Chapter Two

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"Black!" I scream, filled with rage, "What have you done!". I turn around and look for Remus. He is the most sensible of the lot, however, that isn't exactly hard. He looks at me, "Deep breaths Lily, deep breaths." he says in a calming voice. After taking a minute to collect myself I ask him "How can you be so calm?". "I've been friends with these idiots for almost five years," he shrugs, "I guess I'm used to strange and stupid things happening around me.". "Hey!" Potter says, in mock hurt. He then proceeds to pretend to wipe his eyes, "I thought we were closer than that Moons.". Remus then bursts out laughing. Ugh, I am surrounded by idiots, in a different time, with a broken time turner.

I want to hit something.

I let the urge pass. 'So', I think to myself, 'I saw the time turner spin 18 times. That means that we are either 18 years in the past or 18 years in the future.'. I look around. 'We are still in Hogwarts which is good. The best thing to do would probably be to go and see the current headmaster'. I suggest this to the boys and they all agree with me. If I'm being honest, Black looks relieved that I haven't hexed him yet. Oh, just wait. I will DEFINITELY be getting my revenge. Just not right now, there are more pressing manners at hand. We begin to walk towards where Dumbledore's office is in our time. Oh, I really hope that he is Headmaster, it will make things much easier. As we approach the gargoyle we realise that we don't know the password. I decide to assume that it's Dumbledore in the office. I know that his password is always some kind of muggle sweet. And so the guessing began...

"Sherbert Lemon" was Remus' guess. When that failed Potter had a go.

"Dip Dab" he says. I was actually surprised that he knew the names of any muggle sweets. However, it wasn't right.

Black guessed "Drumstick Lollies". It was incorrect but I was once again surprised.

I then guessed "Fruit Salads". Incorrect. "Twix?". Incorrect. "Anglo Bubbly?". This was my last guess. The gargoyle moves out of the way and the stairs appear. I was shocked and happy. "Come on, let's go up" I say. We slowly descend the stairs, each of us silently hoping that Dumbledore is Headmaster and praying that we don't get into too much trouble. I swear, if these idiots ruin my detention-free record, I will curse them into the next century.

As we reach the door, nobody seems too excited to open it. I decide that as a prefect, I should do it. I step up to the door and tentatively knock on it. Dumbledore's voice comes from inside it, "Come in". We all breathe a sigh of relief and open the door to enter. Dumbledore looks up. He seems a little bit shocked, but not as much as I was expecting. "Ah, so today is the day." he says. I give him a puzzled look. "I've been expecting you" he says, to my complete and utter surprise. He noticed all of our jaws drop, and then chuckles, "Yes, it's not everyday that five students go missing for a while". He looks at us. He then says, "I just need you to confirm who you are.".

I go first, "Lily Evans, sir. I'm a fifth year Gryffindor and a prefect.". "Very well Miss Evans" Dumbledore says. He looks at me oddly, as if he hasn't seen me in a while, but I brush it off.

Potter goes next, "James Potter, sir. Fifth year Gryffindor and Quidditch Captain.". He then gasps, as though realising something. "Oh, no," he says suddenly, "how much of the Quidditch season do I miss sir?". He looks frantic and worried when Dumbledore replies, "Only one match, against Hufflepuff. Jordan Bell took over as captain for that match. You were back in time to play Ravenclaw and Slytherin.". Potter looks relieved. You can tell that Quidditch means a lot to him. It was quite cute, the passion that he shows for the sport, his eyes lighting up whenever it is mentioned and his facial expressions contorting into an expression of bliss. Wait Lily, did you just think of Potter as cute? The James Potter?! What has the world come to? It isn't a cute expression on his face, it's one of pure arrogance....right? Anyways, moving on.

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