『📖90'𝖘 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊』

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"Even when I hold you tight you disappear
Even when I reach out, I can't each you"

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 6: Who? ♥ 

"Tell me Renjun."

"Y-You won't hurt him if I tell, will you?" his eyes narrowed,

"No promises" Renjun gasped,


"Darling just please-! Please tell me who did it, hm~?" that tone, the sweet voice. it was only used when Jeno wanted something and in the end he always got it, no matter what. Renjun didn't wanna rat Donghyuck out but he couldn't exactly lie as he wasn't good at it and Jeno would be able to tell right away as well.

"I...uh-" Renjun flinched when Jeno punched the wall next to his head "J-Jeno!"

"A vampires temper isn't something to be messed with Darling" Jeno whispered with a raspy voice, the younger was threatening him. It was obvious, his tone and wording.

"Haechan...h-he did it" just as Jeno was about to walk away, Renjun was quick to grab his arm and yank him back with as much strength as he could muster up "w-wait! I told him to, don't be mad at him"

Jeno stared down at Renjun in doubt "and why would you do that?"

"I- he- uhm, shit..."

"I knew it"

"WAIT NO!" Renjun, again, yanked Jeno back by the arm "I swear I told him to do it, it's just I- he looked so...thirsty...? I just felt bad, okay?" he still didn't look convinced "it's true!"

"Fine i'll believe you, but i'm still having a talk with Haechan"

"You won't hurt him?" Jeno clenched his jaw, he was angry and wanted to punch Donghyuck but he didn't want Renjun to be upset at him.

"N-No...I won't hurt him" Renjun's sour face turned into a bright smile after hearing those words, he muttered an "I love you" before kissing Jeno's cheek. Jeno couldn't help but smile as Renjun didn't show affection often, it felt nice when he did.

"If I even see a scratch on him I am going to castrate you"

"Can't wait" the younger said sarcastically before pulling Renjun into a kiss, the Chinese was surprised but kissed back anyway.

"Jeno" said male pulled away from the foreigner and turned to the doorway to see who called his name, there stood Mark Lee. Though they were all dating, Mark got jealous if one of the others kissed Renjun.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jeno's lips tugged up into a taunting smirk "I was just kissing my boyfriend" Mark scoffed, Jeno was teasing him.

"Get out and don't make me tell you twice" since Jeno was done with Renjun and wasn't in the mood to fight, he decided to obey the eldest and leave.

"You shouldn't treat Jeno like that" Renjun scolded.

"I can't help it" he whispered "it's your fault" the younger raised a brow,

"How exactly is it my--"

"You drive me crazy" Renjun's eyes grew wide at his words as butterflies fluttered in his stomach, Mark smirked when he heard Renjun's heartbeat quicken.

"D-Don't say that!" Mark pushed himself closer to Renjun so that both of them were pressed up against the wall.

"But it's true~" Renjun's breath quickened as he realized he still hadn't covered the bite as Mark had showed up too fast, the only thing he could do as hope Mark wouldn't look. It's worse because he's still in the robe, Jeno had untied to strings before so his chest and stomach were on display.

"Wait h-hyung--"

"In case you forgot, i'm a vampire which means my hearing is more stronger than yours" so that means- "you let Haechan bite you?"

"Don't hurt him please"

"You let him bite you which means you'll have to let the rest of us bite you which also means you'll be responsible for feeding us whenever we need, you should've thought this through before letting Haechan swoon you"

"He didn't s-swoon me!"

"Doll, the others and I have held ourselves back for two years and you letting Haechan bite you is our last straw. Don't be surprised if one of us drains you and the fact that you're a quarter blood makes us even more excited knowing you won't die or pass out easily like a normal human"

"What are--"

"Which means~" Mark trailed his fingers from Renjun's neck, all the way down on his hips "we can suck as much blood as we want, whenever we want" before the Chinese could utter another word, the elder had already dug his fangs onto Renjun's collar bone.

The younger gasped and clutched onto Mark's shoulder out of habit, Mark's fangs hurt more than Donghyuck's did. Mark pulled away and licked his lips to rid of the blood that was dripping from his mouth, "w-why does yours hurt so much...?" Mark didn't respond, instead he showed a cute smile.

"Can I take off your robe?" lost in Mark's blood red eyes, Renjun unconsciously nodded making the vampire smirk "wonderful" he did as he said and removed the robe from Renjun's body leaving the younger fully nude "beautiful..." he muttered as he stared at Renjun's body

"I-It's hot" Renjun whimpered as leaned his weight onto Mark.

"Don't worry Darling, i'll take care of you"


868 words. T-This wasn't supposed to happen I swear-

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now