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"NCT we the dream chaser uh
I speak my mind, and the jealous kids say somethin'"

『(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 14: The Last Act ♥』

"And scene!" the director clapped "good show gentleman"

"Oh thank god, I swear these things are gonna make my gums bleed" Jaemin sighed in relief as he ripped the fake fangs out of his mouth and threw them across the room, his stylist sighed and picked them up for him with a shake of her head.

Mark smiled and made his way towards Jeno who was trying his best to get the heavy clothing off of him "you good bro?"

"I hope, I think the jewels on the shirt left marks..." Renjun watched them from afar before turning to the director,

"When's the last scene?"

"We'll film it next week, you've all worked hard for the past few days so have a break" he smiled and patted Renjun's head.

"Cool, cool..."

"RENJUNNIE!" Renjun almost had a whiplash when someone suddenly jumped onto his back without warning, he turned around only to see Chenle.

"Yah Zhong Chenle! You've filmed all your parts, why are you still here!?"

"Because I need to distract you"

"You're a monster"

"You love me"



"Boys!" almost immediately, all of them went quiet and turned to the director "next week we'll do the last scene and we'll be done, how about some beer and chicken to celebrate?" all of them cheered in agreement making the director laugh "wonderful, let's go!"


"Zhong Chenle don't drink too much!" Chenle ignored the eldest and downed another shot of beer, Mark sighed out of frustration and turned to Renjun hoping he could stop the problem child named Chenle.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"You're his "gege" scold him!" Renjun huffed and turned to Chenle,

"Yah Zhong Chenle, no more drinks!"

"Suck my toe ge" Renjun turned to Mark,

"I tried" Mark groaned,

"You all are the worst"

"Nice one Lele" Donghyuck grinned and high-fived Chenle.

"Don't look at me hyung" Jeno muttered in the midst of chewing on his chicken, noticing Mark's gaze on him.

"You're the only one who can control those two" Jeno rolled his eyes before grabbing both Donghyuck's and Chenle's hand and squeezing it with all his force.

"NO WAIT, I'M SORRY!" Jeno continued eat, not minding Donghyuck's screams. He was biased so he had let go of Chenle, Donghyuck however was a bitch so he deserved it. Jaemin was just on his phone throughout this whole incident, not minding his chaotic friends.

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now