『📂𝕭𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕱𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉』

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"There's no room for you anymore
This is already over"

『(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 11: Meeting Of Old Friends ♥』

"I want information on Liu Yangyang!"

"Sir that's--"

"NOW!" the human sighed and nodded to Mark before pulling out his phone to make the calls needed to complete Mark's request, the Canadian sighed and sat down at his desk. When Jaemin told him about that situation that happened at their little date, he felt irked.

Yangyang wasn't necessarily a bad guy, but he wasn't to be trusted either. The vampire was alluring yet mysterious, mesmerizing yet...dangerous. Yangyang as a whole didn't sit right with Mark and he was determined to figure out why.

"Here you go sir" Mark's attendant threw a bunch of files onto Mark's desk making the younger raise a brow,

"That was fast" he smiled, his dimples popping out,

"Liu Yangyang and his friends are special people Sir, be careful who you dig into"

"Jaehyun, what are you on abou--"

"It's getting late Mr. Lee, you should head home. Good night sir" Jaehyun bowed before walking out, not letting Mark finish. What did he mean by "be careful who you dig into?" was there really something off about that Yangyang kid?

Mark sighed and picked up the file at the very top of the stack,

Qian Kun.

"A fugitive...?" not just Kun, they all were. Kun fled China around 7 years ago and picked up the other 6 off the streets as he felt worried for them, they had no relation yet he felt such pain in his heart as he saw them crying on the streets with no where to go.

The seven on them weren't born vampires, they were bitten. That's why they were kicked out, they're guardians were disgusted by them. Disgusted by the fact their own flesh and blood was infected by those "disgraceful creatures" that walk the earth.

"Now, why are they so attached?" Mark hummed as he scanned through each and every one of the files, yet none of them held the reason to why they were so stuck on Renjun. The Canadian sighed and checked the time, 2:30am was what it read.

It was late and knowing the younger ones, they are probably all still awake waiting for him. It was an unhealthy habit and he's tried many times to get them out of it but they would never listen, and if he was being honest he was afraid of them. Those kids were ruthless.

Mark grabbed his coat, wallet, phone and keys before heading outside to his car. The drive home was peaceful, there wasn't much traffic as it was 2 am and he had calming music playing. He parked his care in the driveway before unlocking the door and taking off his shoes.

He walked into the living room and was met with the sight of Donghyuck, Jeno and Jaemin all toppled on top of one another on the floor. He chuckled and lifted them up so they were on the couch, he figured they forced Renjun to sleep in the bedroom since he was nowhere to be seen.

Mark yawned and made his way to the kitchen where there was a packet of blood with a note, we decided not to feed off of Injunnie today, for a break :D <3 -Haechan. Mark silently laughed at the cute smiley face Donghyuck drew before picking up the blood packet.

In a matter of minutes he had finished the packet of blood as if it was a juice box, he threw the plastic away and decided to sleep on the couch next to the trio.


Renjun, who was peacefully sleeping and dreaming of moomin, was rudely awoken by a tap on his window. Alarmed, he sprung out of bed and checked outside only to see a familiar mop of pink hair.

In an instant, he opened up the window and let the man in "Ge what the heck!?"

"Hi Junnie!" he jumped onto Renjun's bed and laid down as if it was his very own.

"Hendery~ge you can't be here, Mark's gonna--"

"Relax tiny," Hendery pulled Renjun onto the bed so they were laying together "I only came to deliver a message"

"A message? What is it?"

"Kun~ge told me to warn you, there are people hunting you" Renjun tilted his head in confusion,

"Why me?" Hendery chuckled before placing a hand on Renjun's head and leaning down,

"Because Dear, you're father is a bitch"

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now