Part Twenty-Six

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Your limbs are tangled with Kurapika's when you wake up to your alarm the next morning. He excuses himself with a flushed face, and hurries to go change. You also change into your work clothes. Before you both leave the building, you share a quick breakfast of eggs and toast. The walk together to work is peaceful, and you feel nothing but happy by being in his presence. Once you get to work, you both separate to go to your offices.

You're stacking up some paperwork when a knock echoes throughout the room, "(Y/N)!! It's your good buddy, Leorio!! Can I come in?"

"Of course," Comes your answer, as you continue what you were doing.

The door creaks open, and Leorio enters the room. He saunters up to your desk, taking a sip out of his mug of coffee, "You already finished your work?"

You nod at this, questioning him, "Did you finish yours?"

He laughs nervously and looks away, mumbling some type of excuse, causing you to roll your eyes at him. "ANYWAY!" Leorio loudly changes the subject, "Has Kurapika said anything to you lately?"

"He's said a lot of things," You start, perking up an eyebrow at him, "Was he supposed to tell me something?"

"N-no!! Not that I know of!" Your glare and aura grow harsh, as he stumbles on his words, "I-I just remembered that I have to do something!!" He laughs nervously before hurrying out of the room, and slamming the door behind him. 

You just sigh and continue putting your paperwork away, 'What was that about..?'

"Come in." Comes Kurapika's blunt reply to his office door being knocked on.

Leorio bursts into the room, and closes the door behind him, "Did you not tell (Y/N) yet?"

Kurapika shakes his head at this, "I was planning on telling her tonight. Why are you acting so frantic?"

Leorio lets out a deep breath, and walks up to the desk, setting his mug down, "I almost told her about how you feel! I panicked after she started giving me evil looks."

Kurapika can only shake his head in disappointment, "You're too easy to intimidate, Leorio."

"Oi!!" Leorio jumps to defend himself, "You would have been intimidated, too!!"

Kurapika waves him off, "Just stay away from (Y/N) until tomorrow. Problem solved."

"O-okay!" Leorio walks towards the exit, stopping and turning around to add, "But you better tell her!!" He exits the room, leaving his dirty mug on Kurapika's desk. 

Kurapika sighs when he notices it, thinking aloud to himself, "Can you not ever clean up after yourself, Leorio?"

You're bored sitting in your office for most of the day, trying to find some extra work to do. Once Beans is sure that there's nothing left for you to do, he tells you that you can go home. You agree to this, and stop by Kurapika's office first.

"Kurapika, I'm leaving early." You announce to him while you stand in the doorway of his office, "I've finished all of my work and more, so Beans said I can leave."

"Very well, (Y/N)," He looks up from his work to speak to you, "I'll meet you back at the apartment. Just be cautious."

"Of course, Kurapika. I always am." He doesn't look too convinced by this but you say your goodbyes to each other, before you walk off.

It's a nice, warm day outside today, so you decide to take your time on your walk home. Your eyes fall on the clear blue sky, then on some kids who are playing kickball in the park. You laugh as they call you over to play with them, but you end up joining them. You play with them for a few hours until the sky starts to get dark. They thank you for playing with them and run off, so you begin walking to the apartment again. 

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