『🥪1, 2, 3』

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"First, I was blind to it, now I can see
I believe you mean more to me"

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Act 1: Model ♥ 

"Hey Jisung" Renjun greeted, setting down his bag.

"Hi hyung!"

"What's the theme for today?"

"Soft" Jisung pointed at all the pink and white balloons scattered along the floor.

"How original" that was sarcasm just to be clear, Jisung laughed at the elders deadpanned face and offered him some chips "thanks..." Renjun took a handful and shoved it into his mouth.

"At least it wasn't mature like last time" Jisung visibly shivered.

"That was so weird"

"Right, you could never top"


"WHAT?! IT'S TRUE!" Jisung puffed out his cheeks "I almost shit my pants when your boyfriends came to threaten me that day"

"You're lucky I was there to stop them otherwise you would've been ripped to shreds" Jisung groaned,

"Don't remind me"

"Anyway, have you seen the new model?"

"Yeah I heard he was Chinese"


"Wonder how he's like"

"Hopefully not a hoe"

"We can only hope"

"Boys!" their manager called them, "we're gonna start shooting in three, make sure you're all ready"


"I think I broke my back from that pose" Jisung complained as he fell back onto Renjun's lap.

"Don't overreact, you're acting as if you're not more flexible than me"

"Doesn't Jeno~hyung do the deed with you in different posi--"

"Don't you dare continue Jisung Park!"

"Got it, sorry Patricia" Jisung raised his hands in surrender with an innocent look.

"It's getting late, you should head home" Jisung nodded in agreement,

"Make sure to eat something when you get home hyung"

"You too"

Then they both went their own ways.


"Welcome home Darling"

"O-Oh, hi Jaemin. Where's everyone else?"

"Work, Donghyuck's at the dance studio for extra practice" Renjun nodded in acknowledgment and jumped onto the couch, sitting next to the younger. 

"What are you reading?"

"Mark's new book, it's quite interesting"

"That's cool, what do you want to have for dinner?"

"It's your turn to cook?"

"Yeah, i've taken over Mark's days ever since he failed the rice" Jaemin laughed,

"How about ttaeboki?"

"Sounds great"

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"I guess i'll get it..." Renjun muttered getting up to answer the door, standing outside was Mark "hyung why would you knock?"

"I-I lost my key..." the Canadian muttered as he covered his mouth, clearly trying to hide his red cheeks. Renjun chuckled at him and stepped aside to let him in, he then closed the door and followed the elder in.

"Oh you're back early Markie!"

"I got Jaehyun~hyung to take over for me" Mark sighed and laid down on Jaemin's lap.

"Bad day?"

"The worst" Mark huffed "My secretary lost an important file so I fired her out of anger which I regret greatly since she was so good, on top of that my dad texted me saying he's gonna come over with Taeyong~hyung"

Both Jaemin and Renjun winced, Mark never had a good relationship with his parents. Mark might not see it but Taeyong was really caring for the younger, he just doesn't show it often as he feels embarrassed when doing so.

Renjun himself was actually very fond of Taeyong, he's met with him a few times without anyone else noticing and he acted more of a crackhead then he thought considering the fact that Taeyong looks so cold when he isn't speaking or being spoken to.

In fact, he was actually really cute. Also very motherly, the way he asked Renjun if Mark was eating all 3 meals and taking care of himself was rather endearing. Renjun wished he had an older sibling like that but unfortunately, he was an only child.

"Jun you're spacing out again" Renjun blinked as his train of thought was interrupted.

"Oh yeah, sorry"

"What's so important that it steals my attention from you?"

"I...uh, nothing much. Just work stuff" Mark's eyes narrowed at the topic,

"Oh right, you're still working there..." Renjun bit his lip at Mark's tone.


"Yeah, "work stuff"" Jaemin could tell Mark was getting angry judging by his face so he placed his hand over the elders eyes and whispered something.


700 words; omg first chap 😚🤭🤫🙈🤡👅👀👀🙌👏🤟🤙🤘

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