its the fact that they're drunk for me

646 31 12

requested by Ari_XOXO13

thanks for the request! leave some more in the comments


Squad 💗

linebackerrr_: guys I'm boreddddd

allmighty: we all are Ram

freezeurbrainnn: so wtf do you guys wanna doooo

greenqueen: I got it

greenqueen: drinking game timeee

freezeurbrainnn: alright I'm in

deadgirlwalkin: I'm in

allmighty: I got nothing else to do

mcnamaraandcheese: ummm ok only cuz heather's doing it

quarterbackkk_: hell yeah

theprincessbride: fine but I'm not drinking

greenqueen: fine martha you can get the videos

mcnamaraandcheese: can I get some videos too? I don't wanna get hungover

greenqueen: sure whatever

greenqueen: everyone else, grab whatever you can find cuz we're doing shots tonight

(alright so idk how else to write this so imma just timeskip to the next day and write what went down on the FaceTime)

deadgirlwalkin: good fucking morning y'all

allmighty: ugh my head is killing meee

greenqueen: same here heather

freezeurbrainnn: oh please I went harder than all of you

mcnamaraandcheese: the screen recording will confirm all that so let's watch it guys

~here's the screen recording (and I'll timeskip to different points eventually)~

Duke: ok you guys ready?

JD: fuck yeah

Mac: I'm screen recording right now

Martha: yep so am I

Kurt: watch me and Ram are gonna do the most shots

JD: is that a challenge?

Ram: you bet your slushie sipping ass it is

JD: alright bet. im gonna drink more than all of you guys

Veronica: don't get your hopes up.

Mac: so what are we doing again?

Duke: we're seeing who can take the most shots. so who's gonna start us off?

Veronica: I'll go. *pulls out a large bottle of cocaine* thank god my parents are gone for the week. *pours it into a wine glass and takes a sip* oh shit this is STRONG.

Chandler: you gotta finish it Ronnie.

Veronica: yeah I know. *finishes all that's left in the glass* alright who's next?

~timeskip number one~

(so imma describe what's happening in these parentheses: at this point everyone minus martha and Mac have drank about five times. Veronica and Chandler look like they're bouta pass out in like 2 or 3 more shots)

Chandler: my head is killing me.

Duke: JD, your move.

JD: alright. *pulls out a slushie*

Veronica: what the—

JD: I poured some whiskey in it.

Duke: oh. Kurt, you're next.

JD: ugh, brain freezes with this stuff is horrible.

Kurt: you gonna give up slushie fuckface?

JD: in your dreams, you lanky piece of shit.

Chandler: oop. shit's going down.

~and another timeskip~

(so now Ram and Veronica are passed out along with Martha who was just tired. Duke is probably about to go and surprisingly Chandler is still fine)

Duke: *sips some kind of alcohol from a cup* alright I'm done. see ya losers. *passes out*

Chandler: welp, two down, three to go. I'm probably gonna dip soon so it'll be a battle between the dipshits.

the boys: hey!

Chandler: just stating facts. alright, Kurt you're up.

~and one last one cuz I'm running out of other ideas~

(so Chandler and Kurt are sleeping at this point and JD realizes that a. he won and b. him and Mac are the only ones up)

JD: see I knew I'd win! those dipshits didn't know what was coming. *starts to feel kinda faint* ugh I feel like actual dog shit. *notices Mac laughing at him* oh hey Mac. didn't know you were still up.

Mac: yeah I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything. but I am kinda tired though.

JD: wanna call it a night?

Mac: definitely. see ya. *waves at him, stops screen recording, and they both leave*

~and back to the chat~

freezeurbrainnn: see I told you guys I'd win

greenqueen: that's cuz you're the height of a branch and have a strong ass metabolism

linebackerrr_: the hell does that mean

allmighty: oops we forgot Ram can't handle big words

linebackerrr_: fuck you

deadgirlwalkin: and I'm gonna go before a fight breaks out see ya guys ✌️


did I write this in like a hour? yes I did
am I publishing it now? yes I am

but thanks again for the request! y'all can leave some in the comments and I'll try to get them done as soon as I can

uh yeah that's about it

love ya all
~Cee 🧡💫

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