『🏳️‍🌈𝕭𝖆𝖉 𝕬𝖑𝖎𝖛𝖊』

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"I was determined
To tell you how I feel"

『(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 9: First ♥』

Renjun remembers very vividly when he kissed each of his boyfriends, it was eventful yet funny. His first kiss from Mark wasn't really a kiss but he counted it as one. They had met a library and the Canadian was supposedly running away from someone, Renjun guided him to a back door where he could escape out of pity.

The elder thanked him with a kiss, it wasn't exactly a kiss as his mask had stopped their lip from really touching but Renjun was quite a drama king so he took it as one.

The first time he kissed Jeno was an accident, he tripped over thin air and knocked Jeno over causing them to fall on the floor, Renjun on top of Jeno. Out of panic, Renjun's arm slipped causing his lips to crash onto Jeno's.

His first kiss with Donghyuck was a little embarrassing but basically he asked to try his lip balm but instead of Donghyuck giving him the actual chapstick, the younger had kissed him before smirking at him and asking if he "liked it" with an innocent look.

His and Jaemin's story was actually kind of funny, the younger was complaining about how one of the characters in his book died and Renjun eventually got annoyed so he decided to shut the Korean up.

How? By kissing him of course.

It was supposed to be platonic but Jaemin had taken it differently by kissing him every chance he got and when Renjun would whine the younger would mock him saying "you started this, shouldn't have kissed me" so the Chinese had given up with stopping him.

"What are you thinking about Angel?" Renjun snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at Mark who was towering over him, right...he was laying on the floor.

Renjun sat up and tugged the elders pant leg as if telling him to sit on the floor as well, he obeyed and did as the younger wanted.

"The first time we kissed..." Mark smiled,

"I think it was cute"

"You were running away from a gang" Mark rolled his eyes,

"I didn't know that the spray can was theirs!"

"Whatever" Renjun scooted closer and laid down on Mark's lap "where did the others go?"

"Haechan took Jaemin to the dentist and Jeno is at the dance studio picking up Haehan's bag"

"Channie is very forgetful..." the Chinese muttered and reached out for Mark's hand to hold it,

"You're awfully clingy today" the eldest spoke in a teasing tone with a raised brow.

"I-I'm sorry..." Renjun panicked, was he annoying?

"There's no need to be sorry, it's cute" the Canadian tapped Renjun's nose before squishing his cheeks together, the shorter smiled brightly at the affection and felt happy. He felt happy but it wouldn't last forever and he knew that.

Happiness is something that will never last, you'll feel the bliss of it for a few moments before the universe snatches it away. It's impossible to be happy in this world, there will always be someone or something that'll stop it.

The reason why Renjun was so cool with Mark, Donghyuck, Jaemin and Jeno being vampires was because he's met some before. He used to self harm and the scent of the blood caught the attention of a few vampires living in the forest.

That night, he wasn't supposed to be in the forest. It was blood moon and dangerous, yet he went anyway. Renjun always has been a rule breaker, he hated being controlled. Which is funny when Mark and Donghyuck boss him around so much.

The night in the forest, he was attack by lower class vampires. Before they could kill him, a group of people who called themselves "Weishen V" saved him. They showed him great hospitality and took care of him, they healed his wounds before sending him off.

Renjun never saw them again after that, which was quite a shame since he had made such good friends with their youngest, Liu Yangyang.

"You're spacing out again" Mark pulled Renjun out of his thoughts 

"I'm sorry Markie"

"I told you Angel, there's nothing to be sorry about" the Chinese puffed out his cheeks as his eyes roamed around the elders face, there was no sign of anger or any form of negativity. Mark smiled, "quit thinking and get ready for your date with Jaemin"

Renjun gasped a shot up from Mark's lap, "I ALMOST FORGOT!" Renjun ran out the room, only to come back a few seconds later to press a kiss to Mark's cheek as if thanking him, before running back out to go dress.

Mark smiled as he watched the boy rush out, you wouldn't understand how cute he was until you see it with your own eyes. Mark sighed and looked down at his exposed ankle where there was a large scar, his father gave that to him the night he came out.

That night was one he'll never forget, it was amazing honestly. How aggressive his father was over his son liking the same gender, he never understood was so wrong with it. People used the term "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" towards gay people but it still didn't make sense.

Technically Adam and Eve had no choice as they were the only people on earth, maybe things would've turned out differently if Eve was male or if there was another male along side with them.

Opposite gender couples were so normalized that same gender couples are just seen as "gross" or "wrong" which, again, didn't make sense to him. Mark wondered how it'd be if everything was the other way around, straight people were gross and queer people weren't.

He just wished everyone was equal.


970 words, kinda put my own feelings in with that last part hehe

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now