts she doesn't live near her. She wants you guys to come out to Pennsylvania for spring break he smiles and says are we going to go. I nod and say yes I'm working on a plan to get y'all there. Adrian comes back and he's got doughnuts and breakfast tacos I call all the kids down and they sit and eat get them a doughnut then I let them loose to play with their toys and then I got dressed to go pick up my car from Adrians. I pick up my car and he said he'll text me because he's going to the restaurant after he showers and that he'll be helping them clean up and visit with the rest of his family. I stopped listening after he said he was going to shower I offered him some help but he told me go home to my siblings. I giggle and head home for the day it's going to be a chill in the house day. I'm trying to decide if I want to take the kids somewhere this weekend I'm not too sure what I want to do but I want them to be able to get out the house. Might do a girls day and Adrian take the boys somewhere to do something. I get back to the house and turn a movie on and watch movies for the day text Adrain and Sasha about tomorrow and they are down for it so we all get ready for tomorrow.

I wake up around nine and get everyone dressed I tell them it's a surprise the boys are going with Adrian and little Adrian yells yes I'm the leader follow me I giggle and say well no I mean my boyfriend Adrian but I'm sure he will let you lead I put there shoes on as Adrain pulls up I send the boys with him and say have fun I put the Eva in and told the girl to buckle up and we go to pick up Sasha we get there she's sitting on the porch while Roxie is running around in the yard she takes her back in the house and comes to the car we head straight to the mall we get them some new shoes and a build a bear then we go and let them get little mani pedis and a new little side purse and after that we head to meet the boys to get pizza and ice cream we pull into the parking lot and I text Adrian and tell him we're here and he says he'll be there in five so we go in and get a table to the back and wait they get there and Aj and Asia automatically start talking. Adrian took them to the batting cages and this airplane Museum where they made their own replica planes and painted them and then they got new shoes. They quiet down when the pizza comes and eating in silence no sound at all and then they all get one scoop of ice cream and I keep thinking is how good they are going to sleep. I tell Adrian I'm going to Sasha house to pick up Roxie and for her to get some clothes he says he going to go to the house and wait so we load the kids up and go to Sashas she getting her stuff together brings it out then brings Roxie and her cage she puts everything in and Roxie jumps right into my lap. We head towards the house Eva fell asleep and Aaliyah on her way to sleep we take the drive back to the house and get there Adrian comes out and gets the kids and take them inside he's already got the boys bathed and in bed knocked out I get the girls in the tub and into bed sleep in under five minutes we sit and talk for a little before he goes home and I go and take my shower and put on my pjs and get ready for bed today was an eventful day in 28 days Christmas will be here they are going to Hawaii they day after Christmas and will be gone until New Years I'm not going because they have a big surprise coming they will do Christmas here and then go to Hawaii as the gift but they have an even bigger gift when they come back. I fall asleep  and that's all I remember then the days seem to be moving rather quickly it's only 2 weeks till Christmas.

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