Chapter Sixteen

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What the bloody hell! Lily and James.....dead! Betrayed by Peter! Sirius locked in Azkaban! Actually, Sirius escaped from Azkaban! Sheesh....I don't even know what my life will be like! As I'm thinking through all of this, Dumbledore starts speaking again after James' outburst. I mean, I can't blame James! If I were Peter, I would be running for the hills! "Miss Prewett, we shall move on to your future now." Dumbledore says, turning to look at me with saddened eyes. Oh shit! What has happened to me?

"Well, you married Frank Longbottom, and became a very accomplished auror." Dumbledore begins, and so far this is looking pretty damn good! I marry FRANK LONGBOTTOM! I've had a crush on! Eeeekkkk! "Together, you had a son named Neville Longbottom, who is currently in attendance here - a Gryffindor. However, when your son was about to be born, a prophecy was made concerning either Neville Longbottom or Harry Potter. Lord Voldemort chose to go after Harry, as he is a half-blood wizard instead of Neville, who is pure-blood. You worked hard right up until the night after James and Lily were killed by Voldemort, and Voldemort was defeated by Harry Potter. That day, while you were grieving the loss of your friends, many people were out celebrating the downfall of Voldemort. Many of his followers were rounded up however some remained free. On the night of November 1st 1981, Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband Rodolphus Lestrange, his brother Rabastan Lestrange and Barry Crouch Jr. broke into your house as they believed that you and your husband Frank had knowledge on the whereabouts of Lord Voldemort, their fallen master. I'm afraid that they tortured you for information - they tortured you both for many hours. They tortured you into insanity. You and your husband Frank are currently in the permanent ward at St. Mungo's hospital. Thankfully, your son Neville was at his grandmother's at the time, and therefore got off unscathed. He has been living with Augusta Longbottom, Frank Longbottom's mother, ever since that night. I'm very sorry." Dumbledore says, bowing his head at the end.

I'm in shock....I....I'm insane? Lily, Marly and Mar rush over and hug me, and the boys join in too. "Oh, Ali!" Marly says, giving me a tight squeeze. "I...I don't know what to say!" says Lily, with tears in her eyes. Mar just hugs me tight. Once we break apart, Dumbledore decides to continue, and tells us Marly's fate...

"Marlene McKinnon, you alongside your boyfriend Sirius Black fought bravely in the wizarding war, but you did pass away. One week after Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom were born - they were both born one day apart, Neville on the 30ty of July and Harry on the 31st of July - a group of deatheaters planned out a massive attack. On McKinnon Manor. You, along with your entire family, were murdered. I'm so very sorry. You fought bravely until the very end, and you alone took three deatheaters with you - and your family in total took down twenty." Dumbledore says, and I'm in shock. Marly's entire family! The McKinnons are like a second family to me! I...I can't quite believe this! Does anybody have a happy ending?

We all rush over to Marly and comfort her, and even though she isn't crying and is staying strong, I can tell that she's really hurting. And Sirius too! He looks devastated! He really does not have a good life - first Marly dying, then James, and then he's put in Azkaban and labelled a deatheater! I give him a squeeze as well - he really deserves it!

Dumbledore clears his throat after about ten minutes, and asks, "May I tell you about the remainder of your fates?". We all nod, and he continues, "Miss MacDonald, on the 19th of June 1980, you were cornered by deatheaters in the Battle of Malfoy Manor. You were captured and taken down to the Dungeons that were built underneath the Manor. We are not entirely sure what exactly happened, but we can only assume that you were tortured, and the brutally murdered and savaged by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback.". here he pauses, and Mary inhales deeply and nods, showing that Dumbledore should go on. "Mr Lupin, you were left quite devastated by the deaths of loss of sanity or imprisonment of all of your friends, and struggled for quite some time. For certain reasons, you struggled to get a job. This year, I offered you the placement of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor here at Hogwarts, and you accepted. From what I know, and have heard, you are a big success. All of the students love you, and declare you to be the best Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor that they've ever had. Congratulations! You have also been very kind to Neville Longbottom, and have helped him become more confident in himself and his own ability. He is being constantly compared with his parents, who were a fantastic witch and wizard, and I believe that that may affect his confidence a bit." Dumbledore says, and I smile when he says that Remus helped my son. Dumbledore continues, "You have also greatly helped Harry Potter. He has a bit of an issue with the Dementors - they knock him out of he gets too near them, and Professor Lupin has offered to give Harry Anti-Dementor lessons. And that's it! Any questions?". We all shake our heads, and Dumbledore finishes, "Now, I don't want anyone to know your real identities, ok? Just try and act naturally, and please respect ALL of your teachers!". Here, he looks at James, who smiles sheepishly. Well, I want to find out what that's about! "Ok, you may leave!" Dumbledore says, and we all rise and leave, murmuring our 'thank yous' and goodbyes'.

"Well, our lives sure are fucked up!" Marly says, and we all nod in agreement. Yes Marly, yes they are!

A/N - I know that Remus doesn't give Harry Anti-Dementor classes until later in the year, but I just wanted to add that in here!


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