『📜𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝕺𝖓 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐』

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"A moment I've always dreamed of
It's a new tomorrow

"Alright, Listen up ladies!"

"Ge, i'm not supposed to be here" Renjun was beyond nervous right now, Hendery had taken him back to the forest where he and the rest reside. He's sure by the time he's taken back, Mark's gonna be there waiting for him and he definitely won't be happy.

"You'll be fine, hm? Gege is here to protect you" Hendery gave a reassuring smile and patted Renjun's back, the Chinese was thankful for the action but it did not help reassure him whatsoever.

"Come Renjun, I wanna show you something" Kun grabbed Renjun's hand and dragged him down the hall and towards a large steel door.

"Ge, I don't think--" Xiaojun was cut off when Kun suddenly unlocked the door causing the doors to open like how Renjun's legs open every time the Dreamies- anyway...

Out of fear, Renjun clung onto Kun's arm making the elder laugh "nothing's gonna happen Dear"

"You never know gege..." the 00' liner looked around warily, Kun patted his head finding his paranoia cute.

"Look at this" Kun grabbed a box and opened it up before pulling out a stack of papers, he flipped through it and held up a yellow piece of paper. On it, there was a picture of a dead body "this is your mother" Renjun gasped "your father killed her by sucking too much blood"

"Ge--" not giving Renjun a chance to react, Kun continued speaking;

"Your mother was the leader of the Neo clan so you can only guess how well that went with your father" Kun continued speaking, not minding the tears slipping Renjun's eyes. Xiaojun, who was eavesdropping, sighed and pulled the crying boy into a tight embrace seeing as Kun did not care at the moment.

"This happened all while you were just 4 months, after that you were sent to live with Huang Zitao which is your uncle"

"Kun~ge you should stop talking now " Kun glanced down a the crying Chinese and clicked his tongue,

"Very well then" he stood behind Renjun and back hugged him "sorry Junnie but you needed to learn the truth at some point and I can't sugarcoat it for you" the younger sniffled and raised his head a little so only one of his eyes were seen,

"I-It's okay Gege, I know you meant well" the elder smiled and kissed Renjun's head softly "ge?"


"Can you take me home now? I can practically hear Mark's growl from here"


"YOU BASTARDS!" Ten calmly dodged each punch Jeno threw at him, eventually he got tried and grabbed both Jeno's wrists.

"Calm down hulk and let me explain" Ten rolled his eyes "we had to inform Renjun about his oh-so tragic past"


"You wouldn't give him to us willingly, we had to" Ten glanced behind Jeno where Mark was sitting on the couch calmly, which was odd as Mark was usually the first one to act aggressively. Was this where the saying "the calm before the storm" comes from? If so, then Ten's got a big storm coming.

Renjun sat next to Sicheng, playing a hand game normally as if nothing was happening, Donghyuck and Jaemin were no where to be found which was slightly concerning but they're big boys and can take care of themselves. More so Jaemin then Donghyuck but that's just the tea.

"Would you stop trying to punch me!" Ten twisted Jeno's arm and brought him to the ground to prevent the younger from anymore aggressive movements "gosh, will you all just listen to us"

"What do you want from Renjun" Mark finally spoke up making the Thai flinch,

"We are Renjun's guardians, he needs us--"

"You are nothing to Renjun and he does not need you when he has us"

"We were assigned by his father, you have no say in this. Renjun is stuck with us until the day we die weather you like it or not"

"Hyung" Ten turned to Renjun,


"What were you to my father?"

"Just his servants Junnie, nothing more and nothing less"

"But why would you--" Renjun was cut off by a frantic looking Xiaojun entering the room,


"What's wrong?"

"Dongyoung, he found us"



idk where i'm going with this tbh

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now