『🪁7 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖘』

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"7 Days a week, how were you?
I think we match quite well, you and me

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 5: First bite ♥ 

"P-Please no more..." their heads turned to the eldest who was watching with cold eyes.

"Go another round"

After Renjun was freed they had left him with Donghyuck to be cleaned up, Renjun had passed out so it was a little difficult to clean someone who was unresponsive but Donghyuck had gotten through it in the end.

Donghyuck didn't attend the gym regularly as Jaemin and Jeno did so he did have a little trouble when carrying Renjun but it wasn't too bad, he'd like to go to the gym one day with Jeno but he was a lazy bean.

"Injun?" Donghyuck poked Renjun's cheeks after noticing him squirming.


"What's wrong?"

"It hurts..."

"We were extra mean this time, weren't we?" Renjun nodded,

"Are you really gonna make me quit?" Donghyuck sighed,

"Listen, vampires are vicious creatures. You could either continue your job and worry about Mark killing that boy or you could quit and keep him safe" Renjun frowned. He didn't wanna leave Jisung but at the same time, Mark was an unpredictable person.


"I'd advise you to just quit, it'd stop you from overthinking as well. And if you worry about that boy so much then why not find someone else for him, don't you have any old friends you can introduce him to?"

"Well, there is one..."

"I'll distract Mark so you can make them meet but you'll have to leave them after that"

"Thank you Hyuckie"

"You're welcome" Donghyuck pinched Renjun's side lightly and let the Chinese snuggle into his chest "you're still exhausted, I can hear you how fast your heartbeat is going" Renjun turned red,

"I forgot you could do those things" Donghyuck laughed,

"Rest" Renjun noticed Donghyuck's eyes flashed red, he was thirsty.

"Y-Your eyes..."

"I'm thirsty Doll" he whispered, his gaze unconsciously traveling to Renjun's neck.

"How have you survived for so long?"

"Animal blood but it's not as appetizing as human blood" Donghyuck, still lost, leaned in closer to Renjun's neck as he spoke.

"Bite me"

"I can't, Mark will be upset" Donghyuck sighed "no matter how tempted I am, I can never go against Markie"

"Hyuckie, he won't have to know" said male bit his lip,

"If you keep wording your sentences like this, I won't be able to hold back"

"Then don't" that was the last straw for him.

Almost in an instant, Donghyuck had grabbed Renjun's wrist and held them above his head. He knew the elder wouldn't run away but...just in case. Without a second thought, he dug his fangs into the Chinese.

Renjun didn't scream but his breath did hitch when Donghyuck sucked harder, it was more pleasure than pain. He released a light, breathy moan when the younger took his fangs out and licked the access blood.

Donghyuck then looked into Renjun's eyes and licked his lip, "i'm-" he breathed heavily as his head fell onto the elders chest "-addicted..."

Renjun didn't respond, he just entangled his fingers in Donghyuck's hair and played with it. He didn't know how to respond, what are you supposed to say after one of your boyfriends sucks your blood?

Butterflies swarmed his stomach when he felt the Korean rub his sides, his touch delicate and careful as if the foreigner was made up of porcelain. Renjun sighed in content and placed his hand on the back of Donghyuck's nape, rubbing it the same way he was doing with Renjun's sides.

"I'm tired Hyuckie..."

"I drained too much of your energy, rest."


There were two people in this complex that have angel-like vocals, Lee Donghyuck and Huang Renjun (Mark Lee was an exception) Donghyuck's voice was more honey like so that means that this person can only be-

"Junnie?" Renjun, who was singing a song while looking for clothes to where after his shower, flinched and turned around.

"Oh, hi Jeno" Jeno eyed Renjun up and down, he was wearing nothing but a robe meaning he just came out the shower. How shameless of him to walk around like that knowing four more horny men were sharing the room with him- "Jen?"

Renjun waved his hand in front of Jeno's face seeing as the younger was lost in thought "h-huh? Oh..."

"What are you thinking about" Renjun yelped when Jeno suddenly grabbed by his waist and twirled him around, pushing him against the bathroom door.

"Would you really like to know what i'm thinking about" Renjun gulped, Jeno only used that tone when he wanted to- you know...

Hesitantly, Renjun nodded and waited for Jeno to make a move. The Chinese gasped when he felt Jeno untie his robe "J-Jeno--"

"What a shame, now you'll have to shower twice"

"C-Can't you- ugh~ keep i-it in your pants for a few-- JENO!" Jeno chuckled and groped Renjun's butt.

"One round, i'll be fast promise~"

"I-I swear if you go anymore than that, i'll--" Jeno latched his lips onto Renjun's, cutting the elder off. He's been talked through it many times, if he doesn't do as promised he'll get ignored yada, yada, yada . Though, that never actually happens so he doesn't bother to listen.

Just as he was about to go into Renjun's neck he stopped after seeing a mark, it wasn't a hickey. "What's this" he made a confused noise as he trailed his finger over the mark on Renjun's neck.

Renjun groaned, he was gonna cover it up after he changed but Jeno had come in unexpectedly "I- it's nothing I just--"

"You got bit" Renjun's eye grew wide, there's no way he could lie himself out of this one.


951 words, this one was kinda SPICY (in Jisung's voice, stream hot sauce)

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now