Chapter Twenty

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September passes quickly, as does October. Basically, each day is pretty similar; we go to classes, James and Snape glare at each other, I look at James far too much, me, Marly, Ali and Mar talk to Angelina, Alicia and Naomi and Ali and I each talk to our respective sons. Things are pretty good. I don't know how long we'll be here; I honestly do think that Dumbledore has already found a way to take us back to our own time but he's just prolonging our time here. Strange.

A Hippogriff attacked a boy that I found out to be Lucius Malfoy's son, and he made a big deal about it to try and get Hagrid fired. Also, Hagrid is a Professor now, which is so amazing! Apparently, the crime that he was expelled for wasn't his fault, and his name was cleared by Harry, Ron and Hermione! Also, Ron and Hermione are having a little falling out over a cat and rat. Weird, I know! There is a Hogsmeade trip planned for Halloween, but none of us past people are going except for the traitor Peter Pettigrew.

Anyways, it's now the twenty-eighth of October, and everyone is buzzing about Halloween. I'm pretty certain that they just do here what we do back in our time - a big Halloween Feast and a part in the Gryffindor common room for Gryffindors only. Fun! Anyways, I'm going as a devil, Ali is going as an Angel, Mar is going as a ghost (I'm not kidding - she loves doing a comedic costume every year!) and Marly and Sirius are doing a couples costume - Sandy and Danny from Grease. This is going to be great! I have no idea what James and Sirius are going as, and the boys still haven't spoken to Peter, who now walks around and eats alone. I really don't pity him!

The two days leading up to Halloween pass fairly quickly, and much to my surprise the Marauders haven't done any massive pranks since the one on our first morning here! Anyways, I wake up on Halloween morning excited for the day to come, and I put on my Devil's costume (we're allowed to wear our costumes to classes today!) and all the other girls put on their costumes. Angelina and Alicia are going as dead Quidditch players, and Naomi is going as a zombie bride. We all look pretty damn good, and get on with our day!

Classes are going easily enough today - everyone is a bit more boisterous and misbehaving than usual, but most of the teachers are going fairly easy on us - they're just doing fun or simple spells! It's only Professor McGonagall and Severus who are going hard on us today. I don't know why, but Sev seems to be in a really bad mood today! Hmmmm.....

Anyways, me and the girls head down to the Halloween Feast, and as we arrive James and I both hesitate as we see that Harry looks a bit upset. We exchange a look that simply says 'We have to talk to him!' and tell the others what we are doing before we go over to talk to him. He's not really listening or paying any attention to his friends' conversation, and we go to sit beside him. "Hey Harry! Is everything all right?" I ask gently, sitting down beside him. "I...ummm....yes! Everything's fine!" he says, and smiles, but I can tell that it's fake. "Except that it obviously isn't." James says, which much more softness than I ever thought that he'd be able to muster. 

"Yep, you're right. It's, you know? I know that it's Halloween, and everyone's celebrating, but....but this is the anniversary of my parents' death! And, to be honest, I don't think that I really want to celebrate something like that!" Harry says, letting out a sad, shaky augh at the end. So that explains it; why Severus is in a bad mood today, why Harry is upset. James and I exchange a look that says 'Wow!'.'s a lot to take in. I take a deep breath, and say, after realising that we haven't replied to him yet, "Well, your parents would be really, really proud of you Harry. We've heard about some of the things that you've done, and it really is incredible. They're probably watching over you with big smiles on their faces, watching you with pride and admiration for all that you've done.". At this he looks up, and I notice that he ahs some tears glistening in his eyes, which he quickly blinks away. James smiles at him, and me, and nods his head. I even see some silver glistening in his eyes, and I smile back at him.

"Thank you. I really needed that." Harry says, smiling back at the two of us, "Now, go on and enjoy the Feast! Don't let me put a damper on it!". "Harry, if you ever want to talk, we're here, ok?" James says, and I smile and nod my head. "Thanks!" Harry says, and we turn back to our meal. There was a Hogsmeade trip today, but nobody from the past went except Peter, and Harry didn't go either. I guess that he didn't have anyone to sign his permission form for him! That reminds me, I must find out who he is living with! My parents, James parents? 

There are a lot of things that I don't know about my son, but I'm going to find them out!


As I'm sitting thinking over my parents' deaths, the two kind fifth years that I met at the start of the year sit down beside me and we have a conversation about it. I don't know, but there is something about them that makes me want to trust them.


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