mcnamara's iced coffees

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Squad 💗

deadgirlwalkin: ugh I'm soooo bored

freezeurbrainnn: fucking mood

allmighty: same tbh

mcnamaraandcheese: guys I just got an iced coffee after like 4 months and omg its soooo good

theprincessbride: mac you realize that you can make iced coffees yourself

mcnamaraandcheese: wait really

greenqueen: yeah I do it all the time

mcnamaraandcheese: what the hell do I need for it

deadgirlwalkin: you legit just need ice, coffee, milk, and sugar according to google

mcnamaraandcheese: damn it I knew I was missing something

quarterbackkk_: huh

linebackerrr_: what the hell are you guys talking about

allmighty: we're telling mac how to make iced coffee dipshit

linebackerrr_: and me and Kurt are just gonna leave now

quarterbackkk_: we were never here

greenqueen: wait so the fucking slushie dude can stay

freezeurbrainnn: I have a name asshole

deadgirlwalkin: and yes he can stay cuz he's smart enough to understand this

deadgirlwalkin: all Kurt and Ram drink are nasty ass protein shakes

greenqueen: makes sense I guess

allmighty: anyways mac what were you saying

mcnamaraandcheese: I've tried to make iced coffees myself but apparently I forgot the sugar all 4 times

theprincessbride: well the more you know

mcnamaraandcheese: thanks guys I'm gonna go make one so see ya


very random chapter ik

I just had to give y'all something since I haven't updated this in like two weeks

and yes I legit googled "how to make iced coffees"

but ummmm yeah

love ya all
~Cee 🧡💫

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