first day of school (Mic's POV)

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Hi, my names hizashi yamada, and its the first day of school. but not just your ordinary high school... ITS UA HIGH, its were all the kids with quirks go to become like cool superhero's. and I can't wait to meet all my new classmates.

I rush out the door putting on my cool glasses. I can't wait to get there. I bump into someone by accident. "oh I'm sorry, uh are you ok?" I ask. "yea... I'm fine" they say. it was a boy short black hair red eyes. he continued walking, I realized I was gonna be late if I didn't hurry up so I told him I had to go and ran as fast as I could.

I made it to class a little early guess I must have got the time wrong. I sat down and all the other students came in. one with fire all around his neck. one girl with black hair she liked to call herself midnight, cool name if you ask me. another made of wood he looked pretty cool. and then a boy came in and sat next to me. so I greeted him, I was surprised to find out that it was the kid from earlier who I bumped into.  "oh hay sorry I bumped into you earlier I was just in a hurry and-" he cut me off with "its fine no need to apologize, anyway what's your name?" he asked sounding really tired. "OH my names Hizashi Yamada but you can call me present Mic. hehe that's my superhero name," I told him. he gave me a little smirk "my name is Aizawa shouta but you can just call me Aizawa." he said still sounding tired. "uh Aizawa if you don't mind me asking but did you get any sleep last night?" I asked. he looked at me "yea its just a side effect from my quirk. by the way, what's your quirk anyway?" he asked. "I'm glad you asked, my quirk is voice I guess you can say I can .... control my volume," I tell him. before he can say anything principal nezu comes into our class 

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