『⛱️𝕭𝖆𝖇𝖞 𝕯𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖕』

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"I like it when we get closer
When it gets risky"

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 7: Blood 

So far only Mark and Donghyuck had tasted Renjun's blood leaving Jeno and Jaemin, Jeno was close but was interrupted by Mark. Jaemin, unlike the other three, was never one to just attack Renjun and kiss him without warning.

He'd usually ask before doing anything like that, it felt weird to do it without permission. After hearing the news about them being able to bite Renjun it worried him, sure Renjun wasn't human so it wouldn't drain him out but it was still odd.

Jaemin took a peek at Renjun who was just minding his own business by watching Tiktok on his phone, his gaze then traveled to the boys exposed leg. Before he met Renjun, when he'd attack humans to be fed he'd go for their thighs. It was the most appetizing.

He bit his lip, he needed to look away otherwise he'd lose control. He thought of it but didn't act on it. Slowly, he reached over and grabbed Renjun's thigh causing the elder to jump at the sudden contact "Jaemin?"

"Injun I want a bite too..."


"Can I...?" unsure, Renjun nodded "don't nod like that Love, are you certain I can?" the Chinese nodded again, this time more certain. Even with Renjun's consent, Jaemin still didn't move.

"Nana, i'm giving you permission"

"I..." Renjun picked up the knife he was using to cut fruit before and made a cut on his thigh, he smiled seeing Jaemin's eyes turn red. He tempted him, it probably wasn't a good idea but he couldn't care less at the moment.

Almost in an instant, Renjun hand been pushed onto the couch and Jaemin had already started licking the blood from the cut. Jeno and Donghyuck were half bloods whilst Mark and Jaemin were pure bloods which meant they required more blood so obviously their fangs would hurt more.

When Mark bit him, he went easier and decided not to fill himself all the way but because he tempted Jaemin by cutting himself Jaemin had lost all control. It was painful but the pleasure overwhelmed it, maybe it was a bad idea to tempt him.

"N-Nana wait--" a loud moan escaped the foreigners mouth when Jaemin's fangs sunk deeper, Jaemin felt satisfied. Not just by the fill but by the loud moan as well, he hoped the others had heard it also.

He wanted them to know how much better he was at pleasuring Renjun than they were, it made him feel prideful "next time..." Jaemin moved away from Renjun's legs so he could face him "don't tempt me otherwise things will turn out nasty"

Renjun didn't have the energy to respond, he just laid there as he panted heavily "I...d-didn't think-" Renjun squired around uncomfortably as the bite was started to sting "-it'd turn out like that..."

"Does it hurt Darling?"

"A-A little"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be, it's m-my fault for t-tempting you"

"Still, I should've done a better job at controlling myself" Renjun blushed at how sweet the Korean was, the younger noticed his red cheeks and tilted his head in confusion "you're red, what's wrong?"

"W-Why are you so nice!?" Jaemin chuckled and ruffled Renjun's hair.

"Why are you so cute?"

"I'm not!"

"Jaemin" Jaemin turned around only to see Jeno standing there with his arms crossed.


"Mark~hyung's calling you" Jaemin pouted and turned back to Renjun who was now trying to push Jaemin away so he could sit up properly.

"Fine" Jaemin kissed Renjun's forehead before running off to go find out what Mark wants, Renjun turned back to Jeno who was now staring at his legs. Right, he cut himself so Jaemin would bite him.

"Cover yourself before Haechan or Mark see that" was the only thing he said before walking away, Renjun didn't feel like being a bitch today so he did as told and went up to the bedroom to go find a pair of sweats that'd go with his shirt.


"GEGE!" Renjun laughed loudly as Chenle tackled him into a hug "I missed you!"

"I missed you too"

"Did everything work out back in China?"

"Somewhat, i'll probably have to go back in a few months to check on everything but only for a few weeks"

"Hey, I have a favor to ask of you"

"I am not gonna hire a hacker to get rid of the tracker Mark~ge put on you"

"That's not-- MARK PUT A TRACKER ON ME!?"

"Oh, I wasn't supposed to tell you..."


"I'M SORRY, MARK~GE IS SCARY!" Renjun sighed in frustration and shook his head,

"We'll talk about that later but for now, my favor"

"What is it?"

"You know about my job right"

"Yep, the one where you dressed as a hooker was my favorite"

"That wasn't- okay nevermind...ANYWAY, Mark's making me quit and there's a guy I work with that I kind of take as my child, I want you to befriend him and take care of him"

"So you want me to babysit a child?"

"He's only one year younger than you, it's just that he's an innocent little chick. I'm sure you two would click, hopefully..."

"I mean, I guess a new friend would be fine. Is he hot?"

"I'd say he's more cute than hot but if you look at our shoots you'd probably say otherwise" the elder pulled out his phone and showed Chenle a picture.

"Damn are you sure it's not you doing me a favor"

"You're crazy"

"For that hottie I am"

"His name is Jisung Park"

"Even his name is attractive"

"I'm starting to regret choosing you"

"Take me to heaven dear Ge"

"You do realize Kun~ge would never let you date, right?"

"Yes but Kun~ge isn't here, now is he?"

"He will be when I call him over" Chenle gasped,

"You wouldn't!"

"Maybe if you don't piss me" Chenle squinted his eyes at Renjun,

"I'll try I guess"

"Wonderful. Now, get in the car so I can go home"

"When do I get to meet him?"

"Well for now you should rest, how about next week?"

"Fair enough"


1034 words

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now