school bully (fazu POV)

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so me and my new friend tomura shigaraki's plan was to beat up Aizawa so he would know his place and that HE DOSNT BELONG HERE. Its early morning I head to shigaraki's house so we could walk to school together. we meet up and head to school. we wait outside the school for Aizawa. we wait for about an hour. then I see him and my senpai Yamada. they were talking I couldn't hear what they were saying tho. "damn he is with Yamada, we can't do this now or we will get expelled, it would ruin our reputation." shigaraki whispered to me.

 we had to make a new plan. "ha I got it, Aizawa usually hangs out alone during battle practice that's the only time Yamada isn't with him." I say, "but I am in class 1-B we have practice after you guys." he says. I think for a bit cuz he is right. "we camp out in the tree Aizawa usually sleeps under during practice. then when he sits down to sleep wabam that's when we beat him, he won't know what hit him." I said, "ok let's head there now while we still can." he says. we run to the tree while also getting my good friends Tashi and Majo. we all got into the tree and waited. 1 hour past and I heard the bell ring for students of Class 1-A to go outside, and then I saw him Shato Aizawa. as soon as he sits down we jump out of the tree. 

"huh, what are you guys doing here? is this part of the training or something?" he says. "I guess you can say it is. BUT YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO TRAIN WITH A REAL QUIRK." I tell him. Majo takes the water from the pond out front and smacks him with it, but the water falls witch must mean he thinks he can just take are quirks away I mean he knows all of our quirks, but he doesn't know how powerful Shigaraki is. but before we use our secret weapon we beat him up cuz he can't take away are strength cuz that's just natural. his nose started bleeding and his eyes were filled with tears, we all knew we had are powers back but his quirk is useless if we don't use them. he started crying and he tried to get away but Majo grabbed him with the water and flung him back into the tree.

 then with the snap of my fingers shigaraki takes off his glove and proceeds to grab Shato's arm, but then "Aizawa practice is over where are-" I heard from behind us. we turn around, and its Yamada my senpai. "AIZAWA!!!" he yelled when he saw that shigaraki's power was tearing Shato's skin. "GET AWAY FROM AIZAWA!!!" he yelled causing Shigaraki to cover his ears and fall over. "why are you friends with this basically quirkless nobody?" I ask. I hear Shato start to cry behind me, I look at Yamada his face filled with anger and rage. "you're no hero fazu... You're THE NOBODY IN THIS SITUATION!!!" he yells, making my ears ring. then he yells and the sound waves push everyone down. Yamada walks up to Shato and helps him up. I see them hug while Shato cries in Yamada's chest. Why couldn't I have his love? what's so special about Aizawa anyway. 

later that day after school me and my friends were hanging outside the front of the school. they left and I waited for Aizawa and Yamada so I could beat shato's ass again. cuz now I had a new threat and his name was Hizashi Yamada. I hear someone running out of the building and I come out to give them a punch but stop mid-air when shigaraki bumps into me and falls on top of me. his eyes filled with tears. "oh I'm so so so sorry I just it's just." he kept studdering with his words. "uh whats wrong something happen?" I ask, his head dropped down tears dripping down from his eyes. "the principal got a call, and apparently my grandma has passed away. and I have nowhere to stay, I don't know what to do." he said sounding very depressed. he looks up at me "why does everyone I love die... is it me am I the reason?" he says tears roll down his face. I am about to say something until I see Yamada and Shato come out of the building. I didn't know what to do. and without hesitation, I say "It's ok you can stay with me if you want my parents are mostly out of town on business trips so you can stay in the gusset room." Shigaraki looks at me tears still running down his face. "really. OK ill go pack my stuff ill meet you at your house ok." he says and I nod my head in agreement. He only stayed for about a year till he got his dorm. we haven't spoken to one another since the end of freshmen year.

 (and that's the end of my part of the past.) 


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