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"Hey you can call your 119
If you're having a hard time
The problem is I'm not a flame that's easy to tame"

『(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 4: Another Photoshoot ♥ 』

They did not sleep that night, in fact, they did everything but sleeping. Renjun ended up not being able to walk by the time he woke up which worried the rest.

"You recovered just two days ago, how sad" Jeno was mocking him if you couldn't tell.

"I am this close to kermiting"

"You should be grateful Mark went easy on you" Renjun raised a brow,

"That was easy?"


"You all are mean" Renjun huffed and rested his cheek against Jaemin's shoulder causing it to squish against his eyes.

"You are so cute~!" Jaemin cooed and hugged him tightly earning a whine from the elder.

"T-Tight, too tight!" Jaemin loosened his grip a little after hearing those words but didn't let go "i'm going to Jisung's house in an hour" the four males perked up hearing that.

"What business do you have there?"

"He needs help with his suit"

"Can't he come here?" Mark needed to keep an eye on that over grown baby.

"No he can't, why can't you trust me?"

"We do trust you, it's him we don't trust" Renjun rolled his eyes,

"Jisung's the most innocent adult you'll ever meet, he won't do anything"

"This photo shoot says otherwise" Jeno showed the photo shoot of him and Jisung wearing revealing clothes and laying together on a single bed.

"It's just a photo shoot, we weren't doing anything"

"It's either he comes here or you don't go at all" Renjun looked up at Jaemin for help but the Korean avoided his gaze, the Chinese groaned loudly and face planted onto Jaemin's lap. Maybe he should've just sneaked out, but who knows what would happen if he got caught.

Yeah no, he'd rather not take that risk.


"You're leaving again" Jaemin pouted.

"Sitting at home jobless is boring, what do you even do all day while we're gone?" Jaemin shrugs

"Nap, play games, read and stuff like that" Renjun scrunched up his nose and shook his head,


"Guess we really are opposites"

"No that's you and Jeno" Jaemin laughed and pulled Renjun closer by the waist,

"I'll miss you..."

"I'm only gone for a few hours"

"Still, I will miss you" Renjun sighed, Jaemin was clingy and when he said stuff like this it makes him feel guilty. As if he's the cause of Jaemin's heartache but he couldn't help it, he's watched Jisung grow since he was 14 and didn't wanna let go of him so early. 

His job is the only time he gets to see the younger as Mark doesn't let him go out without either Donghyuck, Jeno, Jaemin or himself. He couldn't quit, not now. Not until he finds someone else that can take care of Jisung and keep him out of trouble.

"Bye Jaemin, i'll see you in a few hours" Renjun had to forcefully pull himself out of Jaemin's grip before he was able to leave.

The Chinese bit his lip as he gripped onto the steering wheel, the guilt is still there. In fact, it's even heavier. He shook his head and decided to focus on the road, he was just stressing himself for no reason.

Renjun parked his car outside the building and grabbed his stuff before entering, he spotted Jisung talking to one of the managers by the receptionist so he walked over there "hi guys"

"Hey hyung"

"Good morning Renjun"

"What are we gonna do today?" the manager checked her schedule,

"People seemed to love the mature theme so we're gonna try it again" Jisung and Renjun groaned,

"Not again!" she gave them an apologetic smile,

"Sorry kids but it's what the people want" both Renjun and Jisung scrunched their noses as they stared at each other in disgust.

"This is seriously my thirteenth reason why..."


"Okay, this is as much covering as I can give you" Renjun's stylist handed him a velvet green button up shirt, leaving three buttons open to show his chest and a pair of ripped black jeans. Jisung wore something similar except his shirt was red.

"Okay Renjun I need you to climb on top of Jisung and grab his shoulders" Renjun puffed out his cheeks and did as he was told "Jisung wrap your arms around him" hesitantly, Jisung placed both his hands on Renjun's lower back after getting a reassuring nod from the elder.

"This is the most awkward position i've ever been in"

"We just need to get this over with and we're free"

"Jisung lift up his shirt" the photographer spoke up again.

"W-What!?" Jisung looked up at Renjun who's ears were now a bright red.

"J-Just do it!" Jisung bit his lip and lifted up Renjun's shirt enough to see a little bit of his back.

"Perfect!" after a few more pictures and odd positions they were able to separate and change back into their comfy clothes.

"That's was disgusting" Jisung shivered and shook his head.

"For real..." Jisung eyed Renjun up and down,

"It's gonna be hell for you when those photos come out" Renjun's eyes grew wide before he groaned and hid his face in his hands,

"You just had to remind me"

"Have fun...?"

"I am going to kill you Park!"


When Renjun arrived home he did not expect to see 4 angry faces waiting for him on the couch, Jaemin being the most intimidating as he wasn't one to get upset easily. But the question is; what did he do?

"Would you like to explain these picture Dear?" Mark showed the pictures of the shoot him and Jisung did today, but they haven't come out yet so where did Mark find them?

"Hey, where did you--"

"That's not important!" Mark hissed making Renjun flinch.

"Answer the damn question" Donghyuck spoke up.

"Look it was just what the photographer told us to do"

"Did you not learn your lesson last time?"

"We had no choice!"

"I told you to quit that stupid job of yours!" before Renjun could talk back Jeno grabbed his arm and dragged him upstairs, Donghyuck and Jaemin following behind. Renjun was expecting a punishment, just not so early.

And this time, he just might have to actually quit his work


1064 words

ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕒'𝕤  𝔹𝕠𝕩 (𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎✔️)Where stories live. Discover now