Chapter Nineteen

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As I lay in my bed, my friends from the past with me, as well as my friends from the future, I'm hppy. I know my life ends soon, so I want to make the most of it. I just met my son, and he seems really lovely, and has two great friends. The girls called Hermione Granger seems great, and we're actually really similar and get along fabulously. I feel awful - I feel bad that my son has to grow up an orphan. I....I can't even imagine what that would be like! And I know that Ali is thinking the same thing; she couldn't find Neville in the Gryffindor common room so she is going to speak to him tomorrow (or today - I'm not sure how late it is!). 

Thankfully, none of the girls from the future asked why I wasn't in class today, and they greeted Ali, Marly and Mar well too. I just need to take a deep breath and relax.

Everything is going to be fine.

Also, I was shocked and James' behaviour towards me, and the way that he wanted to make sure that I am all right. He is so sweet. Ugh, what's happened to me?


After a restless night of sleep, in which I ponder how my son is, how he feels, and what I'm supposed to say to him, I decide to wake up and get out of bed at about half-six in the morning. I read for a little while before going to shower, and when I get back all of the other girls are beginning to wake up. "Good morning!" I say to them cheerfully, and receive it back. They all get ready and because Lils and I are ready first, we decide to head down to breakfast early (you know, in the hope that I might be able to see and talk to my son! Also, Lily wants to see Harry again.). 

We walk down to the Great Hall in a comfortable silence of anticipation, and as we enter I can see quite a few people up already. I scan the Gryffindor table and can't see anyone that could possible be Neville, and there's no sign of Harry either, so I take a look up at the teacher's table. 




Severus Snape.....a Professor?! What?! I know that Lily's friends with him and everything, but I don't trust him and I never will. He hangs around with all the aspiring deatheaters, and I really don't understand what Lily sees in him! I see Snape glaring at somebody, so I follow the direction of his cold eyes and land on....Remus Lupin! But an old, grey, broken Remus Lupin. Oh my! I really want to just go and give him a hug - Remus and I are friends - and tell him that everything will be all right. 

Lily and I take our seats at the Gryffindor table just as a couple of thirteen year old boys walk in. And there he is..... That boy, on the left of Harry Potter, is Neville Longbottom. He looks quite like me, but is similar to Frank as well. He's smiling, and that just makes me so happy. Lily and I exchange a look as the five boys sit down, and we stand up and move over to talk to them. 

"Hey!" Lily says, taking her seat beside the boys. "Hey! Guys, this is Holly Williams, the new girl in fifth year, and this is....sorry! I don't know your name!"" Harry says, looking sheepish. "Hello! It's nice to meet you all! I'm Isabella Burns!" I say, smiling at them and giving them a slight wave before sitting down opposite Lily, which just so happens to be the seat beside Neville. "Hey! What's your name?" I ask him kindly, pretending that I have no idea who he is. "Hi!" he begins quite nervously (you can tell that he's quite shy like me!), "I'm Neville Longbottom, and this is Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter.". He gestures to each of his friends in turn, and we begin to chat about classes...

He likes Herbology (exactly like Frank!) and hates Potions (like me!). Too soon, the bell rings and we have to head off to class. "Hey Neville! We can talk more later, yes?" I say, hoping that he says yes. He nods his head enthusiastically, and walks off with the other third-year boys. Me and the girls and Marauders just work through classes, and now I know what Dumbledore meant when he looked at James and told him to respect ALL of his teachers - him and Snape have clearly already had some sort of argument. Honestly, I would expect nothing less.

Later that night, Neville and I talk again, and it's lovely to just talk with my son. My son.

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