『🥀𝕭𝖊𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖚𝖑 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊』

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"Let's separate again like yesterday
Like we'll see each other tomorrow"

『(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 10: Liu Yangyang ♥ 』

"Where are we going Na?"

"You'll see" Jaemin had covered Renjun's eyes and no matter how much the elder complained, Jaemin wouldn't let him take it off. He wanted this to be a special surprise, he actually spent two weeks on it and if Renjun wasn't happy seeing it then he'll most likely cry.

"What if I fall?"

"Darling i'm holding on to you, do you not trust me?"

"Don't twist my words"

"We're almost there" the Korean whispered as he squeezed Renjun's hand "there's a step here, be careful" Jaemin grinned and got rid of the blindfold causing the Chinese to whine at the sudden flash of light, he blinked a few times to adjust the light before gasping at the sight that awaited for him.

"Jaemin this is..."

"It's pretty right?" in front of them was a wide field of different flowers, forget-me-nots to daises to roses to dandelions and more. It was magical, like he was in a fairy tale.

"This is amazing!" Jaemin had a proud smile on his face as he watched Renjun run around the large field, the elder usually cringes at his cliche ideas of dates but in the end he always ends up enjoying.

"Come, this isn't all" he took Renjun's hands and dragged him further where there was a forest "I set up a picnic for us" Jaemin pointed towards a large tree that had a checker patterned blanket underneath it along with a basket that was most likely holding food.

The two sat down and Jaemin took the liberty to open up the basket and take out the contents, inside was a sandwich & juice box for Renjun and a blood packet for Jaemin.

"Thank you Jaemin, this is more than I expected" said male grinned,

"I wanted to blow your mind"

"Well it worked" Renjun's gaze traveled to the blood packet Jaemin was sucking on "hey..."


"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you not eat...human food? I swear i've never seen you eat any"

"We can eat it but it's not needed" Renjun looked down,

"Oh" Jaemin slipped a finger underneath Renjun's chin and lifted his head so he could see his face,

"Don't be afraid to ask questions"

"I don't wanna say anything to offend you"

"Darling, your questions are quite innocent. They quite differ from what you say in bed--" Renjun smacked Jaemin's head for that one "Ow! I'm sorry, had to. Anyway, your questions are innocent so I don't think you'll offend us"

"Still, gotta be careful" the youngest laughed,

"You're cute" the Chinese rolled his eyes,


"I saw a--"

"How nice"

The quarter blood flinched at the sudden voice whilst the full blood stayed still, his once bright eyes turning dark at the familiar voice. Jaemin got up and stood in front of Renjun, keeping the Chinese away from the mans sight.

"And who might you be?"

"Liu Yangyang," he broke out into a smile causing his gums to show, "pleasure" Renjun's eyes widened, Yangyang? The same Yangyang who helped him? He looked so different then from when they were children, his face had gotten more defined courtesy of puberty.

"What business do you have here?"

"I'm just here to meet an old friend" Yangyang leaned to the side so he was able to see the elder Chinese who was now lost in thought after hearing the familiar name. Jaemin turned to Renjun and narrowed his eyes,

"You know him?" hesitantly, the Chinese slowly nodded. Renjun flinched when Yangyang pushed Jaemin aside with such force and crouched down to his own height, he gave a smile and patted Renjun's head.

"Long time no see Rennie"

"H-Hi Yangie..." the only Korean had got up from the floor and grabbed Yangyang by his collar.

"Stay away from what's mine Liu"

"Why would I stay away from my best friend?" he suddenly exaggerated a gasp "don't tell me you keep the poor boy away from his friends" Yangyang tutted "poor Rennie, can't even socialize without having to deal with your manipulative ass"

"I swear, if you don't keep quiet i'll--"

"You'll what, huh? Hurt me in front of our Renjun?"

"My Renjun" Jaemin growled "not ours"

"Oh of course your majesty, "your" Renjun" he tilted his head, the sides of his mouth still tugged up into the same leering smile "you won't hurt me, Na. And you know it"

"This is your last warning Liu, shove off!" Yangyang mocked a pout and looked at Renjun who was still very confused, he sighed and pecked the elders forehead before disappearing off as he didn't was Jaemin to behead him before he turned 23.

Renjun looked up at Jaemin who had his jaw clenched, fangs hanging out freely and his eyes were now a blood red. The Chinese grabbed the Korean's arm and pulled him down before enveloping him in a warm hug, hopefully calming him down a little.

Jaemin sighed and relaxed in Renjun's arms "how do you know him?"

"Back then...he and his friends saved me"

"Back then? From what?"

"When I was 11 I was attacked by a lower class and luckily they were in the area so they saved me before the venom spread throughout my bloodstream"

"And we don't know about this why?"

"You never asked and the topic never came up" Renjun hit Jaemin's head, "use your head Na"


916 words

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