Chapter Twelve

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Hey, nice to meet you! I'm notorious mass murderer and traitor Sirius Black! Listen, listen! I know that you love me but no I will not sign my Azkaban pictures! Puh - lease! Celebrity is as celebrity does! So I do nothing!

On a Sirius note (haha geddit!) I actually cannot believe that people actually think that I would betray James! Like what?! He's my brother, my best friend, my other half. My prongsie - poo. And those poor muggles too! I love muggles! I would NEVER want to murder any of them! In case you haven't noticed (*hem hem* Peter!) I AM NOTHING like the rest of my family. They're all sadistic, elitist purebloods. Even Regulus, my baby brother. It's pathetic.

What makes me really sad is that Old Man Moony and Dumbledore believe it. What the heck! At least normal Moony and Prongs don't believe it - I don't know what I'd do! But Peter....grrrr! Activate dog mode! I would never tell him, but why he said actually cut deep. He's not Wormtail, he's Peter - my ex - friend, an ex - marauder. Filthy little rat! Anyways....

We start walking down to go get food. It was my idea - food always helps to take my mind of the pain I may or may not be feeling. I did not want to give Peter the satisfaction of making me feel upset - I know I'm innocent, the Marauders know I'm innocent, and that's all that matters. Moping around wasn't going to help anything, so I wiped my eyes and put a smile on my face (I also did my hair - it is really looking fabulous today!). As we dander into the Great Hall, many eyes go on to us. "They're the guys that called Snape batman!"...."They are the ones who did that trick with the tables this morning!" are just some of the whispers I heard. Apparently news about the Batman thing travels fast - the students here hate him almost as much as we do! Oh Snivelly, never change! Or should I say batman (hehe)!

We all take our seats and start eating. I don't know - should crying make you THIS hungry? I mean, I'm always hungry, but at this point I could eat a hippogriff (don't tell Hagrid that I said that though - he'd have my head!)! As we are sitting eating a kid from Gryffindor, Seamus Finnigan I think his name is, comes running in holding a paper. "He's been spotted! Sirius Black!" He shouted. Shit. "Yes he has indeed!" Prongs whispers to me, giggling like a little girl. Mature I know. I snort as well, and have to disguise it as a cough in order to not look like a complete weirdo laughing at the fact that a mass murderer has been spotted not far from here. Apparently, the muggles have even been notified about the danger of! It is quite confusing though!

The boys and I walk over to where Seamus Finnigan ran with the paper to have a look. The Weasley twins and Lee Jordan are also sitting over there with another red headed boy and...crikey! Prongs 2.0! Wow.....

I have a feeling OG Prongs noticed his lookalike, because he had a look of stunned surprise on his face. "Do you think he'll come to Hogwarts?" Seamus asks. "Definitely!" says Prongs 2.0. Oh no! Even Prongs' own soon believes it! (I had better be his godfather though or I will become a murderer!). The red headed kid sitting beside Prongs 2.0 says, "But what about the dementors?". There are dementors! At Hogwarts! Nooo! I hate those things! My mother once found one in our attic, weird I know! Brrr....I don't even want to think about it! "He's got past them once before! Who's to say he won't do it again?!" Seamus says. Everyone looks really worried. I take a look up at the Head table and immediately meet Dumbledore's eyes. I shake my head slightly and walk out off the Great Hall. Prongs and Moony follow me. We didn't actually see Peter at dinner, thank goodness!

Once we reach a quiet hallway, I take a deep breath. " still don't think I did it?" I ask them, my voice shaking slightly. "Of course not!" says Prongs confidently. "But even your kid believes it Prongs!" I say, worried. "Yes well, he's wrong. He's made a mistake if he believes that you would betray me. It happens to the best of us." he replies, smirking at the last part. Moony giggles, then Prongs joins in. Their laughter is infectious so it does not take long for us all to be laying in peals of laughter on the floor. Yes, I know that we are laughing at the fact that I am a convicted mass murderer but, come on, it really is quite ironic!

We walk back to the Great Hall and have a look at the newspaper that is being passed up and down the Gryffindor table. I take a look at the cover and almost have a heart attack.

 I take a look at the cover and almost have a heart attack

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There is no way that could be me. I look like a bloody vampire! What happened? Well, actually Azkaban happened, but look at my handsome face! All contorted and wrinkly....and I'm only 33! Flip, I look even worse than Old Man Moony, and that is not good! Moony looks quite smug, pleased that although we both look awful, he still looks better. Mean Moony.

I take a look up at the staff table and see Old Man Moony looking at his copy of the paper. He looks revolted, but still sad. Very sad. Very broken. I also spy with my little eye a very angry Batman looking at Old Man Moony. Hmmmm....has this got something to do with me? Probably.

I also look further up the Gryffindor table, and see Evans looking shocked. Not angry, but shocked. "Do you believe it?" I mouth at her. I really hope she doesn't. She shakes her head slightly. Relief floods through me. She writes a note and sends it to me - 'Hey, can you and the boys meet me up the Astronomy tower tonight at 11? I think we need to talk ~ LE'. I nod at her and she smiles. I smile back, gratefully. Very gratefully.

After seeing that AWFUL picture of myself I decide to leave the Great Hall with the boys once again. I sort of lost my appetite. I wonder why.

As we head back up to our dormitory, we hear a strange sound coming from further up the hallway. Coincidentally, this is the exact same hallway we landed in only yesterday. "Marlene McKinnon, get your fat ass of my face before I hurt you!"..."Mary MacDonald my great ass wouldn't be on your face if you didn't fall when we dropped it!"..."Both of you shut up!" are the three sounds I heard, from the three different voices. Very familiar voices. Me and the boys run up to where they are standing and check that it's them. Yep, it is.

Marlene McKinnon, Alice Prewett and Mary MacDonald have arrived.

A/N - If you want to know what all the characters normally would look like, check out my Face Claims on my story Wildest Dreams.


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