what you been up to? (Aizawa POV)

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Me and Mic walk out of the stadium and into the town. "so what you been up to since the incident?" I ask him. his smile turns into a straight face, "well it's not much, as you know by now I do radio shows and stuff like that." he says. "is something wrong with that?" I ask. he looks at me with a worried look on his face but he tries to hide it with a smile. "oh I'm fine its just I missed you a lot." he says. we continue walking, he looks over somewhere. "uh we should get outta here." he says sounding worried. "why?" I ask,

 then out of nowhere a guy comes up yelling at us "hay you big-haired guy what did I tell you about hanging around here. YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE."  Mic starts to walk faster. "YOU RUIN MY BAR YOU AINT GONNA RUIN MY TOWN. NOW SCRAM." the guy yells. Mic grabs my arm and we run. we finally make it out of that part of town and back to the school. 

"what was that all about Mic?" I ask him. he looks at me his smile gone. "I-I I'm not wanted in that part of town is all," he said, I knew he was hiding something and I couldn't let him keep hiding it. "come on Mic tell me what's wrong," I ask him he keeps telling me there's nothing to worry about. "Yamada plz tell me what's been going on," I ask him, his teeth clenched. "IM A BAD BOY," he says crying. I was confused. 

"what do you mean you've been a bad boy?" I ask. "ever since you left i couldn't stand it, and I thought it would be a good idea to drink my problems away and it worked and I got... addicted." he said while crying tears running down his face. I was shocked. "IVE BEEN A BAD BOY." he says while banging his head on the wall. "stop don't bang your head on the wall your gonna hurt yourself." he looks at me his eyes like waterfalls. I hug him while he cries into my chest getting my shirt wet but right now I didn't care. 

I saw the water bottle he was carrying around with him and drinking from I open it up and there isn't water in it at all its beer mixed with whiskey. I look back at him and I wanted to be angry but to be honest, it's my fault too, I never looked for him. we fell apart and he let himself go. I was the one who started it and I'm gonna be the one to fix it. so after he stopped crying I let him into my sleeping bag and we fell asleep cuddling. 


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