Chapter Six

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Really? They didn't even last a full day without pranking? Seriously? Ugh, they are so annoying. Like, can they not just leave us alone for five seconds. It would be a relief. I was just sitting, enjoying my breakfast and getting to know the girls before the chaos began. I found out that Angelina and Alicia play together on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as Chasers and according to Naomi their really good. Naomi seems nice enough, but she is obsessed with George Weasley. Honestly, she's acting like the girls back in 1975 do when they see the bloody Marauders. To be honest, I don't even know how she can tell them apart. I think it's probably just one of the things that happen when you know someone for a long time. But the twins are identical. And when I say identical, I mean identical. They even dress the same. It's weird but quite cool at the same time. The Weasley twins actually seem really nice. Unlike the Marauders, they prank people without humiliating them. And their pranks are actually funny.

All of the boys strutted into breakfast this morning like they owned the place. They looked quite suspicious and it seemed like Black was counting down to something. As soon as I realised what was going on, I was about to jump up when I heard Black's egotistical voice shout "Let's go!". As we were being levitated Black and Potter jumped onto the bench just a couple seats down from me. The started laughing when the Hufflepuff table flipped upside down. I just rolled my eyes.

Thankfully, Dumbledore was able to put the tables back to normal and after he did all the boys were being shouted at by Professor McGonagall. Oh, they had better get detention for this. But of course they didn't. Remus Lupin, whom I considered a friend up to this point, said that they actually hadn't broken any rules and had taken advantage of loopholes in the school rules. Traitor. He betrayed the role of a prefect. And they actually got off. All of the people around me started chatting about the new boys and how they had managed to avoid trouble. They were even gazing at them in awe. Way to go, kids. Inflate their egos even more. Honestly, at this rate, bloody Potter won't be able to fly his broomstick anymore because he won't be able to fit his big fat head on it. Did I really think that he was kinda cute yesterday? Well, all of that is most certainly gone.

We began walking to Transfiguration. The girls were all buzzing about the prank. Of course Naomi was going on about how funny George was and how cute George was but I kinda tuned it out after a while. Alicia and Angelina were talking about Quidditch and I joined in.

"Do you play any Quidditch Holly?" Angelina asked. "No," I replied, "But I do love watching it though. I support the Holyhead Harpies.". "Really, me too" Alicia said excitedly, "But Angelina here seems to think that the Chudley Cannons are better. Puh - lease.". And with that she rolled my eyes. I laughed at Angelina's expression. As much as I was missing my friends, these girls were great, and I could already tell that we were going to get quite close during my time here.

When we arrived at Transfiguration, we were right on time. As if on schedule, the Marauders plus the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan strutted in just as I took my seat. I was sitting beside Angelina, and Alicia and Naomi were right in front of us. The Marauders sat at the back of the class, as per usual. To be honest, I was relieved because there was a double desk beside me and Angelina and I was worried that Potter would take that opportunity to bug me. Thankfully, Lee Jordan and a handsome Hufflepuff took that seat instead.

McGonagall began to take the register and introduced us to the class as new students. I noticed, once again, that while she sent an annoyed look to all the pranksters, she gave Black and look of pure loathing. And once again it only lasted a second, and it seemed like I was the only one who had seen it. Am I imagining it? It just seems really odd to me. I will most certainly be figuring this one out.

Transfiguration was good. Professor McGonagall began teaching us the theory behind Animal Transfiguration. It's really complex and quite interesting, and I'm taking lots of notes because I know that we will bel earning this for our OWLs when we go back home and while I may not remember the lessons I still want to have all of my notes. She then told us to start turning mice into water goblets.

Angelina and I got ours quite quickly. The incantation is 'Vera Verto' and you have to tap the animal three times. I found it quite easy, which was surprising as Transfiguration is probably my worst subject. I also found out that me and the Marauders have all of our classes together except for Ancient Runes, which I only have with Remus and Alicia. Yippee! (Note the sarcasm). They are so frustrating. Of course they turned their mice into water goblets ON THE FIRST TRY! WHAT!? I didn't get mine until my third try and Angelina didn't get hers until her fifth try. Peter, of course, needed some help from the others but even he go his on the fourth try.

They're geniuses. Arrogant, ignorant, annoying geniuses mind you, but still geniuses.

As we headed to our Ancient Runes class, I caught up with Remus and began reprimanding him. "You shouldn't be helping them Remus!" I said, and he just rolled his eyes and says "Lil, it's fine. No one got hurt and it was a bit of a laugh. Lighten up.". He said it in a light hearted tone, and I knew he meant well, so I decided to listen and agree. I nodded my head in reply. I should lighten up - hey! I'm not a prefect anymore which means that the Marauders aren't my responsibility.

Ancient Runes was exactly the same as it was in our time. Professor Vector still droned on about the same things so I wasn't really concerned about anything. Our next class was Defence Against the Dark Arts. As we left Ancient Runes, I asked Alicia what DADA was like. She said, "Professor Lupin is the best DADA teacher we have ever had. He's so good. He said we were recapping boggarts today so I'm not too sure how I feel about that, but his lessons are really interesting. We've only had two so far, but I can tell that he's a great teacher. Here, I'm going to pop to the bathroom before the lesson starts but you go on." and with that she left. I turned to Remus who was standing behind me and said, in a quiet voice, which wasn't that necessary because there wasn't really anyone near us, "Did you hear that? Everyone thinks your great! I can't wait for this lesson!". He smiled and said, "Oh, I hope it is great! My only worry is that it's boggarts. What if mine is the same as his?". "It'll be fine Remus, no one will notice." I said. We walked the rest of the way there in comfortable silence. There was never any awkwardness between Remus and I, we're good friends and we get along great. This is why I question why, on Earth, does he hang out with Black and Potter?

As we arrive at the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, we see Professor Lupin.

A/N - I will be referring to 1993 Remus as 'Professor Lupin' and 1975 Remus as 'Remus' or 'Moony'.

I was slightly shocked at first, and I think Remus was too. Professor Lupin looks old, really old. He doesn't look 33. He looks aged, emotionally and physically. His robes aren't of the best quality, which I was especially shocked about. Remus is really smart, I didn't think that he would have any trouble getting a job. I feel really bad for him. He seems really tired and worn out. We hear loud laughter from behind us and we know exactly what's happening.....

The Marauders are coming.

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