chapter 27

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I can't believe this! What is he doing here? Seeing him once in France was bad enough, but I thought I was either imagining it, or we had just bumped into each by chance. What the hell is he doing HERE. why here of all places?

I remember he loved the cold. why not go on an expedition on mount Everest and just die there?

I knew some cretors would find their away to us sooner or later, but did this specific cretor really have to come along??

I was so caught up in Mad-, well, my upset stomach that I didn't even see Sean going out! And if he went after them that means I'm going to gave to see Gary again. and I was really hoping I could avoid that.

- Looking for something Nia ? - But like always, hope is never something you should rely on.

I turn around to look at Gary, who is, like always, completely dressed in black, with his usual eye patch and his british accent as thick as ever.

- I see you are as stubborn as always - he says, seeing that I wasn't going to answer.

- I see you are as disgusting as always - I reply.

- Nia, is that a yellow t shirt? - He says with a hint of venomous humor in his voice - wow how times have changed! who would've thought I would be seeing the heiress of the throne wearing anything other than dark blue.

- well I've come to be a big fan of yellow t-shits thank you. And no one would have to know. Also, always wearing all blue has become tiring. But you wouldn't know anything about tiredness would you? you never got tired of pestering me. 

- Ha. I have to say I really wasn't expecting to see you here, especially on a mission. Still... It's refreshing to see you. Except that we're on different sides now.

- yeah, I guess we are. - I say, trying to make time. If I can just conjure up enough water I might be able to neutralize him for some time and get out of him exactly what I need. I know he is trying to do the same thing, and by the smile on his face, I can tell he knows exactly what I'm looking for and where it is.

- But you know what surprised me even more? It's that I found Philip's brother over here too! But that was more of a helpful surprise. - He continues 

- Anything else that came  into your life that cheered you up? 

- oh yes! one of your close acquittances, Andrew I believe his name is, tho he says his called Tom. He has been the greatest help I've gotten, who'd know one of ours would be so close to our target. - one of them? Andrew is as human as a human can be...

- Isn't it a bit too risky to be telling me all this?

- oh no, not at all, because you see, there is nothing you can do to stop us - He says braking into a maniac laugh, that is abruptly stopped by Emily with a frying pan.

A fucking frying pan.

So freaking human of her, I think with a small smile. 

- Thanks - I say breathless - How, how did you get here? - I continue.

- well, when I saw you running out of the house I knew something was off so I followed you. But now a days I probably shouldn't be going out unarmed so I had to bring something! And a knife was out of question, because I would most likely accidentally cut myself before I even got out of the house so the only thing I could think of was a frying pan. You know the rest - she shugs

I look back down at Gary and I almost want to stick my tongue out at him and throw a middle finger at him, but I want to save that for his funeral.

- Did you kill him? - I ask.

- oh my god! oh no oh no. Do you think I killed him? - she says letting the pan fall onto the ground - I hope not, I don't want to go to prison oh god no please. On the other hand he isn't human so. wait am I going to hell?! I just killed someone! Does hell even exist?? I just wanted to pass him out I swear. - Emily rumbles, starting to fanatically walk from side to side, having a small conscience attack. Not caring about what she's blabbering about anymore, I lean down on my knees and grab Gary's wrist.

- Forget it, his got a pulse, you have nothing to worry about. I mean you do, people are literally trying to kill you, I think. Well now I'm not so sure, but you do have plenty to worry about.

- ok ok, lets just go back a little bit, who the hell is he? - she asks, finally stopping her walk around the world

- His... his hmm, long story short he is a cretor.

- what, no! He has the same powers you and I do, I saw it, or felt it, I felt that he was trying to get water, he was calling for it!

-  He doesn't really have the same power as you, I don't think you get how much more powerful what you have is, that's why they need it. And... It's a long story. 

- oh I have time - she says crossing her arms, looking down at me.

Yeah.. I'm not getting out of this, I think while getting up.

- so that's Gary - I start, stopping immediately when I hear faint laughs from the bush next to us.

I know that laugh. That's the contagious laugh of the one and only Madison.

I slowly take a couple of steps back and peak at behind the bush.

- ups, did I laugh too loudly?

- you certainly did - I sigh.

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