I'm Going To Miss You

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The rest of the flight had been rather ineventful.
Hawks had held Dabi close for a good five hours before the villain had woken back up, pacing the cabin restlessly.
All Might had held the finger breaking kid close while he slept, keeping a watchful eye on him.
Endeavor hadn't left his bed and honestly, Hawks was releived.
He wished Dabi would just tell him what had happened between the two to make things go so horribly, but he wasn't going to push his boyfriend into something he was ready to talk about.
Instead, he spent the rest of the flight trying to sleep, the beginnings of a migraine flowering in his skull.
Flying in airplanes always made him sick.
Something about being trapped in a small metal box that could fall from the sky and kill everyone in seconds didn't sit right with him.
It was beyond him how Dabi hadn't been phased even though he was constantly complaining about his easy motion sickness on any other trip.
No matter, they would be landing in Portland Oregon soon,  and then they could take some time to relax.
Hawks pulled up the email which held their main travel points, skimming over it lightly.
According to the email, they would spend a few days in Washington and along the coast of Oregon before taking another flight down to Louisiana to investigate a few odd sightings. From there, they would drive up to West Virginia and look into things there.
Damn. We're really taking a tour of the states, aren't we?
No matter.
It'd be fun!
Maybe they'd get to do some fun stuff along the way.
The only annoying part of this trip was that the Commission hadn't filled him in on what exactly they were doing. All he knew, was that they were investigating 'suspicious activity.'
But why would that take a former number one, a Current Number One and Two, a hero in training, and former villain?
Surely America's heroes could handle it?
So why was it the Japanese heroes called to play?


Dabi was growing restless. He had managed to handle most of the flight without a problem thanks to some medication, but that was starting to wear off and his stomach was doing flips.
He cupped a hand over his mouth and he continued to pace, the plane shaking around him slightly.
The retired hero looked up at him from where he sat, the green haired kid passed out against his shoulder.
"Are you feeling alright, young man?"
He felt a twinge if anger at that name. "Fuck off, old man."
All Might simply met his angry gaze with a soft smile, patting the empty seat beside him. "We're about to land. You should sit down."
He just rolled his eyes, stalking across the cabin and plopping down on the opposite side, watching the man across from him closely.
It was infuriating seeing how gentle he was returning the gaze.
Was he not scared?
Everyone was normally so scared of him and all his zombie like features.
He growled to himself as the plane started it's descent, gripping the seat.
Hawks came over a moment later, leaning against him, holding on until everything was over.
"I feel sick," the hero muttered into his shoulder.
Dabi frowned, stroking the spot between his wings in an effort to relax him.
The hero shuddered under his touch, letting out a long sigh.
Oh if only the kid wasn't waking up now...


All Might didn't know whether to smile at the former villain as he pet the hero or if he should be getting his son- uh Young Midoriya- off the plane faster.
Sure, the two men were in love but that didn't mean they needed to be getting handsy anywhere and everywhere.
He cleared his throat, helping the green haired boy to his feet.
After everyone had gathered their belongings, the got off.
The winged hero was up at the front of the group, holding onto Dabi as they walked behind Endeavor.
Toshinori knew it'd smart to take a rest break and get some food on their systems before starting their ride up to Washington.
The Portland airport was huge, its ceiling towering above their heads.
"Hey, guys," All Might said. "Let's grab some snacks and go to the bathroom before we head out. Wouldn't want anyone getting sick."
Endeavor stopped, he looked ready to protest but was cut off when Izuku looked up from beside him, his eyes reflecting the dozens of overhead lights.
"That's sounds great! I'm starving."
The Number One hero nodded. "Alright. Commission has provided us with debit cards to handle any expenses we meet here, so it's just a matter of what you guys want."
Dabi shot him a glare. "Keep in mind that our bodies aren't going to be adjusted to the food or water here. We're just gonna have to deal with getting sick over shit for a few days before we're used to it."
Toshinori nodded. "Well, we'll do just that. We've got a few off days. Come on."
He began leading them along the way, even though he had no clue where he was going.
There were some signs here and there that pointed directions of where certain things would be so he sided on a random one and started walking that way.
About five minutes into their quest to find food, Hawks couldn't keep walking and Dabi picked him up, wrapping the hero's legs around his waist.
The former villain seemed to be struggling with his weight, as well as the weight of both their duffle bags, but he made no complaints as they continued.
When they reached their destination, they found it was a small McDonald's.
Toshinori made sure Izuku was seated safely with Dabi and Hawks before asking everyone what they wanted.
The number two hero had mumbled about wanting death only to be cut off by his boyfriend, who said just to get him some chicken nuggets.
So, All Might and Endeavor made their way to the short line for food.
The air seemed thicker, more heavy now that it was just the two of them.
That's how it always was though.
Despite both having been heroes, they never really had gotten along. Maybe this trip would be a chance to change that.
He cast a sidelong glance at his tall, redhead companion.
"So, how's Shoto?"
Endeavor looked over at him, his turquoise eyes shadowing something he couldn't quite identify. "I- shouldn't you already know? You're his teacher."
"Fair point. I haven't had much time around the students in a while though."
There was a sigh from the hero.
"I suppose he's fine. Much like my older son as you've seen, he doesn't really like talking to me. I texted him before we left but he left me on read. Again."
Poor guy.
I texted Shoto too, so did Midoriya, and he responded right away.
"He's probably caught up with training."
Before the bigger man could respond, they had reached the front of the line, and it was their turn to order.
No matter, they had all the time in the world to get down to everyone's mental and emotional health.


Shigaraki smiled softly at his companions.
"I'm going to miss you all."
Toga let a tear trickle down her cheek. "You promise you won't die?"
"I promise, soft ass."
Truth be told, he wasn't sure if that was a promise he could keep.
His master had ordered him though, so he was going to do this.
Compress gave him a hug, which he tensed up at.
Physical contact had never been his thing, but when Spinner, Toga, and Kurogori joined, he hugged back gently, careful not to use his quirk.
Too bad Dabi isn't here to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss that burnt bastard...

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