Chapter Eight

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Sheesh! Professor Lupin's a great teacher and all but that was hard to take. No matter what time period I'm in, I'll never feel.....I'll never feel like a won't let everybody down. When I saw Evans' boggart I...I couldn't believe it. I never knew why she was such a stickler for the rules, or why she studies so much, but now I think that I understand it. She's scare. Scared of being kicked out of this world that she was only introduced to a couple of years ago. I guess I take growing up in the magical world for granted sometimes. I'll never feel like I don't belong here, because I've been here my entire life whereas someone like Evans, well, she feels different. Shit, I really need to show her that she belongs in this world. She's the smartest witch in our year, and she's incredible. Everyone else sees it but her. I'll show her...someday.

When Pads went, I knew what his boggart would be immediately. Sirius Orion Black III will NEVER be like any of his family. EVER. He's so much better than them but I know that it still hurts him. His biggest fear is becoming a Black, a true Black. An elitist pureblood. I know it will never happen, and he does too, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't scare him. I'll do everything in my power to make sure that Sirius Black, my best friend, my brother, can live a full, happy life as the biggest blood traitor the world has ever seen.

Moony's and Wormy's boggarts are the same as they've always been, and I'll help them as well as Padfoot. Moony is not a monster, and he will never be a monster. He just has a 'furry little problem' as I like to call it. I think that the people back in 1975 are pretty certain that Moony owns a very badly behaved rabbit (hehe). Wormy is afraid of death. I'll just have to show him that it happens to everyone eventually, but I'll help him live a long and happy life if that's what he wants.

After Defence Against the Dark Arts we all needed a bit of a pick - me - up so Pads and I took my invisibility cloak (Yes, I have it here - I'm so glad I carry it around with me at all times!) and the Marauders Map (Our masterpiece) and head down through the One - Eyed Witch passageway (thank Godric it hasn't been sealed up) to Honeydukes and across the road to the Three Broomsticks. We took 5 butterbeers (we assumed Evans would want one) and head back up to school. We tell Evans to meet us in our dorm once she finishes her lunch and she does.

Once she walks in I say, "Hey Evans. We were thinking that you would want a pick - me - up after DADA." and I chuck her a butterbeer. "Where'd you get this?" she asks curiously. "Marauders secret, I'm afraid" I say in reply, tapping my point finger on my lips 'shhhhh'. She still looks curious but downs the butterbeer anyway. "Professor Lupin's a great teacher." Pads said, looking at Moony. "Yep, the best teacher we've ever had!" I agreed. After sitting in quite a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes Evans looked down at her watch and yelped, "We have to be down in the dungeons for Potions in 5 minutes!". "Shit" said Pads, and we all grabbed our bags and started rushing down. We were almost there when Padfoot stopped dead in front of me. "Fuck sake!" I cried, as I crashed into him. "Snivellous," he said, slowly, "Snivellous takes this class.". "Shit." I agree. Evans just rolls her eyes at us. "Let's just go!" Moony says, exasperated. We start running again, deciding not to give Ol' Snivelly a reason to put us in detention. I wonder if he's found out what shampoo is yet?

We reach the door. "You open it. I'm...I'm too scar - red" I said, trembling, feigning fear. Evans rolls her eyes again. "Careful love, they might stay that way!" I say smoothly. She glares and sticks her tongue out at me and is about to retort when the door swings open. An oversized bat is standing there, glowering at us. Fuck, I think to myself. Apart from his skin being more aged and his eyes more dead, he looks the exact same. Oh, and he hasn't figured out what shampoo is yet. Shame.

"Ah, you must be our new students," he says softly, "I will have you know that tardiness is not accepted at Hogwarts and therefore I must take 10 points from Gryffindor." at this he paused, and I groaned, "Each!" he added. Why, that biased son of a... "Sorry, sir. It won't happen again!" Evan says cheerfully. Snivelly turns his eyes onto her. He looks a bit strange, it's almost like he recognizes her, but that expression quickly passes. "It better not. Now get in before you lose anymore points from Gryffindor." he says. Pads and I look at each other and enter the classroom. Eugh, this place is just how I remember it - except worse. There's a bunch of weird things in little glass jars surrounding the room, and any happiness that you had in you was quickly zapped as you enter. It's cold, murky and slimy - Snivelly's ideal habitat. Slimy bats thrive in these kind of conditions. I snort as I think of Snivelly acting as a bat in a bat cave. Everyone looks at me weirdly, and I catch Padfoot's eyes and we both burst out laughing. Evans and Moony both look disapproving, Peter looks confused (but, then again, he usually is) and the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan look like they're tempted to join in, but think better of it. Oh crap, we're dead. Batman's coming to get us! Take shelter! These thoughts just make me burst into more peals of laughter, Padfoot joining in once again. The rest of the class is looking at us like we're crazy, and Snivelly looks like he's prepared for murder. Early death, coming right up! "Why you insolent little brats! How dare you walk into my classroom and disrespect me! Another 20 points each from Gryffindor!" the bat cries. "Sorry sir" I say, emphasising the word 'sir'. I look at Pads and I can tell he's holding in laughter. You just know that the thoughts going through my head are also going through his. I look back up at Snape.

Oh, he does not look happy.

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