Chapter Four

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As we walked in, a confetti bomb went off on our heads. Moony, who was unlucky enough to go in first got a face full of confetti while it rained down on top of the rest of us. I quickly wiped the confetti off my glasses. Yes, I still have to wear glasses. Dumbledore managed to change my eyes but they were still as awful as ever. I looked around the room and saw a pair of red - headed twins looking thoroughly disappointed about something. They shared a puzzled look with each other and then looked at us quizzically.

"Who are you?", the twin on the right asked. The twin on the left looked extremely confused.

I spoke up, because Moony seemed unable to get confetti out of his eye and Pads was busy marvelling the confetti. I also know that Wormtail doesn't really like talking to strangers. "I'm Thomas Alexander, this is Ben Thompson, this is Derek Grey and this is Carter Campbell." I said, gesturing to the three of them in turn. "We're the new students. You must be the Weasley twins." I continued. I recognized them from Angelina's description of them and the typical Weasley red hair. Her description could not have been more accurate - the most certainly were like a pair of human bludgers.

They nodded. "I'm Fred Weasley, the most incredible and amazing person and prankster on the planet, and this here is mediocre George." said the twin on the right. The twin on the left pretended to burst into hysterical tears "Why Fred? I thought we were brothers!". I burst into laughter, as did the other Marauders. They reminded me of myself and Sirius - it was uncanny!

"Sorry about the confetti," the twin on the left, wait no, George said, "We wanted to get our friend and fellow roommate Lee Jordan instead.". At that moment a smallish boy with dreadlocks opened the door. He burst out laughing at the sight of us. "They got you!" he snorted, "They got you instead of me!" and burst into peals of laughter. We all joined in, realising what a sight for sore eyes we must look, covered in bright pink sparkly confetti. I attempted to get more out of my hair, failing miserably.

"I'm Lee Jordan." the boy with dreadlocks said. "You must be our new roommates. Angelina was telling me about it downstairs. It's nice to meet you. Beware, we do a lot of pranking so watch out!".

Pads then spoke up, "Oh, don't worry. We prank too. How about we join forces?". The twins and Lee Jordan exchanged a look and then shrugged. "Sounds good." said Fred.

Now it was my turn to speak, "So, we need to start planning now in order to pull this off.", the twins and Lee looked like they were in shock as to how quickly we were going to start pranking, but that shock quickly turned to excitement and joy, "I was thinking of a pleasant little surprise for the entire school tomorrow at breakfast.". And so I told them my little plan.

Hogwarts did not know what was about to hit it.


Angelina and I said goodbye to the boys and headed up to the girls dorm, I was so tired and kept yawning and so did she. I hadn't even realised it was so late. We must have spent ages in Dumbledore's office. We reached the door that said 'Fifth Year Girls'. Angelina let out a loud yawn as she pushed it open. As I walked into the door, Angelina and I were pelted with pillows.

When the pillow attack ended, I looked up and saw two other girls in the dorm. When they see me, their facial expressions turn from mischievous and smirking to shock and surprise. I smiled at the girls and then looked around the room. The dorm looked almost exactly the same as it does in the past, the only differences being the girls' personal items. But other than that, they were identical!

"Hey girls," Angelina says confidently, "This is Holly Williams and she's new to Gryffindor. Holly these weirdos are Alicia Spinnet and Naomi Brown.". She gestured to each of the girls who smiled and gave me a wave.

"Hey!" I said, "It's really nice to meet you!". I tried to sound enthusiastic, and I think I succeeded. It's not that I don't think these girls are nice, they seem lovely it's just that I was beginning to miss my friends back in 1975.

Marlene McKinnon, my best friend and sister. Ugh, I wish I could talk to her. I miss her rowdiness and sarcastic humour, and her getting me to help her with homework that she does last minute ("I'll do it earlier next time!"). Her and Sirius Black have a flirty thing going on. I just wish that they would either hurry up and date each other already or just get over it! The tension between them whenever they are together is staggering.

I miss Alice Prewett, my extremely shy and yet super talkative bestie. She's such a sweetheart a loves baking - she's like a young, fun version of my mum! She has the BIGGEST crush on Frank Longbottom. She declares that he would never go out with her but come on! If she opened her pretty blue eyes every once in a while she would see that he is literally head over heels for her!

And I couldn't forget Mary MacDonald even if I tried. I miss our sarcastic banter that leaves everyone else terrified and her bickering with Marlene that leaves Alice and I in peals of laughter. Mary and I are the single pringles of the group. I mean, I sort - of went on a date with Amos Diggory last year, and I also dated Benji Fenwick, but neither of these relationships lasted longer than a month. When Marlene is flirting with Sirius or hooking up with some random boy, and Alice is gazing at Frank while he gazes back, me and Mary laugh and joke about the pair of them - in a loving, friend way of course!

Yep, I miss them. But hey, it's only a couple of months - Dumbledore will be able to put us back soon. In the meantime, I may as well get to know these girls, because they seem really nice and genuinely funny.

A/N-I know that Lavender Brown doesn't officially have an older sister but the only girl other than Angelina who could be in 5th year at this time was Alicia Spinnet so I needed to make someone up. Enjoy the story!


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