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"There must be poison in those finger tips of yours
cause I keep coming back for more

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 0: Sneak Peak ♥ 

Mark sighed seeing Renjun bruised up and crying on Donghyuck's bed "Haechan I told you to be gentle" Donghyuck didn't respond, instead, he continued to furiously press buttons on his controller.

Mark walked over and picked Renjun up "Markie..." he closed his eyes and leaned into the eldests touch.

"Come, i'll help you bathe" Mark carried the Chinese into the bathroom and placed him in the tub before running the water, making sure it was the right temperature for Renjun to wash in. He washed his body and hair before drying the younger off and changing him into a new set of clothes.

"It hurts..."

"I'll get you some painkillers" Mark assured and carried the younger back to Donghyuck's room only to see the younger in the same position, the Canadian shook his head "Haechan i'm taking him to my room and you have no right to complain"

Donghyuck shot up at the statement "it's still my turn!"

"You went rough even after you promised to let him heal before doing so" Donghyuck scoffed,

"He pissed me off!"

"And what exactly did he do?" Donghyuck's gaze traveled over to Renjun who was on Mark's back, his head buried into the crook of Mark's neck.

"He said some out of pocket things" Mark sighed,

"He's still staying with me"


"LEE HAECHAN!" Donghyuck flinched, Mark never yelled "do not rebel against me!" the eldest hissed, narrowing his eyes. Donghyuck looked down, Mark didn't get angry often but when he did...he should not be messed with.

Renjun tapped Mark's chest as if telling him to calm down, the Canadian sighed and carried Renjun out despite Donghyuck's complains. Mark gently placed the Chinese down on the bed before joining him, "goodnight Markie..."

"Goodnight Renjun" Mark's eyes flashed a bright red before going back to their normal chocolate brown, his eyes slowly closed and soon he fell asleep (after making sure Renjun was okay of course.)


"You're leaving already~?" Jaemin whined.

"I'm already so late Jaem..." Renjun said patting Jaemin's head "i'll be back before 6, promise"

"Injun you know i'm not as mean as the other so i'm telling you this, if you don't quit soon--"

"Why should I have to quit what I find passion in?" Jaemin sighed, Renjun was right but Mark, Jeno and Donghyuck were controlling. Sure, they'll do whatever makes Renjun happy but if they don't get what they want then they won't be too happy.

"Injunnie I don't mind you modeling at all, you can do whatever you'd like but Mark, Haechan and Jeno- specially Mark, do" Renjun scoffed,

"Well then they'll have to suck it up"

"I'm only nagging at you so you don't get punished Jun, please be careful"

"I know but..." Renjun's head dropped.

"We'll speak later I guess, for now you should go or you'll be late" Renjun nodded and waved at Jaemin before leaving.

The Korean puffed out his cheeks as he scratched the back of his head, Jeno was easy to calm down but Donghyuck was hardheaded and Mark- ugh, don't even get him started with Mark Lee.

"What's wrong with you" and in came Jeno.

"Nothing I guess..."

"It's clearly something" Jeno grabbed Jaemin's arm and brought the younger close to which he almost immediately engulfed Jeno into a hug to, he found security in Jeno's arms.

"Renjun really likes modeling, it makes him happy. I hope you know that"

"I do but you know Mark and Haechan don't like to hear other people talk about him like that"

"Stopping them is impossible, isn't it?"

"I know you wanna help him but Mark and Haechan hold grudges"



lmao prologue came earlier than i thought, also i'm back bitches. The plot is hopefully much better with last spelling and grammar mistakes, i will accept requests (ofc as long as it makes sense to the plot yk)

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