Chapter Three

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This. Is. Awesome. We literally travelled through time! I'm a bit bummed out about Quidditch, but, I mean, as long as I only miss the match against Hufflepuff, I'm ok. Hufflepuff are said to be a walkover this season anyways. Also, this has to be some kind of a marauders record. We made it two days into fifth year. TWO DAYS! I mean, as happy as I am being in the future and all, I am minorly PETRIFIED about what Minnie is going to do to us when we get back (Minnie is our, meaning the Marauders, pet name for Professor McGonagall). She loves us, she really does, but I think that in this particular case she may just be capable of murder. I blame Padfoot! It was all his fault! Me, Moony and Wormtail all just got sucked into this. Oh, and Evans. She's really pretty, and her eyes, they're so, so green! And her hair, it's like the flames of a burning fire. And her beautiful...

Sorry, got a little bit off track there. But I cannot believe that she is here too. I am stuck, in the future, with the Marauders and Lily Evans! What luck! She'll probably kill Padfoot though. Ah well. The ass deserves it.

We are just starting to walk to the Fat Lady. The Gryffindor Prefect, Angelina Johnson seems really nice. We all have to pretend to act curious and like we have no idea where we are going. She's also pointing out some of the paintings. There are a couple of new ones since our time, and a couple have moved, but other than that they seem to be pretty much the same. I decide to ask her about Quidditch.

"Hey, Angelina!", I half - shout, because Padfoot and Moony are in a little bit of a heated argument over who's fault it was that we are in this situation. "How's the quidditch here?" I continue. "Great" she replies, "I play Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and we have had a really good team for the last two years, basically ever since Harry Potter joined!". I'm in shock as she mentions his name. Could Harry Potter be my son? That would be so cool! Angelina continues, "Yep, he's one of the best seekers we've ever had! Oliver Wood is our captain and Keeper. He's great and everything but he's a little overenthusiastic. As in he is basically a Quidditch psychopath! The Weasley twins are our beaters. Fred and George are a perfect match for the bludgers as they are basically a pair of human bludgers themselves!". I snorted at this, as did Padfoot, who had finally stopped arguing with Moony in order to hear about Quidditch. "Yep, they're great, and really funny off the pitch as well. You'll want to watch out for them, because they are the resident pranksters of Gryffindor, and the entire school if I'm being frank. Myself, Alicia Spinnet, our fellow fifth year, and Katie Bell, a fourth year make up the team. Harry's in third year and Oliver's in seventh year and that's the team. We've actually been really unlucky though - we haven't won the Quidditch Cup yet! Two years ago, when he was in first year, Harry was forced to miss the last match against Ravenclaw and we got FLATTENED! And then, last year the Quidditch Cup was cancelled because the Chamber of Secrets was opened and a little first year almost died.". She then looked up at our shocked expressions and let out a nervous laugh. "Yep, things have been kind of crazy. Oh look, we're here.". We had reached the Fat Lady.

The password is 'recipient alumni' . The Fat Lady swung open. We walked inside. The Gryffindor common room looks exactly the same as it does in our time. It was only now that I realised that it was dark outside, and how tired I am. Angelina walks over to the entrance of the boys dormitories. "Walk up the steps until you find the room labelled fifth year boys. I reckon Dumbledore will have brought in your beds. Come along now Holly, we have to go up to the girl's dorms. And beware boys, don't even bother trying to get up to the girl's dorms - you can't. Ok, goodnight, we'll see you in the morning!". She gave us a wave and walked off with Lily.

Me and the boys slowly trudged up to the dorm, yawning occasionally. When we arrived, we were met with a sight that I definitely had not expected to see...

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