chapter 23

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Nia p.o.v

- Emily and Andrew kissed today - I say, hoping that would push her away.

- why are you sad about that? do you have a crush on Andrew or something? - she asks, nothing but surprise in her eyes - or do you have a crush on Emily?

- what? oh my god no, but you do don't you? - I ask, frowning.

- oh god no, I mean, I can see why you would think that, I'm a pretty good actor aren't I? - she says, giving me a cute proud smile - I have a reputation to keep and, liking Andrew is sometimes part of it. I couldn't care less about who he is kissing, except if that person is Emily, I want to know all about it! How did they end up kissing each other?? I bet it was a accident, they must be so pissed at each other right now. - she says between little laughs that are almost contagious.

- I don't think it was an accident at all, they seemed pretty into it - I respond, lightning up a bit - I was also under the impression they hated each other, but I'm guessing they don't anymore.

- well that was unexpected! - she says, continuing to laugh. I almost want to join her, but I stop myself - wait, was this your way of hurting me and pushing me away? I bet you can do better then that.

I can't actually, this was literally the last trick i had,I never really had to push people away before so I guess I am not so trained in that field.

- You should really relax a bit! Aren't you on holidays? If your this tense during holidays I can't imagine you during school time. You can trust me! I swear I won't tell anyone about what's getting you down, not even for money. Ok maybe if its A LOT of money I might give in, but I doubt anyone would be paying so much money just to know why your sad - she says, noticing how tense I am.

Madison makes me want to trust her, and even tho I am quite aware that she is the most non trustworthy person that I've met on earth until now, she still makes me want to tell her everything, and it's not like anyone else asked. But it's also not like I can tell her everything since she is a mere human.

- I, it's complicated. - I try.

- I have time. You've already woken me up anyway - she says, with an encouraging smile, standing up and coming to sit next to me. 

- Today, I was... taking a walk far from here when I lost something, my earring -

- oh I hate when that happens! they're so hard to find since they're so small! - she interrupts, making me roll my eyes at her stupid fast conclusion.

- oh.. you weren't done yet, sorry - she says a bit embarrassed.

- so - I continue - As you just said, earrings are hard to find, because they could be anywhere and in the middle of everything its just absolutely impossible. But you see, these earrings are... very expensive. While I was looking for them I found something that I really didn't want to find... I found a... long lost friend.

- A thai hottie? - she interrupts again, wiggling her eyebrows up and down, this time I flash a small smile. how silly can someone be? - oh, sorry, here I go again interrupting, continue please.

- so this long lost friend is someone i really hate. i despise him more then anyone else, even cretors.

- who are the cretors? - she asks confused. can't blame her for interrupting this time.

- They're... a gang. yes, there is a... gang in Thailand, in my neighborhood, I really don't like them - I knew I would slip up! snitches get stitches! This is why I never talk to anyone! I'm not even sure I'm using the word gang right! she'll definitely notice something is off.

- oh ok, go on - or maybe not. Guess ill just go on then.

- so this guy I despise, well he didn't see me but he, I thought he was gone, forever and ever.

- Forever and ever as in... forever without coming back...? - she says, a bit lower this time, being careful not to hurt me, like I might brake at any second. witch is frankly quite insulting because Nia Caldwell doesn't brake. Never.

- yes.

- oh, well I don't know how to comfort you after that...

- Great, I don't need you to comfort me anyway - I say, hoping she'll finally leave me alone

- you saying that is all the more reason you do need comfort. Come here, ill give you a hug.

- No - I say straight away.

- Don't be so stubborn! come on, I know you can do it. - she says widely opening her arms.

- No and that's final! - I say looking away from her, but its too late to run because Madison is already giving me a tight hug that I can't pull away of. Not because I'm not strong enough, but because, well because its oddly comfortable.

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