new teacher? (Deku POV)

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today was starting off as a normal day I got up and got dressed. I made it to school and principal nezu comes into are class with a lady following behind him, her head faced down so I couldn't make out what she looked like. "good morning class 1-A. Mr. Aizawa couldn't be here today so we thought that this would be a great opportunity for our new teacher Demo fazu. you can call her Mrs.fazu now yall be nice." he says as he leaves the room. Fazu lifted up her head, her eyes white as snow her hair a shiny silver kinda sparkly. "hello students like Mr. nezu said my names Demo Fazu. and this is my first time teaching a class full of students with quirks."  she said sounding nervous. Bakugo raised his hand, "Why are YOU teaching us I mean seems like you don't even have a quirk MIS FAZU." him and Kirishima laugh, I look back at Mis. Fazu her face had no expression. "well speaking of quirks, hows about we go out and you guys show me what Your quirks are." she said in a kinda back sassing voice. we all head out to the training court. the girls show off their quirks first I use my power luckily not breaking my arm this time, after Bakugo shows of his quirk he goes up to Mis. fazu, "so what do you think of our quirks YOU QUIRKLESS TEACHER." he says yelling in her face. but wile yelling she pushes her arm right through him. we were all shocked. "wh-what this feels so weird what are you doing?" he asks. she looks at him with a smile "I'm rearranging your organs." she says creepily.  Bakugo backs up real fast. "YOU WHAT?" he yells sounding scared. she smiles "haha I'm just kidding with you I can't do that my arm can only faze through you. now let's go to lunch." she says. I look closely at Bakugo he was kinda blushing and he was all sweaty. we were walking to the cafeteria and she fazed right through the wall. I wonder what else she could do, but right now that didn't matter or so I thought. I sat down with my lunch and bakugo came up to me and sat down. "uh Deku can I tell you something." he asked sounding nervous, "sure what is it?" I ask. he looks at me dead in the eyes and whispers "I think she just turned me on." he said his face bright red. I could see his pants were wet as well. what is up with this new teacher?  

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