Chapter Twenty-One

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As we finish our dinner at the Halloween Feast, the girls from the past and Padfoot, Moony and I head back upstairs. Moony went as a werewolf (oh, the irony!) and I went as a vampire. We usually go all out for Halloween, but as we are in a different time period our options were more limited. Oh, and there's another thing that I found out today; today is Lily and I's death anniversary. Yippee!

We spoke to Harry about it, and he seemed upset, but Lily being the most beautiful, incredible, good-hearted woman on the planet made him feel better. She's just....unbelievable. Selfless. Gentle. Kind.

I'm really happy that we're friends this year, but I want it to be more. Yes, ye, I know that we get married in the future! But I just want to be with! We all begin to ascend the stairs towards the portrait of the Fat Lady when suddenly everyone in front of us stops moving. There are cries of 'What's the hold up!' and 'Who's forgotten the password?' from all around us, when a bossy boy with red hear starts pushing through the crowd shouting, "Excuse me, I'm Head Boy!". Everyone moves to let him through and due to my height I can see over other students' heads. I see him approach the Fat Lady portrait, except she isn't there. There is a massive slash over the portrait, and she's completely gone. The Head Boy turns around with a worried expression on his face and calls for Professor Dumbledore.

Professor Dumbledore comes from behind us and approaches the slashed portrait. He says something to the Head Boy who immediately begins ushering everyone back down the stairs. I grab the hand nearest to mine, which just so happens to be Lily's, and dash towards Professor Dumbledore. Lily and I get near enough to him that we can hear what he is saying, "This is the work of Sirius Black!". The Professors who are now all with him look worried, as does Dumbledore. I know that Dumbledore believes Sirius to be innocent, but I think that he is worried that Azkaban might have changed him - he may have grown resentful towards Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic in there, or dangerous. I know better, though.

"Lily! Go and join the others! There's something that I need to do!" I say, turning to run down to the Entrance Hall. I know that Sirius is innocent, and this proves that he s nearby. I'm going to find my brother.

As soon as I reach some tree coverage, I transform into a stag and begin roaming the forest, looking for a big, black, shaggy dog. I know Padfoot so well that I just know that this is how he would do things - dramatically. It does not surprise me that he seeked revenge on Lily and I's death anniversary, and I know that that wasn't accidental. I run through the forest, looking everywhere, until suddenly I see something move at the edge of the Forbidden forest, near the lake. A dog. Padfoot.

I start running towards this dog, who looks up as he hears me approach. Do you think that he knows that it's me? He shakes his head, and looks in the opposite direction. I run up to him and stop beside him. He looks up at me in surprise, and moves deeper into the forest to turn into his human form.

And there he is. My brother. Broken.

Older Sirius:

I....I....What?! There....there is Prongs. No way. No fucking way.

Sirius, stop imagining things! This isn't possible! He's dead! I'm probably just seeing things! I mean, I have been forced to replay my worst memories over and over again for the past twelve years, and Prongs is in many of them - helping me. It's just....crazy.

Suddenly, the stag that looks like Prongs transforms, and I see him. My brother. MY best friend. My Prongs. "Hey Padfoot!" he says, and I run.

I run and I hug him. Prongs.

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