more Heathers GC headcannons

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yes, y'all are getting more headcannons for this book

look, I'm stuck at my school's aftercare and I'm bored af

so here's some more headcannons (this'll probably be shorter than the last one)


•McNamara is the sweetest thing, obviously. She'll give everyone little gifts during holidays which are really cute.

•Don't trust JD when he's alone. The dude will either shoot the place up, break something, or burn something. When Veronica goes out, JD comes with her 99% of the time cuz she doesn't trust him alone.

•Chandler has two sides. One of them is a mean, arrogant side (aka how she acted at Westerburg) and the other is a nice and considerate one (aka the one she uses with McNamara and occasionally Veronica).

•Duke is basically the Jenna Rolan of the Heathers. Chandler's the Chloe Valentine. McNamara is a mix between Brooke Lohst and Christine Canigula.

•Veronica is an Evan Hansen kinnie minus the depression part. The girl gets anxious in uncomfortable situations and honestly, mood.

•JD is practically like Zuko from Avatar. He goes from "I'm gonna kill you" to "You're cool, I guess" once you get to know him.

•McNamara watches Spongebob as a coping mechanism. If she feels stressed or something, she pulls up an episode of Spongebob on her computer.

•Veronica and JD watch Gravity Falls together. No, I won't take criticism.

•Martha, Veronica, and McNamara have done a group cosplay together and went to a con. They got JD to do it too. Y'all can assume what they cosplayed cuz I'm outta ideas there.

•Kurt and Ram drunk is not good at all. They'll do some weird stuff. One time, they were drunk and woke up outside a Walmart parking lot.

•Duke is really good at playing the saxophone. She did a band class in elementary school and played the saxophone for 3 years.

•Speaking of instruments, Veronica can play the piano, bass, guitar, and ukulele. She taught Mac how to play the ukulele and JD how to play the bass.

•Chandler's favorite store is Forever 21. She's literally spent hundreds of dollars there.

•McNamara goes to Starbucks every day. In the spring and summer, she gets iced coffees; in the fall she gets pumpkin spice lattes, and in the winter, she gets a hot chocolate or a vanilla latte.

•Veronica can roast people if she wanted. Usually, she just keeps those thoughts to herself.

•The boys get in the dumbest fights. They've literally got in a fight over the best Mario character. JD said it was Metal Mario, Kurt said it was Yoshi, and Ram said it was Waluigi. You can guess what happens from there 😂

•Chandler is really good at Super Smash Bros surprisingly. She's destroyed the boys at it several times.

•Even though he doesn't seem like it, JD likes hugs a lot. He never got many as a kid but once he and Veronica started dating, he's gotten a ton from her.


again, feel free to leave some of your headcannons in the comments

uhhhh yeah that's it for now

love ya all
~Cee 🧡💫

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