Chapter Seventeen

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"Well, our lives sure are fucked up!" says Marly, and everyone nods in agreement.! Everything awful! Marly, James, Mar and I all dead, Sirius considered a traitor and dangerous criminal, Ali and Frank insane, Remus all alone and Peter a lost traitor. Like, what the actual hell?

We walk away from Dumbledore's office in total silence, thinking about all that we just heard. Once we're almost at the Fat Lady, James suddenly stops. "Everyone, I think that we should probably talk about this before we meet anyone else. Who agrees?" he asks, looking around at all of us. We nod, and he says, "Well, just before we arrived here, I discovered at secret room in the castle. I'd never found it before, and after I left it it disappeared. I looked it up and discovered that it is called the Room of Requirement, and most people think that it is just a myth. Basically, it's located on the seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. To "open it" you must walk past the area of the door three times, thinking of what you need. We could go there?". "That sounds great!" I say, quite enthusiastically. I've read about the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts: A History, but I didn't think that it was real! We begin walking up to the seventh floor, an when we get there James walks past the area of the door three times and then a door suddenly appears.

James turns around to look at us and then opens the door, and heads in while beckoning us to join him. I step forward, and the others follow suit. We enter the room and it basically looks like the Gryffindor common room, except that it's a little bit smaller and totally private. When we are all inside, James shuts the door and says, "I asked for it to be untraceable, so that no one shall intrude in on us!". Clever.

We all take a seat and look at each other for a minute. "So, are we going to do anything?" Sirius says, looking around at us. "We don't have to, but I know that there is something that I have to do." James says, to which Sirius asks, "What?". "I have to find you, old you. You'll not he ok, and you'll need me!" James says, completely serious. At this, Sirius looks shocked, but happy. That is really kind of James, and I think that he's right. Old Sirius will need him. Badly.

After discussing everything a little bit more, I finish with, "We have to act completely normally. Like we know nothing except that Old Sirius is 'dangerous', ok?". They all nod, and everyone but James gets up to leave. "I...ummm...Evans. I mean, Lily. Can I talk to you, please?" he says, and I nod my head, slightly shocked by his use of my real name. My first name. Everyone else leaves, and I sit down in the sofa beside James. Usually, in a situation like this he would probably be a complete prick, but the only reason that I agree to talk with him is because I know that this is different. I mean, that and the fact that he's my future husband. Oh my Merlin!

"So...ummm...are you ok? With everything Dumbledore said? It's just that...well, I know that you hate me, and I deserve it, but..." James says, and you can tell that he's very nervous by his tone. "No, no! I'm ok! must have really grown up for me to, you know, marry you!" I say, and he laughs. "Yep! I guess I must have!". "Should we get going?" I ask, and James nods. "Oh! We might get to meet our son!" James then says, and I gasp. Oh my Godric! - our son! And he's an orphan. Oh, I really want to meet him! "Oh, that would be great!" I reply, and we both smile, like genuinely smile.

Actually, James Potter's genuine smile is really quite nice, far nicer than his usual arrogant smirk. We walk together up to the Fat Lady, and enter the Gryffindor common room. I look around for anyone that could possibly be my son, and I look over to the far corner where I see three people studying; two boys and a girl. I notice that one of the boys is James' double, and I deeply inhale and nudge James. He looks at me and I slightly incline my head in the boys direction.

"Harry!" James whispers, and I nod my head. Harry.

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