chapter 12

13 1 1

I know I said I would post first thing in the morning but I had to go get tested for covid-19 so I had to post second thing in the morning...

- So, here is the problem. what you accidentally did was something like... robbing a grave. I assume your way in was a sea shell am I right?

- yes...

- So, that shell was like your one way ticket to my plane, you basically got off your physical body, but not really since my plane is not exactly spiritual it's more of a middle ground between physical and spiritual, and came to a different version of what, from what I've gathered, you call 'the rock', witch, in my plane is one of the most sacred places, the grave of our great warrior Michelle  Windsor that woman is an idol for many, and, well, you basically absorbed some of her power to yourself, and now its up to me to fix that because that's my job. anyone like you who went there would have probably died, but you were lucky.

- But isn't she dead?

- well technically yes but she was so powerful that her power lives on. why do you think we had to put her grave in a cave on earth. its explosive. 

- And the cretors?

- oh yeah, that. They want your powers, because they're filthy little creatures who lost a war and can't get over it, you absorbed a big portion of the power, and since you body is not built to contain that kind of power they can take it from you much more easily.

- what would happen if they did?

- oh, i have no idea, but its something terrible for sure.

- why are you called moon warriors?

- well, we mostly live in the moon, and we control water, just like the moon so, I think that is where it came from, the warrior part is a bit more complicated, but as you can guess we're mostly fighters.

- Wow, so am I also a moon warrior now?

- Most definitely not! You are in no way one of ours. Look at you! You wreck of humanity, honestly it's starting to bother how normally human you all are.

Well that was nice...

So what's next, I get killed? Should I run away? What would I do? I mean, what about me? Do I want these powers? It's not like it hasn't been my long life dream to get kick ass powers, and that dream came through! How am I just going to throw it all away? And why do I even have to give them back?? It's not like this Michelle woman is using them much these days.

- so what do we do now? - I ask

- Right now? nothing. you go back in there, pretend like you never left and act as normal as possible, this is the first time something like this happens so i'm still trying to figure out how to take the powers out without killing you - Then with a sarcastic tone she continues - Now you, Andrew, you are another mystery, now i have more work to do, thanks.

- what if i don't want my powers taken? - i ask, with a sudden rush of courage sprinting through me. The truth is i never thought of the possibility of these powers being an option, i was so worried about understanding what was going on that i didn't really think that i could keep them. 

- first of all, they are not yours, and, well, you won't stay with them, you can either do it my way and not die, or you'll get caught by the cretors and be murdered by those disgusting creatures. you are not trained enough to save yourself.

- will you train me then?

- what? of course not! i want you to let me take those powers so that it's easier for both of us!

- what about them? - Andrew brakes in - how long are they staying like that? 

- oh, i think we should put them in bed. they'll be very dizzy and sick when they wake up.

I look at her with a shocked gaze witch she retorts with a subtle eye roll.

- what did you expect? they just got a chunk cut out of there memories, they'll be feeling terrible for the next couple of days, especially Madison.

I'm not sure how i feel about this, and weirdly enough i'm not having any trouble believing anything she is saying, it just... makes sense but not really.

Nia grabs a hold of Seans foot and starts sliding him out the door.

- Hey be careful ! - Andrew shouts.

- what? you want me to carry him like his some kind of princess? i don't have time for that kind of formalities.

- what about me?? I still have many more questions!

- well unless you want to leave your unconscious friends on the floor, ill have to answer those another day Emily.


Pacing back and forth on my room isn't like me, I can hear the faint voices coming from the TV in the living room where my parents have probably already fallen asleep in the middle of a show, and honestly it's infuriating me.

I get out of my room and dash to the living room where, like I thought, my parents are fast asleep. I take the controller and harshly turn off the TV. Finally silence.

I go back to my room and start to loose my cool again.

these past few days I've been so stressed that there isn't a single thing that is disorganized or out of place in my house, and honestly, as much as arranging things calms me, disorganizing them still hurts something in me.

What kind of mess did I get myself into? And do I really want to my powers to go away?

I take out my phone to text Andrew, I'm willing to put my anger towards him aside for a bit, since for some reason I feel like talking to him.

I've never texted Andrew before, but I do have his number, tho I can't even remember under witch name I saved him. It's no surprise that I find him under 'dickhead'.



Dickhead: hey.

What would you do if you were me?

Dickhead: I have no idea.

Thanks :/

Dickhead: Ok, I would totally shit myself.

A small smile makes it's way onto my face, and I let out small chuckle, in a weird way, I knew Andrew would comfort me.


I assure you I am already doing that.

Dickhead: wait. For real ??

WTF NO. Not literally. just psyching off in my room.

Dickhead: let me guess, out of things to tidy?


Dickhead: need help with getting more stuff to tidy? My room is a total mess, I could really use the help so my mum doesn't nag me anymore.

Would you pay me?

Dickhead: Your payment would be the honor of being near my royal objects.


Dickhead: look, I know you might be feeling confused and stressed out but... tomorrow is a new day :)

His right, tomorrow is a new day. 

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