the last time I saw you (Mic POV)

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"Aizawa it's been a while since we last seen each other hasn't it," I tell him. he looks at me with a little smile. "yea I guess it has been. we haven't talked since we graduated from UA and the ... incident." he said. I remember the incident like it was yesterday.

(Flash Back)

one of the kids at our school tuned on everyone and became a villain.  Tomura Shigaraki was his name his quirk was powerful and he hated it. everything he touched with his hand would turn to dust. Aizawa and I were at the after-party for the graduation, but suddenly disaster struck and Shigaraki came in with a gang of other evil bad guys I couldn't believe it he had hands grabbing on him left and right he didn't look the same. his superhero outfit was supposed to have gloves so he couldn't destroy anything but he wasn't wearing them. "EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!" he yelled. I looked over at Aizawa he looked back at me with fear in his eyes. "what do we do?" I whispered to him. then I remembered Aizawa could take their quirks away. so I did the most stupidest thing I've ever done in my life that I regret to this day. I stood up and yelled at the top of my lungs (witch for me is able to break glass for 3 hundred yards) I yelled "YEA!!!" witch is my catchphrase for when I use my power. everyone was out of radius/ earshot for it to be too loud but it broke the glass and I saw Shigaraki cover his ears and I saw this as a chance to tell Aizawa to take his quirk away. "Aizawa take away his quirk," I told him. he looked at me and nodded, he stood on the counter and took away his quirk. "ha we did it. I can't believe we did... Mic?"  he said. he stopped when he saw that Shigaraki was right beside me, hand about to cover my face. I have never been this scared in my life before. then I saw Aizawa kick Shigaraki's hand. and he told me to run as far as I could, so I did. and after that... I never saw him again. (flash back ends) 

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